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CI/CD-specific exceptions.

CICDException (Exception)

Top-level package exception class.

Source code in ci_cd/
class CICDException(Exception):
    """Top-level package exception class."""

InputError (ValueError, CICDException)

There is an error with the input given to a task.

Source code in ci_cd/
class InputError(ValueError, CICDException):
    """There is an error with the input given to a task."""

InputParserError (InputError)

The input could not be parsed, it may be wrongly formatted.

Source code in ci_cd/
class InputParserError(InputError):
    """The input could not be parsed, it may be wrongly formatted."""

UnableToResolve (CICDException)

Unable to resolve a task or sub-task.

Source code in ci_cd/
class UnableToResolve(CICDException):
    """Unable to resolve a task or sub-task."""