# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from splipy import BSplineBasis
from splipy import SplineObject
from splipy.utils import ensure_listlike, is_singleton
from itertools import chain
from bisect import bisect_left, bisect_right
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse.linalg as splinalg
__all__ = ['Curve']
[docs]class Curve(SplineObject):
Represents a curve: an object with a one-dimensional parameter space."""
_intended_pardim = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, basis=None, controlpoints=None, rational=False, **kwargs):
""" Construct a curve with the given basis and control points.
The default is to create a linear one-element mapping from (0,1) to the
unit interval.
:param BSplineBasis basis: The underlying B-Spline basis
:param array-like controlpoints: An *n* × *d* matrix of control points
:param bool rational: Whether the curve is rational (in which case the
control points are interpreted as pre-multiplied with the weight,
which is the last coordinate)
super(Curve, self).__init__([basis], controlpoints, rational, **kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate(self, *params):
""" Evaluate the object at given parametric values.
This function returns an *n1* × *n2* × ... × *dim* array, where *ni* is
the number of evaluation points in direction *i*, and *dim* is the
physical dimension of the object.
If there is only one evaluation point, a vector of length *dim* is
returned instead.
:param u,v,...: Parametric coordinates in which to evaluate
:type u,v,...: float or [float]
:return: Geometry coordinates
:rtype: numpy.array
squeeze = is_singleton(params[0])
params = [ensure_listlike(p) for p in params]
# Evaluate the derivatives of the corresponding bases at the corresponding points
# and build the result array
N = self.bases[0].evaluate(params[0], sparse=True)
result = N*self.controlpoints
# For rational objects, we divide out the weights, which are stored in the
# last coordinate
if self.rational:
for i in range(self.dimension):
result[..., i] /= result[..., -1]
result = np.delete(result, self.dimension, -1)
# Squeeze the singleton dimensions if we only have one point
if squeeze:
result = result.reshape(self.dimension)
return result
[docs] def derivative(self, t, d=1, above=True, tensor=True):
""" Evaluate the derivative of the curve at the given parametric values.
This function returns an *n* × *dim* array, where *n* is the number of
evaluation points, and *dim* is the physical dimension of the curve.
If there is only one evaluation point, a vector of length *dim* is
returned instead.
:param t: Parametric coordinates in which to evaluate
:type t: float or [float]
:param int d: Number of derivatives to compute
:param bool above: Evaluation in the limit from above
:param bool tensor: Not used in this method
:return: Derivative array
:rtype: numpy.array
if not self.rational or d != 2:
return super(Curve, self).derivative(t, d=d, above=above, tensor=tensor)
t = ensure_listlike(t)
dN = self.bases[0].evaluate(t, d, above)
result = np.array(dN * self.controlpoints)
d2 = result
d1 = np.array(self.bases[0].evaluate(t, 1, above) * self.controlpoints)
d0 = np.array(self.bases[0].evaluate(t) * self.controlpoints)
W = d0[:, -1] # W(t)
W1 = d1[:, -1] # W'(t)
W2 = d2[:, -1] # W''(t)
for i in range(self.dimension):
result[:, i] = (d2[:, i] * W * W - 2 * W1 *
(d1[:, i] * W - d0[:, i] * W1) - d0[:, i] * W2 * W) / W / W / W
result = np.delete(result, self.dimension, 1) # remove the weight column
if result.shape[0] == 1: # in case of single value input t, return vector instead of matrix
result = np.array(result[0, :]).reshape(self.dimension)
return result
[docs] def binormal(self, t, above=True):
""" Evaluate the normalized binormal of the curve at the given parametric value(s).
This function returns an *n* × 3 array, where *n* is the number of
evaluation points.
The binormal is computed as the normalized cross product between the
velocity and acceleration of the curve.
:param t: Parametric coordinates in which to evaluate
:type t: float or [float]
:param bool above: Evaluation in the limit from above
:return: Derivative array
:rtype: numpy.array
# error test input
if self.dimension != 3:
raise ValueError('Binormals require dimension = 3')
# compute derivative
dx = self.derivative(t, d=1, above=above)
ddx = self.derivative(t, d=2, above=above)
# in case of vanishing acceleration, colinear velocity and acceleration,
# such as linear curves we guess an appropriate binbormal (multiple choice available)
if len(dx.shape) == 1:
if np.allclose(ddx, 0):
if np.allclose(dx[:2], 0): # dx = [0,0,1]
ddx = np.array([1,0,0])
ddx = np.array([0,0,1])
for i in range(ddx.shape[0]):
if np.allclose(ddx[i,:], 0):
if np.allclose(dx[i,:2], 0): # dx = [0,0,1]
ddx[i,:] = np.array([1,0,0])
ddx[i,:] = np.array([0,0,1])
result = np.cross(dx, ddx)
# in case of single value input t, return vector instead of matrix
if len(dx.shape) == 1:
return result / np.linalg.norm(result)
# normalize
magnitude = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, result)
magnitude = magnitude.reshape(-1,1)
return result / magnitude
[docs] def normal(self, t, above=True):
""" Evaluate the normal of the curve at the given parametric value(s).
This function returns an *n* × 3 array, where *n* is the number of
evaluation points.
The normal is computed as the cross product between the binormal and
the tangent of the curve.
:param t: Parametric coordinates in which to evaluate
:type t: float or [float]
:param bool above: Evaluation in the limit from above
:return: Derivative array
:rtype: numpy.array
# error test input
if self.dimension != 3:
raise RuntimeError('Normals require dimension = 3')
# compute derivative
T = self.tangent(t, above=above)
B = self.binormal(t, above=above)
return np.cross(B,T)
[docs] def curvature(self, t, above=True):
""" Evaluate the curvaure at specified point(s). The curvature is defined as
.. math:: \\frac{|\\boldsymbol{v}\\times \\boldsymbol{a}|}{|\\boldsymbol{v}|^3}
:param t: Parametric coordinates in which to evaluate
:type t: float or [float]
:param bool above: Evaluation in the limit from above
:return: Derivative array
:rtype: numpy.array
# compute derivative
v = self.derivative(t, d=1, above=above)
a = self.derivative(t, d=2, above=above)
w = np.cross(v,a)
if len(v.shape) == 1: # single evaluation point
magnitude = np.linalg.norm(w)
speed = np.linalg.norm(v)
else: # multiple evaluation points
if self.dimension == 2:
magnitude = w # for 2D-cases np.cross() outputs scalars
else: # for 3D, it is vectors
magnitude = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, -1, w)
speed = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, -1, v)
return magnitude / np.power(speed,3)
[docs] def torsion(self, t, above=True):
""" Evaluate the torsion for a 3D curve at specified point(s). The torsion is defined as
.. math:: \\frac{(\\boldsymbol{v}\\times \\boldsymbol{a})\\cdot (d\\boldsymbol{a}/dt)}{|\\boldsymbol{v}\\times \\boldsymbol{a}|^2}
:param t: Parametric coordinates in which to evaluate
:type t: float or [float]
:param bool above: Evaluation in the limit from above
:return: Derivative array
:rtype: numpy.array
if self.dimension == 2:
# no torsion for 2D curves
t = ensure_listlike(t)
return np.zeros(len(t))
elif self.dimension == 3:
# only allow 3D curves
raise ValueError('dimension must be 2 or 3')
# compute derivative
v = self.derivative(t, d=1, above=above)
a = self.derivative(t, d=2, above=above)
da = self.derivative(t, d=3, above=above)
w = np.cross(v,a)
if len(v.shape) == 1: # single evaluation point
magnitude = np.linalg.norm(w)
nominator = np.dot(w, a)
else: # multiple evaluation points
magnitude = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, -1, w)
nominator = np.array([np.dot(w1,da1) for (w1,da1) in zip(w, da)])
return nominator / np.power(magnitude, 2)
[docs] def raise_order(self, amount):
""" Raise the polynomial order of the curve.
:param int amount: Number of times to raise the order
:return: self
if amount < 0:
raise ValueError('Raise order requires a non-negative parameter')
elif amount == 0:
# create the new basis
newBasis = self.bases[0].raise_order(amount)
# set up an interpolation problem. This is in projective space, so no problems for rational cases
interpolation_pts_t = newBasis.greville() # parametric interpolation points (t)
N_old = self.bases[0].evaluate(interpolation_pts_t)
N_new = newBasis.evaluate(interpolation_pts_t, sparse=True)
interpolation_pts_x = N_old * self.controlpoints # projective interpolation points (x,y,z,w)
# solve the interpolation problem
self.controlpoints = np.array(splinalg.spsolve(N_new, interpolation_pts_x))
self.bases = [newBasis]
return self
[docs] def append(self, curve):
""" Extend the curve by merging another curve to the end of it.
The curves are glued together in a C0 fashion with enough repeated
knots. The function assumes that the end of this curve perfectly
matches the start of the input curve.
:param Curve curve: Another curve
:raises RuntimeError: If either curve is periodic
:return: self
# ASSUMPTION: open knot vectors
# error test input
if self.bases[0].periodic > -1 or curve.bases[0].periodic > -1:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot append with periodic curves')
# copy input curve so we don't change that one directly
extending_curve = curve.clone()
# make sure both are in the same space, and (if needed) have rational weights
Curve.make_splines_compatible(self, extending_curve)
# make sure both have the same discretization order
p1 = self.order(0)
p2 = extending_curve.order(0)
if p1 < p2:
self.raise_order(p2 - p1)
extending_curve.raise_order(p1 - p2)
p = max(p1, p2)
# build new knot vector by merging the two existing ones
old_knot = self.knots(direction=0, with_multiplicities=True)
add_knot = extending_curve.knots(direction=0, with_multiplicities=True)
# make sure that the new one starts where the old one stops
add_knot -= add_knot[0]
add_knot += old_knot[-1]
new_knot = np.zeros(len(add_knot) + len(old_knot) - p - 1)
new_knot[:len(old_knot) - 1] = old_knot[:-1]
new_knot[len(old_knot) - 1:] = add_knot[p:]
# build new control points by merging the two existing matrices
n1 = len(self)
n2 = len(extending_curve)
new_controlpoints = np.zeros((n1 + n2 - 1, self.dimension + self.rational))
new_controlpoints[:n1, :] = self.controlpoints
new_controlpoints[n1:, :] = extending_curve.controlpoints[1:, :]
# update basis and controlpoints
self.bases = [BSplineBasis(p, new_knot)]
self.controlpoints = new_controlpoints
return self
[docs] def continuity(self, knot):
""" Get the parametric continuity of the curve at a given point. Will
return p-1-m, where m is the knot multiplicity and inf between knots"""
return self.bases[0].continuity(knot)
[docs] def get_kinks(self):
""" Get the parametric coordinates at all points which have C0-
return [k for k in self.knots(0) if self.continuity(k)<1]
[docs] def length(self, t0=None, t1=None):
""" Computes the euclidian length of the curve in geometric space
.. math:: \\int_{t_0}^{t_1}\\sqrt{x(t)^2 + y(t)^2 + z(t)^2} dt
(x,w) = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(self.order(0)+1)
knots = self.knots(0)
# keep only integration boundaries within given start (t0) and stop (t1) interval
if t0 is not None:
i = bisect_left(knots, t0)
knots = np.insert(knots, i, t0)
knots = knots[i:]
if t1 is not None:
i = bisect_right(knots, t1)
knots = knots[:i]
knots = np.insert(knots, i, t1)
t = np.array([ (x+1)/2*(t1-t0)+t0 for t0,t1 in zip(knots[:-1], knots[1:]) ])
w = np.array([ w/2*(t1-t0) for t0,t1 in zip(knots[:-1], knots[1:]) ])
t = np.ndarray.flatten(t)
w = np.ndarray.flatten(w)
dx = self.derivative(t)
detJ = np.sqrt(np.sum(dx**2, axis=1))
return np.dot(detJ, w)
[docs] def rebuild(self, p, n):
""" Creates an approximation to this curve by resampling it using a
uniform knot vector of order *p* with *n* control points.
:param int p: Polynomial discretization order
:param int n: Number of control points
:return: A new approximate curve
:rtype: Curve
# establish uniform open knot vector
knot = [0] * p + list(range(1, n - p + 1)) + [n - p + 1] * p
basis = BSplineBasis(p, knot)
# set parametric range of the new basis to be the same as the old one
t0 = self.bases[0].start()
t1 = self.bases[0].end()
basis *= (t1 - t0)
basis += t0
# fetch evaluation points and solve interpolation problem
t = basis.greville()
N = basis.evaluate(t, sparse=True)
controlpoints = splinalg.spsolve(N, self.evaluate(t))
# return new resampled curve
return Curve(basis, controlpoints)
[docs] def error(self, target):
""" Computes the L2 (squared and per knot span) and max error between
this curve and a target curve
.. math:: ||\\boldsymbol{x_h}(t)-\\boldsymbol{x}(t)||_{L^2(t_1,t_2)}^2 = \\int_{t_1}^{t_2}
|\\boldsymbol{x_h}(t)-\\boldsymbol{x}(t)|^2 dt, \\quad \\forall \;\\text{knots}\;t_1 < t_2
.. math:: ||\\boldsymbol{x_h}(t)-\\boldsymbol{x}(t)||_{L^\infty} = \\max_t |\\boldsymbol{x_h}(t)-\\boldsymbol{x}(t)|
:param function target: callable function which takes as input a vector
of evaluation points t and gives as output a matrix x where
x[i,j] is component j evaluated at point t[i]
:return: L2 error per knot-span and the maximum error
:rtype: tuple(list(float), float)
.. code:: python
import numpy as np
def arclength_circle(t):
return np.array( [np.cos(t), np.sin(t)] ).T
crv = curve_factory.circle(r=1)
(err2, maxerr) = crv.error(arclength_circle)
print '|| e ||_L2 = ', np.sqrt(np.sum(err2))
print '|| e ||_max = ', maxerr
knots = self.knots(0)
(x,w) = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(self.order(0)+1)
err2 = []
err_inf = 0.0
for t0,t1 in zip(knots[:-1], knots[1:]): # for all knot spans
tg = (x+1)/2*(t1-t0)+t0 # evaluation points
wg = w /2*(t1-t0) # integration weights
error = self(tg) - target(tg) # [x-xh, y-yh, z-zh]
error = np.sum(error**2, axis=1) # |x-xh|^2
err2.append(np.dot(error, wg)) # integrate over domain
err_inf = max(np.max(np.sqrt(error)), err_inf)
return (err2, err_inf)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.bases[0]) + '\n' + str(self.controlpoints)
def get_derivative_curve(self):
return super(Curve, self).get_derivative_spline(0)