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GitHub Actions callable/reusable Workflows

This section contains all the available callable/reusable workflows:

General information

Single vs multi-line input

For inputs specifying single or multi-line input values, the following rules apply:

  1. If only "multi-line" is mentioned, it means that the input value can be a single line, but it must not be a multi-valued single line (see examples below).
  2. If only "single" is mentioned, it means that the input value must be a single line (the workflow might fail if it is not).


    There is currently no input parameter that is explicitly single line only. Instead, one should consider the input parameter to be single line only if it is not explicitly mentioned as multi-line.

  3. If both "single" and "multi-line" is mentioned, it means that multiple values can be specified, but they must be separated either over several, separate lines or within a single line by a space.

Here are some examples:

Multi-line input

Accepted input styles:

# Two separate version update changes:
version_update_changes: |
  "file/path,pattern,replacement string"
  "another/file/path,pattern,replacement string"

# A single version update change
version_update_changes: |
  "file/path,pattern,replacement string"

# A single version update change, different formatting for input
version_update_changes: "file/path,pattern,replacement string"

Disallowed input styles:

# Two separate version update changes:
version_update_changes: "file/path,pattern,replacement string another/file/path,pattern,replacement string"

Single line input

Accepted input styles:

# A single git username:
git_username: "Casper Welzel Andersen"

# A single git username, different formatting for input
git_username: |
  "Casper Welzel Andersen"

Disallowed input styles:

# Two separate git usernames:
git_username: |
  "Casper Welzel Andersen"
  "Francesca L. Bleken"

# Two separate git usernames, different formatting for input
git_username: "Casper Welzel Andersen Francesca L. Bleken"


It is important to note that the disallowed examples will work without fault in this case (might not always be true for other parameters). But the git username will be a single string, combining the names in succession, instead of being two separate values.

Single or multi-line input

Accepted input styles:

# A single system dependency:
system_dependencies: "graphviz"

# A single system dependency, different formatting for input
system_dependencies: |

# Two separate system dependencies:
system_dependencies: |

# Two separate system dependencies, different formatting for input
system_dependencies: "graphviz Sphinx"

Disallowed input styles:

# Use of custom separator:
system_dependencies: "graphviz,Sphinx"