# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from splipy.utils import ensure_listlike
import splipy.state as state
from bisect import bisect_right, bisect_left
import numpy as np
import copy
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
__all__ = ['BSplineBasis']
[docs]class BSplineBasis:
Represents a one-dimensional B-Spline basis.
BSplineBasis objects support basic arithmetic operators, which are
interpreted as acting on the parametric domain.
knots = [0, 0, 1, 1]
order = 2
periodic = -1
[docs] def __init__(self, order=2, knots=None, periodic=-1):
""" Construct a B-Spline basis with a given order and knot vector.
:param int order: Spline order, i.e. one greater than the polynomial degree.
:param [float] knots: Knot vector of non-decreasing components.
Defaults to open knot vector on domain [0,1].
:param int periodic: Number of continuous derivatives at start and end.
--1 is not periodic, 0 is continuous, etc.
:raises ValueError: for inapproriate knot vectors
periodic = max(periodic, -1)
if knots is None:
knots = [0] * order + [1] * order
for i in range(periodic+1):
knots[ i] = -1
knots[-i-1] = 2
self.knots = np.array(knots)
self.knots = self.knots.astype(float)
self.order = order
self.periodic = periodic
# error test input
p = order
k = periodic
n = len(knots)
if p < 1:
raise ValueError('invalid spline order')
if n < 2*p:
raise ValueError('knot vector has too few elements')
if periodic >= 0:
for i in range(p + k - 1):
if abs((knots[i + 1] - knots[i]) - (knots[-p - k + i ] - knots[-p - k - 1 + i])) > state.knot_tolerance:
raise ValueError('periodic knot vector is mis-matching at the start/end')
for i in range(len(knots) - 1):
if knots[i + 1] - knots[i] < -state.knot_tolerance:
raise ValueError('knot vector needs to be non-decreasing')
[docs] def num_functions(self):
""" Returns the number of basis functions in the basis.
.. warning:: This is different from :func:`splipy.BSplineBasis.__len__`."""
return len(self.knots) - self.order - (self.periodic + 1)
[docs] def start(self):
"""Start point of parametric domain. For open knot vectors, this is the
first knot.
:return: Knot number *p*, where *p* is the spline order
:rtype: float
return self.knots[self.order - 1]
[docs] def end(self):
"""End point of parametric domain. For open knot vectors, this is the
last knot.
:return: Knot number *n*--*p*, where *p* is the spline order and *n* is
the number of knots
:rtype: Float
return self.knots[-self.order]
[docs] def greville(self, index=None):
""" Fetch greville points, also known as knot averages:
.. math:: \sum_{j=i+1}^{i+p-1} \\frac{t_j}{p-1}
:return: One, or all of the Greville points
:rtype: [float] (if *index* is ``None``) or float
result = []
p = self.order
n = self.num_functions()
if index is None:
for i in range(n):
result.append(float(np.sum(self.knots[i + 1:i + p])) / (p - 1))
result = float(np.sum(self.knots[index + 1:index + p])) / (p - 1)
return result
[docs] def evaluate(self, t, d=0, from_right=True, sparse=False):
""" Evaluate all basis functions in a given set of points.
:param t: The parametric coordinate(s) in which to evaluate
:type t: float or [float]
:param int d: Number of derivatives to compute
:param bool from_right: True if evaluation should be done in the limit
from above
:param bool sparse: True if computed matrix should be returned as sparse
:return: A matrix *N[i,j]* of all basis functions *j* evaluated in all
points *i*
:rtype: numpy.array
# for single-value input, wrap it into a list so it don't crash on the loop below
t = ensure_listlike(t)
p = self.order # knot vector order
n_all = len(self.knots) - p # number of basis functions (without periodicity)
n = len(self.knots) - p - (self.periodic+1) # number of basis functions (with periodicity)
m = len(t)
data = np.zeros(m*p)
indices = np.zeros(m*p, dtype='int32')
indptr = np.array(range(0,m*p+1,p), dtype='int32')
if p <= d: # requesting more derivatives than polymoial degree: return all zeros
return np.matrix(np.zeros((m,n)))
if self.periodic >= 0:
t = copy.deepcopy(t)
# Wrap periodic evaluation into domain
for i in range(len(t)):
if t[i] < self.start() or t[i] > self.end():
t[i] = (t[i] - self.start()) % (self.end() - self.start()) + self.start()
if abs(t[i] - self.start()) < state.knot_tolerance and not from_right:
t[i] = self.end()
for i in range(len(t)):
right = from_right
evalT = t[i]
# Special-case the endpoint, so the user doesn't need to
if abs(t[i] - self.end()) < state.knot_tolerance:
right = False
# Skip non-periodic evaluation points outside the domain
if t[i] < self.start() or t[i] > self.end() or (abs(t[i]-self.start()) < state.knot_tolerance and not right):
# mu = index of last non-zero basis function
if right:
mu = bisect_right(self.knots, evalT)
mu = bisect_left(self.knots, evalT)
mu = min(mu, n_all)
M = np.zeros(p) # temp storage to keep all the function evaluations
M[-1] = 1 # the last entry is a dummy-zero which is never used
for q in range(1, p-d):
for j in range(p - q - 1, p):
k = mu - p + j # 'i'-index in global knot vector (ref Hughes book pg.21)
if j != p-q-1:
M[j] = M[j] * float(evalT - self.knots[k]) / (self.knots[k + q] - self.knots[k])
if j != p-1:
M[j] = M[j] + M[j + 1] * float(self.knots[k + q + 1] - evalT) / (self.knots[k + q + 1] - self.knots[k + 1])
for q in range(p-d, p):
for j in range(p - q - 1, p):
k = mu - p + j # 'i'-index in global knot vector (ref Hughes book pg.21)
if j != p-q-1:
M[j] = M[j] * float(q) / (self.knots[k + q] - self.knots[k])
if j != p-1:
M[j] = M[j] - M[j + 1] * float(q) / (self.knots[k + q + 1] - self.knots[k + 1])
data[i*p:(i+1)*p] = M
indices[i*p:(i+1)*p] = np.arange(mu-p, mu) % n
N = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), (m,n))
if not sparse:
N = N.todense()
return N
[docs] def integrate(self, t0, t1):
""" Integrate all basis functions over a given domain
:param float t0: The parametric starting point
:param float t1: The parametric end point
:return: The integration of all functions over the input domain
:rtype: list
if self.periodic > -1 and (t0<self.start() or t1>self.end()):
raise NotImplemented('Periodic functions integrated across sem')
t0 = max(t0, self.start())
t1 = min(t1, self.end() )
p = self.order
knot = [self.knots[0]] + list(self.knots) + [self.knots[-1]]
integration_basis = BSplineBasis(p + 1, knot)
N0 = np.array(integration_basis.evaluate(t0)).flatten()
N1 = np.array(integration_basis.evaluate(t1)).flatten()
N = [(knot[i+p]-knot[i])*1.0/p * np.sum(N1[i:]-N0[i:]) for i in range(N0.size)]
N = N[1:]
# collapse periodic functions onto themselves
if self.periodic > -1:
for j in range(self.periodic + 1):
N[j] += N[-self.periodic - 1 + j]
N = N[:-self.periodic-1]
return N
[docs] def normalize(self):
"""Set the parametric domain to be (0,1)."""
self -= self.start() # set start-point to 0
self /= self.end() # set end-point to 1
[docs] def reparam(self, start=0, end=1):
""" Set the parametric domain to be (start, end)
:raises ValueError: If *end* ≤ *start*"""
if end <= start:
raise ValueError('end must be larger than start')
self *= (end - start)
self += start
[docs] def reverse(self):
"""Reverse parametric domain, keeping start/end values unchanged."""
a = float(self.start())
b = float(self.end())
self.knots = (self.knots[::-1] - a) / (b - a) * (a - b) + b
[docs] def continuity(self, knot):
"""Get the continuity of the basis functions at a given point.
:return: *p*--*m*--1 at a knot with multiplicity *m*, or ``inf``
between knots.
:rtype: int or float
if self.periodic >= 0:
if knot < self.start() or knot > self.end():
knot = (knot - self.start()) % (self.end() - self.start()) + self.start()
elif knot < self.start() or self.end() < knot:
raise ValueError('out of range')
p = self.order
mu = bisect_left(self.knots, knot)
# Pick the knot to the left if it exists and is closer
if mu > 0 and abs(self.knots[mu-1] - knot) < abs(self.knots[mu] - knot):
mu -= 1
if abs(self.knots[mu] - knot) > state.knot_tolerance:
return np.inf
continuity = p - 1
while mu < len(self.knots) and abs(self.knots[mu] - knot) < state.knot_tolerance:
continuity -= 1
mu += 1
return continuity
[docs] def make_periodic(self, continuity):
"""Create a periodic basis with a given continuity."""
deg = self.order - 1
new_knots = self.knots[deg:-deg]
diff = self.end() - self.start()
n_reps = deg - continuity - 1
n_copy = deg - n_reps
head = new_knots[-n_copy-1:-1] - diff
tail = new_knots[1:n_copy+1] + diff
new_knots = np.hstack((head, [self.start()] * n_reps, new_knots, [self.end()] * n_reps, tail))
return BSplineBasis(self.order, new_knots, continuity)
[docs] def knot_spans(self, include_ghost_knots=False):
"""Return the set of unique knots in the knot vector.
:param bool include_ghost_knots: if knots outside start/end are to be
included. These knots are used by periodic basis.
:return: List of unique knots
:rtype: [float]"""
p = self.order
if include_ghost_knots:
result = [self.knots[0]]
for k in self.knots:
if abs(k - result[-1]) > state.knot_tolerance:
result = [self.knots[p-1]]
for k in self.knots[p-1:-p+1]:
if abs(k - result[-1]) > state.knot_tolerance:
return result
[docs] def raise_order(self, amount):
"""Create a knot vector with higher order.
The continuity at the knots are kept unchanged by increasing their
:return: New knot vector
:rtype: [float]
:raises TypeError: If `amount` is not an int
:raises ValueError: If `amount` is negative
if type(amount) is not int:
raise TypeError('amount needs to be a non-negative integer')
if amount < 0:
raise ValueError('amount needs to be a non-negative integer')
if amount == 0:
return self.clone()
knot_spans = list(self.knot_spans(True)) # list of unique knots
# For every degree we raise, we need to increase the multiplicity by one
knots = list(self.knots) + knot_spans * amount
# make it a proper knot vector by ensuring that it is non-decreasing
if self.periodic > -1:
# remove excessive ghost knots which appear at both ends of the knot vector
n0 = bisect_left(knot_spans, self.start())
n1 = len(knot_spans) - bisect_left(knot_spans, self.end()) - 1
knots = knots[n0*amount : -n1*amount]
return BSplineBasis(self.order + amount, knots, self.periodic)
[docs] def lower_order(self, amount):
"""Create a knot vector with lower order.
The continuity at the knots are kept unchanged by decreasing their
:return: New knot vector
:rtype: [float]
:raises TypeError: If `amount` is not an int
:raises ValueError: If `amount` is negative
if type(amount) is not int:
raise TypeError('amount needs to be a non-negative integer')
if amount < 0:
raise ValueError('amount needs to be a non-negative integer')
if self.order - amount < 2:
raise ValueError('cannot lower order to less than linears')
p = self.order - amount
knots = [ [k] * max(p-1-self.continuity(k), 1) for k in self.knot_spans(True)]
knots = [ k for sublist in knots for k in sublist]
if self.periodic > -1:
# remove excessive ghost knots which appear at both ends of the knot vector
n0 = bisect_left(knot_spans, self.start())
n1 = len(knot_spans) - bisect_left(knot_spans, self.end()) - 1
knots = knots[n0*amount : -n1*amount]
return BSplineBasis(p, knots, self.periodic)
[docs] def insert_knot(self, new_knot):
"""Inserts a knot in the knot vector.
The return value is a sparse matrix *C* (actually, a dense matrix with
lots of zeros), such that *N_new* = *N_old* x *C*, where *N* are row
vectors of basis functions.
:param float new_knot: The parametric coordinate of the point to insert
:return: Transformation matrix *C*
:rtype: numpy.array
:raises ValueError: If the new knot is outside the domain
if self.periodic >= 0:
if new_knot < self.start() or new_knot > self.end():
new_knot = (new_knot - self.start()) % (self.end() - self.start()) + self.start()
elif new_knot < self.start() or self.end() < new_knot:
raise ValueError('new_knot out of range')
# mu is the index of last non-zero (old) basis function
mu = bisect_right(self.knots, new_knot)
n = self.num_functions()
p = self.order
C = np.zeros((n + 1, n))
# the modulus operator i%n in the C-matrix is needed for periodic basis functions
for i in range(mu - p):
C[i % (n + 1), i % n] = 1
for i in range(mu - p, mu):
if self.knots[i + p - 1] <= new_knot and new_knot <= self.knots[i + p]:
C[i % (n + 1), i % n] = 1
C[i % (n + 1), i % n] = (new_knot - self.knots[i]) / (
self.knots[i + p - 1] - self.knots[i])
if self.knots[i] <= new_knot and new_knot <= self.knots[i + 1]:
C[(i + 1) % (n + 1), i % n] = 1
C[(i + 1) % (n + 1), i % n] = (self.knots[i + p] - new_knot) / (
self.knots[i + p] - self.knots[i + 1])
for i in range(mu, n + 1):
C[i % (n + 1), (i - 1) % n] = 1
self.knots = np.insert(self.knots, mu, new_knot)
# make sure that it is correct periodic after knot insertion
if self.periodic > -1:
m = len(self.knots)
r = self.periodic
if mu <= p+r: # need to fix ghost knots on right side
k0 = self.knots[0]
k1 = self.knots[-p-r-1]
for i in range(p+r+1):
self.knots[m-p-r-1+i] = k1 + (self.knots[i]-k0)
elif mu >= m-p-r-1: # need to fix ghost knots on left side
k0 = self.knots[p+r]
k1 = self.knots[-1]
for i in range(p+r+1):
self.knots[i] = k0 - (k1-self.knots[m-p-r-1+i])
return C
[docs] def roll(self, new_start):
"""rotate a periodic knot vector by setting a new starting index.
:param int new_start: The index of to the new first knot
if self.periodic < 0:
raise RuntimeError("roll only applicable for periodic knot vectors")
p = self.order
k = self.periodic
n = len(self.knots)
t1 = self.knots[0] - self.knots[-p - k - 1]
left = slice(new_start, n-p-k-1, None)
len_left = left.stop - left.start
right = slice(0, n-len_left, None)
(self.knots[:len_left], self.knots[len_left:]) = (self.knots[left], self.knots[right] - t1)
[docs] def matches(self, bspline, reverse=False):
""" Checks if this basis equals another basis, when disregarding
scaling and translation of the knots vector. I.e. will this basis and
*bspline* yield the same spline object if paired with identical
controlpoints """
if self.order != bspline.order or self.periodic != bspline.periodic:
return False
dt = self.knots[-1] - self.knots[0]
dt2 = bspline.knots[-1] - bspline.knots[0]
if reverse:
return np.allclose( (self.knots[-1]-self.knots[::-1]) / dt,
(bspline.knots-bspline.knots[0]) / dt2,
return np.allclose( (self.knots-self.knots[0]) / dt,
(bspline.knots-bspline.knots[0]) / dt2,
[docs] def snap(self, t):
""" Snap evaluation points to knots if they are sufficiently close
as given in by state.state.knot_tolerance. This will modify the input vector t
:param t: evaluation points
:type t: [float]
:return: none
n = len(self.knots)
for j in range(len(t)):
i = bisect_left(self.knots, t[j])
if i < n and abs(self.knots[i]-t[j]) < state.knot_tolerance:
t[j] = self.knots[i]
elif i > 0 and abs(self.knots[i-1]-t[j]) < state.knot_tolerance:
t[j] = self.knots[i-1]
[docs] def clone(self):
"""Clone the object."""
return copy.deepcopy(self)
__call__ = evaluate
[docs] def __len__(self):
"""Returns the number of knots in this basis."""
return len(self.knots)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i):
"""Returns the knot at a given index."""
return self.knots[i]
def __iadd__(self, a):
self.knots += a
return self
def __isub__(self, a):
self.knots -= a
return self
def __imul__(self, a):
self.knots *= a
return self
def __itruediv__(self, a):
self.knots /= a
return self
__ifloordiv__ = __itruediv__ # integer division (should not distinguish)
__idiv__ = __itruediv__ # python2 compatibility
def __repr__(self):
result = 'p=' + str(self.order) + ', ' + str(self.knots)
if self.periodic > -1:
result += ', C' + str(self.periodic) + '-periodic'
return result