Source code for splipy.SplineObject

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import copy
from operator import attrgetter, methodcaller
from itertools import chain, product
from bisect import bisect_left
from splipy import BSplineBasis
from splipy.utils import reshape, rotation_matrix, is_singleton, ensure_listlike,\
                         check_direction, ensure_flatlist, check_section, sections

__all__ = ['SplineObject']

def transpose_fix(pardim, direction):
    ret = list(range(1, pardim+1))
    ret.insert(direction, 0)
    return tuple(ret)

def evaluate(bases, cps, tensor=True):
    if tensor:
        idx = len(bases) - 1
        for N in bases[::-1]:
            cps = np.tensordot(N, cps, axes=(1, idx))
        cps = np.einsum('ij,j...->i...', bases[0], cps)
        for N in bases[1:]:
            cps = np.einsum('ij,ij...->i...', N, cps)
    return cps

[docs]class SplineObject(object): """ Master class for spline objects with arbitrary dimensions. This class should be subclassed instead of used directly. All SplineObjects support basic arithmetic operators, which are interpreted as translation and scaling. In-place operators (e.g. ``+=``) mutate the object, while infix operators (e.g. ``+``) create new objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self, bases=None, controlpoints=None, rational=False, raw=False): """ Construct a spline object with the given bases and control points. The default is to create a linear one-element mapping from and to the unit (hyper)cube. :param [BSplineBasis] bases: The basis of each parameter direction :param array-like controlpoints: An *n1* × *n2* × ... × *d* matrix of control points :param bool rational: Whether the object is rational (in which case the control points are interpreted as pre-multiplied with the weight, which is the last coordinate) :param bool raw: If True, skip any control point reordering. (For internal use.) """ bases = [(b.clone() if b else BSplineBasis()) for b in bases] self.bases = bases if controlpoints is None: # `product' produces tuples in row-major format (the last input varies quickest) # We want them in column-major format, so we reverse the basis orders, and then # also reverse the output tuples controlpoints = [c[::-1] for c in product(*(b.greville() for b in bases[::-1]))] # Minimum two dimensions if len(controlpoints[0]) == 1: controlpoints = [tuple(list(c) + [0.0]) for c in controlpoints] # Add weight = 1 for identiy-mapping rational splines if rational: controlpoints = [tuple(list(c) + [1.0]) for c in controlpoints] self.controlpoints = np.array(controlpoints) self.dimension = self.controlpoints.shape[-1] - rational self.rational = rational if not raw: shape = tuple(b.num_functions() for b in bases) ncomps = self.dimension + rational
self.controlpoints = reshape(self.controlpoints, shape, order='F', ncomps=ncomps) def _validate_domain(self, *params): """ Check whether the given evaluation parameters are valid. :raises ValueError: If the parameters are outside the domain """ for b, p in zip(self.bases, params): b.snap(p) if b.periodic < 0: if min(p) < b.start() or b.end() < max(p): raise ValueError('Evaluation outside parametric domain')
[docs] def evaluate(self, *params, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the object at given parametric values. If *tensor* is true, evaluation will take place on a tensor product grid, i.e. it will return an *n1* × *n2* × ... × *dim* array, where *ni* is the number of evaluation points in direction *i*, and *dim* is the physical dimension of the object. If *tensor* is false, there must be an equal number *n* of evaluation points in all directions, and the return value will be an *n* × *dim* array. If there is only one evaluation point, a vector of length *dim* is returned instead. :param u,v,...: Parametric coordinates in which to evaluate :type u,v,...: float or [float] :param tensor: Whether to evaluate on a tensor product grid :type tensor: bool :return: Geometry coordinates :rtype: numpy.array """ squeeze = all(is_singleton(p) for p in params) params = [ensure_listlike(p) for p in params] tensor = kwargs.get('tensor', True) if not tensor and len({len(p) for p in params}) != 1: raise ValueError('Parameters must have same length') self._validate_domain(*params) # Evaluate the corresponding bases at the corresponding points # and build the result array Ns = [b.evaluate(p) for b, p in zip(self.bases, params)] result = evaluate(Ns, self.controlpoints, tensor) # For rational objects, we divide out the weights, which are stored in the # last coordinate if self.rational: for i in range(self.dimension): result[..., i] /= result[..., -1] result = np.delete(result, self.dimension, -1) # Squeeze the singleton dimensions if we only have one point if squeeze: result = result.reshape(self.dimension)
return result
[docs] def derivative(self, *params, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the derivative of the object at the given parametric values. If *tensor* is true, evaluation will take place on a tensor product grid, i.e. it will return an *n1* × *n2* × ... × *dim* array, where *ni* is the number of evaluation points in direction *i*, and *dim* is the physical dimension of the object. If *tensor* is false, there must be an equal number *n* of evaluation points in all directions, and the return value will be an *n* × *dim* array. If there is only one evaluation point, a vector of length *dim* is returned instead. Examples: .. code:: python # Tangent of curve at single point curve.derivative(1.0) # Double derivative of curve at single point: curve.derivative(1.0, d=2) # Third derivative of curve at several points: curve.derivative([0.0, 1.0, 2.0], d=3) # Tangents of surface: surface.derivative(0.5, 0.7, d=(1,0)) surface.derivative(0.5, 0.7, d=(0,1)) # Cross-derivative of surface: surface.derivative(0.5, 0.7, d=(1,1)) :param u,v,...: Parametric coordinates in which to evaluate :type u,v,...: float or [float] :param (int) d: Order of derivative to compute :param (bool) above: Evaluation in the limit from above :param tensor: Whether to evaluate on a tensor product grid :type tensor: bool :return: Derivatives :rtype: numpy.array """ squeeze = all(is_singleton(p) for p in params) params = [ensure_listlike(p) for p in params] derivs = kwargs.get('d', [1] * self.pardim) derivs = ensure_listlike(derivs, self.pardim) above = kwargs.get('above', [True] * self.pardim) above = ensure_listlike(above, self.pardim) tensor = kwargs.get('tensor', True) if not tensor and len({len(p) for p in params}) != 1: raise ValueError('Parameters must have same length') self._validate_domain(*params) # Evaluate the derivatives of the corresponding bases at the corresponding points # and build the result array dNs = [b.evaluate(p, d, from_right) for b, p, d, from_right in zip(self.bases, params, derivs, above)] result = evaluate(dNs, self.controlpoints, tensor) # For rational curves, we need to use the quotient rule # (n/W)' = (n' W - n W') / W^2 = n'/W - nW'/W^2 # * n'(i) = result[..., i] # * W'(i) = result[..., -1] # We evaluate in the regular way to compute n and W. if self.rational: if sum(derivs) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Rational derivative not implemented for order %i' % sum(derivs)) Ns = [b.evaluate(p) for b, p in zip(self.bases, params)] non_derivative = evaluate(Ns, self.controlpoints, tensor) W = non_derivative[..., -1] # W Wd = result[..., -1] # W' for i in range(self.dimension): result[..., i] = result[..., i] / W - non_derivative[..., i] * Wd / W / W result = np.delete(result, self.dimension, -1) # Squeeze the singleton dimensions if we only have one point if squeeze: result = result.reshape(self.dimension)
return result
[docs] def get_derivative_spline(self, direction=None): """ Compute the controlpoints associated with the derivative spline object If `direction` is given, only the derivatives in that direction are returned. If `direction` is not given, this function returns a tuple of all partial derivatives .. code:: python # Create a 4x4 element cubic spline surface surf = Surface() surf.raise_order(2,2) surf.refine(3,3) surf[1:4,1:4,:] += 0.1 # make the surface non-trivial by moving controlpoints # Create the derivative surface du = surf.get_derivative_spline(direction='u') # evaluation is identical print(du.evaluate(0.3, 0.4)) print(surf.derivative(0.3, 0.4, d=(1,0))) print(surf.order()) # prints (3,3) print(du.order()) # prints (2,3) :param int direction: The tangential direction :return: Derivative spline :rtype: SplineObject """ if self.rational: raise RuntimeError('Not working for rational splines') # if no direction is specified, return a tuple with all derivatives if direction is None: return tuple([self.get_derivative_spline(dim) for dim in range(self.pardim)]) else: d = check_direction(direction, self.pardim) k = self.knots(d, with_multiplicities=True) p = self.order(d)-1 n = self.shape[d] if self.bases[d].periodic < 0: C = np.zeros((n-1, n)) for i in range(n-1): C[i,i] = -float(p) / (k[i+p+1] - k[i+1]) C[i,i+1] = float(p) / (k[i+p+1] - k[i+1]) else: C = np.zeros((n, n)) for i in range(n): ip1 = np.mod(i+1,n) C[i,i] = -float(p) / (k[i+p+1] - k[i+1]) C[i,ip1] = float(p) / (k[i+p+1] - k[i+1]) derivative_cps = np.tensordot(C, self.controlpoints, axes=(1, d)) derivative_cps = derivative_cps.transpose(transpose_fix(self.pardim, d)) bases = [b for b in self.bases] bases[d] = BSplineBasis(p, k[1:-1], bases[d].periodic-1) # search for the right subclass constructor, i.e. Volume, Surface or Curve constructor = [c for c in SplineObject.__subclasses__() if c._intended_pardim == len(self.bases)] constructor = constructor[0] # return derivative object args = bases + [derivative_cps] + [self.rational]
return constructor(*args, raw=True)
[docs] def tangent(self, *params, **kwargs): """ Evaluate the tangents of the object at the given parametric values. If `direction` is given, only the derivatives in that direction are evaluated. This is equivalent to calling :func:`splipy.SplineObject.derivative` with `d=(0,...,0,1,0,...,0)`, the unit vector corresponding to the given direction. If `direction` is not given, this function returns a tuple of all tangential derivatives at the given points. :param u,v,...: Parametric coordinates in which to evaluate :type u,v,...: float or [float] :param int direction: The tangential direction :param (bool) above: Evaluation in the limit from above :param tensor: Whether to evaluate on a tensor product grid :type tensor: bool :return: Tangents :rtype: tuple<numpy.array> """ direction = kwargs.get('direction', None) derivative = [0] * self.pardim above = kwargs.get('above', [True] * self.pardim) above = ensure_listlike(above, self.pardim) tensor = kwargs.get('tensor', True) if self.pardim == 1: # curves direction = 0 if direction is None: result = () for i in range(self.pardim): derivative[i] = 1 # compute velocity in this direction v = self.derivative(*params, d=derivative, above=above, tensor=tensor) # normalize if len(v.shape)==1: speed = np.linalg.norm(v) else: speed = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, -1, v) speed = np.reshape(speed, speed.shape +(1,)) # store in result tuple result += (v/speed,) derivative[i] = 0 return result i = check_direction(direction, self.pardim) derivative[i] = 1 # compute velocity in this direction v = self.derivative(*params, d=derivative, above=above, tensor=tensor) # normalize if len(v.shape)==1: speed = np.linalg.norm(v) else: speed = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, -1, v) speed = np.reshape(speed, speed.shape +(1,))
return v / speed
[docs] def section(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a section from the object. A section can be any sub-object of parametric dimension not exceeding that of the object. E.g. for a volume, sections include vertices, edges, faces, etc. The arguments are control point indices for each direction. `None` means that direction should be variable in the returned object. .. code:: python # Get the face with u=max vol.section(-1, None, None) # Keyword arguments are supported for u, v and w # This is the same as the above vol.section(u=-1) # Get the edge with u=min, v=max vol.section(0, -1, None) # This is equivalent to vol.clone() vol.section() If a specific subclass of `SplineObject` is found that handles the requested number of variable directions (parametric dimension), then the return value is of that type. If not, it will be a generic `SplineObject`. If the section has no variable directions (it is a point), then the return value will be an array, unless the keyword argument `unwrap_points` is true, in which case it will return a zero-dimensional `SplineObject`. :param u,v,...: Control point indices :type u,v,...: int or None :return: Section :rtype: SplineObject or np.array """ section = check_section(*args, pardim=self.pardim, **kwargs) unwrap_points = kwargs.get('unwrap_points', True) slices = tuple(slice(None) if p is None else p for p in section) bases = [b for b, p in zip(self.bases, section) if p is None] if bases or not unwrap_points: classes = [c for c in SplineObject.__subclasses__() if c._intended_pardim == len(bases)] if classes: args = bases + [self.controlpoints[slices], self.rational] return classes[0](*args, raw=True) return SplineObject(bases, self.controlpoints[slices], self.rational, raw=True)
return self.controlpoints[slices]
[docs] def set_order(self, *order): """ Set the polynomial order of the object. If only one argument is given, the order is set uniformly over all directions. :param int u,v,...: The new order in a given direction. :raises ValueError: If the order is reduced in any direction. :return: self """ if len(order) == 1: order = [order[0]] * self.pardim if not all(new >= old for new, old in zip(order, self.order())): raise ValueError("Cannot lower order using set_order") diff = [new - old for new, old in zip(order, self.order())]
return self.raise_order(*diff)
[docs] def raise_order(self, *raises): """ Raise the polynomial order of the object. If only one argument is given, the order is raised equally over all directions. :param int u,v,...: Number of times to raise the order in a given direction. :return: self """ if len(raises) == 1: raises = [raises[0]] * self.pardim if not all(r >= 0 for r in raises): raise ValueError("Cannot lower order using raise_order") if all(r == 0 for r in raises): return new_bases = [b.raise_order(r) for b, r in zip(self.bases, raises)] # Set up an interpolation problem # This works in projective space, so no special handling for rational objects interpolation_pts = [b.greville() for b in new_bases] N_old = [b(pts) for b, pts in zip(self.bases, interpolation_pts)] N_new = [b(pts) for b, pts in zip(new_bases, interpolation_pts)] # Calculate the projective interpolation points result = self.controlpoints for n in N_old[::-1]: result = np.tensordot(n, result, axes=(1, self.pardim-1)) # Solve the interpolation problem for n in N_new[::-1]: result = np.tensordot(np.linalg.inv(n), result, axes=(1, self.pardim-1)) self.controlpoints = result self.bases = new_bases
return self
[docs] def lower_order(self, *lowers): """ Lower the polynomial order of the object. If only one argument is given, the order is lowered equally over all directions. :param int u,v,...: Number of times to lower the order in a given direction. :return SplineObject: Approximation of the current object on a lower order basis """ if len(lowers) == 1: lowers = [lowers[0]] * self.pardim if all(l == 0 for l in lowers): return self.clone() new_bases = [b.lower_order(l) for b, l in zip(self.bases, lowers)] # Set up an interpolation problem # This works in projective space, so no special handling for rational objects interpolation_pts = [b.greville() for b in new_bases] N_old = [b(pts) for b, pts in zip(self.bases, interpolation_pts)] N_new = [b(pts) for b, pts in zip(new_bases, interpolation_pts)] # Calculate the projective interpolation points new_controlpts = self.controlpoints for n in N_old[::-1]: new_controlpts = np.tensordot(n, new_controlpts, axes=(1, self.pardim-1)) # Solve the interpolation problem for n in N_new[::-1]: new_controlpts = np.tensordot(np.linalg.inv(n), new_controlpts, axes=(1, self.pardim-1)) # search for the right subclass constructor, i.e. Volume, Surface or Curve constructor = [c for c in SplineObject.__subclasses__() if c._intended_pardim == len(self.bases)] constructor = constructor[0] # return approximated object args = new_bases + [new_controlpts] + [self.rational]
return constructor(*args, raw=True)
[docs] def start(self, direction=None): """ Return the start of the parametric domain. If `direction` is given, returns the start of that direction, as a float. If it is not given, returns the start of all directions, as a tuple. :param int direction: Direction in which to get the start. :raises ValueError: For invalid direction """ if direction is None: return tuple(b.start() for b in self.bases) direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim)
return self.bases[direction].start()
[docs] def end(self, direction=None): """ Return the end of the parametric domain. If `direction` is given, returns the end of that direction, as a float. If it is not given, returns the end of all directions, as a tuple. :param int direction: Direction in which to get the end. :raises ValueError: For invalid direction """ if direction is None: return tuple(b.end() for b in self.bases) direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim)
return self.bases[direction].end()
[docs] def order(self, direction=None): """ Return polynomial order (degree + 1). If `direction` is given, returns the order of that direction, as an int. If it is not given, returns the order of all directions, as a tuple. :param int direction: Direction in which to get the order. :raises ValueError: For invalid direction """ if direction is None: return tuple(b.order for b in self.bases) direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim)
return self.bases[direction].order
[docs] def knots(self, direction=None, with_multiplicities=False): """ Return knots vector If `direction` is given, returns the knots in that direction, as a list. If it is not given, returns the knots of all directions, as a tuple. :param int direction: Direction in which to get the knots. :param bool with_multiplicities: If true, return knots with multiplicities (i.e. repeated). :raises ValueError: For invalid direction """ getter = attrgetter('knots') if with_multiplicities else methodcaller('knot_spans') if direction is None: return tuple(getter(b) for b in self.bases) direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim)
return getter(self.bases[direction])
[docs] def reverse(self, direction=0): """ Swap the direction of a parameter by making it go in the reverse direction. The parametric domain remains unchanged. :param int direction: The direction to flip. :return: self """ direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim) self.bases[direction].reverse() # This creates the following slice programmatically # array[:, :, :, ..., ::-1,] # index=direction -----^ # : => slice(None, None, None) # ::-1 => slice(None, None, -1) direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim) slices = [slice(None, None, None) for _ in range(direction)] + [slice(None, None, -1)] self.controlpoints = self.controlpoints[tuple(slices)]
return self
[docs] def swap(self, dir1=0, dir2=1): """ Swaps two parameter directions. This function silently passes for curves. :param direction dir1: The first direction (default u) :param direction dir2: The second direction (default v) :return: self """ if self.pardim == 1: return dir1 = check_direction(dir1, self.pardim) dir2 = check_direction(dir2, self.pardim) # Reorder control points new_directions = list(range(self.pardim + 1)) new_directions[dir1] = dir2 new_directions[dir2] = dir1 self.controlpoints = self.controlpoints.transpose(new_directions) # Swap knot vectors self.bases[dir1], self.bases[dir2] = self.bases[dir2], self.bases[dir1]
return self
[docs] def insert_knot(self, knot, direction=0): """ Insert a new knot into the spline. :param int direction: The direction to insert in :param knot: The new knot(s) to insert :type knot: float or [float] :raises ValueError: For invalid direction :return: self """ shape = self.controlpoints.shape # for single-value input, wrap it into a list knot = ensure_listlike(knot) direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim) C = np.matrix(np.identity(shape[direction])) for k in knot: C = self.bases[direction].insert_knot(k) * C self.controlpoints = np.tensordot(C, self.controlpoints, axes=(1, direction)) self.controlpoints = self.controlpoints.transpose(transpose_fix(self.pardim, direction))
return self
[docs] def refine(self, *ns, **kwargs): """ Enrich the spline space by inserting knots into each existing knot span. This method supports three different usage patterns: .. code:: python # Refine each direction by a factor n obj.refine(n) # Refine a single direction by a factor n obj.refine(n, direction='v') # Refine all directions by given factors obj.refine(nu, nv, ...) :param int nu,nv,...: Number of new knots to insert into each span :param int direction: Direction to refine in :return: self """ direction = kwargs.get('direction', None) if len(ns) == 1 and direction is not None: directions = [check_direction(direction, self.pardim)] else: directions = range(self.pardim) if len(ns) == 1: ns = [ns[0]] * self.pardim for n, d in zip(ns, directions): knots = self.knots(direction=d) # excluding multiple knots new_knots = [] for (k0, k1) in zip(knots[:-1], knots[1:]): new_knots.extend(np.linspace(k0, k1, n+2)[1:-1]) self.insert_knot(new_knots, d)
return self
[docs] def reparam(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Redefine the parametric domain. This function accepts two calling conventions: `reparametrize(u, v, ...)` reparametrizes each direction to the domains given by the tuples *u*, *v*, etc. It is equivalent to calling `reparametrize(u[0], u[1])` on each basis. The default domain for directions not given is (0,1). In particular, if no arguments are given, the new parametric domain will be the unit (hyper)cube. `reparametrize(u, direction=d)` reparametrizes just the direction given by *d* and leaves the others untouched. :param tuple u, v, ...: New parametric domains, default to (0,1) :param int direction: The direction to reparametrize :return: self """ if 'direction' not in kwargs: # Pad the args with (0, 1) for the extra directions args = list(args) + [(0, 1)] * (len(self.bases) - len(args)) for b, (start, end) in zip(self.bases, args): b.reparam(start, end) else: direction = kwargs['direction'] direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim) if len(args) == 0: self.bases[direction].reparam(0,1) else: start, end = args[0] self.bases[direction].reparam(start, end)
return self
[docs] def translate(self, x): """ Translate (i.e. move) the object by a given distance. :param array-like x: The vector to translate by. :return: self """ # 3D rational example: create a 4x4 translation matrix # # |xw| | 1 0 0 x1 | |xw| # |yw| = | 0 1 0 x2 | * |yw| # |zw| | 0 0 1 x3 | |zw| # | w|_new | 0 0 0 1 | | w|_old # # PS: we even need a rational representation for non-rational splines # in order to formulate translation as a matrix-matrix product dim = self.dimension rat = self.rational n = len(self) # number of control points if len(x) > dim: # typical case: requesting movement in z-direction for 2D geometries self.set_dimension(len(x)) dim = self.dimension # set up the translation matrix translation_matrix = np.matrix(np.identity(dim + 1)) for i in range(dim): translation_matrix[i, -1] = x[i] # wrap out the controlpoints to a matrix (down from n-D tensor) if not self.rational: cp = np.matrix(np.ones((n, dim + 1))) # pad with weights=1 cp[:, :-1] = np.reshape(self.controlpoints, (n, dim)) else: cp = np.matrix(np.reshape(self.controlpoints, (n, dim + rat))) # do the actual scaling by matrix-matrix multiplication cp = cp * translation_matrix.T # right-mult, so we need transpose # store results if self.rational: self.controlpoints = np.reshape(np.array(cp), self.controlpoints.shape) else: self.controlpoints = np.reshape(np.array(cp[:, :-1]), self.controlpoints.shape)
return self
[docs] def scale(self, *args): """ Scale, or magnify the object by a given amount. In case of one input argument, the scaling is uniform. :param args: Scaling factors, possibly different in each direction. :type args: array-like or float :return: self """ # 3D rational example: create a 4x4 scaling matrix # # |xw| | sx 0 0 0 | |xw| # |yw| = | 0 sy 0 0 | * |yw| # |zw| | 0 0 sz 0 | |zw| # | w|_new | 0 0 0 1 | | w|_old # dim = self.dimension rat = self.rational n = len(self) # number of control points s = ensure_flatlist(args) s = ensure_listlike(s, dups=3) # set up the scaling matrix scale_matrix = np.matrix(np.identity(dim + rat)) for i in range(dim): scale_matrix[i, i] = s[i] # wrap out the controlpoints to a matrix (down from n-D tensor) cp = np.matrix(np.reshape(self.controlpoints, (n, dim + rat))) # do the actual scaling by matrix-matrix multiplication cp = cp * scale_matrix # store results self.controlpoints = np.reshape(np.array(cp), self.controlpoints.shape)
return self
[docs] def rotate(self, theta, normal=(0, 0, 1)): """ Rotate the object around an axis. :param float theta: Angle to rotate about, measured in radians :param array-like normal: The normal axis (if 3D) to rotate about :raises RuntimeError: If the physical dimension is not 2 or 3 :return: self """ # 2D rational example: create a 3x3 rotation matrix # # |xw| | cos(t) -sin(t) 0 | |xw| # |yw| = | sin(t) cos(t) 0 | * |yw| # | w|_new | 0 0 1 | | w|_old # dim = self.dimension rat = self.rational n = len(self) # number of control points if not (normal[0] == 0 and normal[1] == 0): # rotating a 2D geometry out of the xy-plane self.set_dimension(3) dim = self.dimension # set up the rotation matrix if dim == 2: R = np.matrix([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)] ]).T # we do right-multiplication, so we need a transpose elif dim == 3: normal = np.array(normal) R = rotation_matrix(theta, normal) else: raise RuntimeError('rotation undefined for geometries other than 2D and 3D') rot_matrix = np.matrix(np.identity(dim + rat)) rot_matrix[0:dim, 0:dim] = R # wrap out the controlpoints to a matrix (down from n-D tensor) cp = np.matrix(np.reshape(self.controlpoints, (n, dim + rat))) # do the actual rotation by matrix-matrix multiplication cp = cp * rot_matrix # store results self.controlpoints = np.reshape(np.array(cp), self.controlpoints.shape)
return self
[docs] def mirror(self, normal): """ Mirror the object around a plane through the origin. :param array-like normal: The plane normal to mirror about. :raises RuntimeError: If the physical dimension is not 2 or 3 :return: self """ # 3D rational example: create a 4x4 reflection matrix # # normal = [a,b,c] # # |xw| | 1-2a^2 -2ab -2ac 0 | |xw| # |yw| = | -2ab 1-2b^2 -2bc 0 | * |yw| # |zw| = | -2ac -2bc 1-2c^2 0 | * |zw| # | w|_new | 0 0 0 1 | | w|_old # # PS: A reflection about a line is not a linear transformation; it is # an affine transformation. dim = self.dimension rat = self.rational n = len(self) # number of control points if dim != 3: raise RuntimeError('reflection undefined for geometries other than 3D') # fixup the input normal to right form normal = np.array(normal) normal = normal / np.sqrt(, normal)) # normalize it # set up the reflection matrix reflection_matrix = np.matrix(np.identity(dim + rat)) reflection_matrix[0:dim, 0:dim] -= 2 * np.outer(normal, normal) # wrap out the controlpoints to a matrix (down from n-D tensor) cp = np.matrix(np.reshape(self.controlpoints, (n, dim + rat))) # do the actual rotation by matrix-matrix multiplication cp = cp * reflection_matrix # store results self.controlpoints = np.reshape(np.array(cp), self.controlpoints.shape)
return self
[docs] def project(self, plane): """ Projects the geometry onto a plane or axis. - `project('xy')` will project the object onto the *xy* plane, setting all *z* components to zero. - `project('y')` will project the object onto the *y* axis, setting all *x* and *z* components to zero. :param string plane: Any combination of 'x', 'y' and 'z' :return: self """ keep = [c in plane.lower() for c in 'xyz'] dim = self.dimension for i in range(dim): if not keep[i]: self.controlpoints[..., i] = 0
return self
[docs] def bounding_box(self): """ Gets the bounding box of a spline object, computed from the control-point values. Could be inaccurate for rational splines. Returns the minima and maxima for each direction: [(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), ...] :return: Bounding box :rtype: [(float)] """ dim = self.dimension result = [] for i in range(dim): result.append((np.min(self.controlpoints[..., i]), np.max(self.controlpoints[..., i])))
return result
[docs] def center(self): """ Gets the center of the domain For curves this will return :math:`(\\tilde{x}, \\tilde{y},...)`, where .. math:: \\tilde{x} = \\frac{1}{L} \int_{t_0}^{t_1} x(t) \; dt and :math:`L=t_1-t_0` is the length of the parametric domain :math:`[t_0,t_1]`. For surfaces this will return :math:`(\\tilde{x}, \\tilde{y},...)`, where .. math:: \\tilde{x} = \\frac{1}{A} \int_{v_0}^{v_1} \int_{u_0}^{u_1} x(u,v) \; du \; dv and :math:`A=(u_1-u_0)(v_1-v_0)` is the area of the parametric domain :math:`[u_0,u_1]\\times[v_0,v_1]`. .. warning:: For rational splines, this will integrate in projective coordinates, then project the centerpoint. This is as opposed to integrating the rational functions :math:`\\frac{N_i(t)w_i}{\sum_j N_j(t)w_j}`. """ # compute integration of basis functions Ns = [b.integrate(b.start(), b.end()) for b in self.bases] # compute parametric size par_size =[t1-t0 for (t0,t1) in zip(self.start(), self.end())]) # multiply basis functions with control points idx = self.pardim - 1 result = self.controlpoints for N in Ns[::-1]: result = np.tensordot(N, result, axes=(0, idx)) idx -= 1 result /= par_size # project to physical space if self.rational: result[:-1] /= result[-1] result = np.delete(result, self.dimension)
return result
[docs] def corners(self, order='C'): """ Return the corner control points. The `order` parameter determines which order to use, either ``'F'`` or ``'C'``, for row-major or column-major ordering. E.g. for a volume, in parametric coordinates, - ``'C'`` gives (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (1,1,0), (0,0,1), etc. - ``'F'`` gives (0,0,0), (0,0,1), (0,1,0), (0,1,1), (1,0,0), etc. :param str order: The ordering to use :return: Corners :rtype: np.array .. warning:: For rational splines, this will return the corners in projective coordinates, including weights. """ result = np.zeros((2**self.pardim, self.dimension)) for i, args in enumerate(sections(self.pardim, 0)): result[i,:] = self.section(*(args[::-1] if order == 'F' else args))
return result
[docs] def lower_periodic(self, periodic, direction=0): """ Sets the periodicity of the spline object in the given direction, keeping the geometry unchanged. :param int periodic: new periodicity, i.e. the basis is C^k over the start/end :param int direction: the parametric direction of the basis to modify :return: self """ direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim) b = self.bases[direction] while periodic < b.periodic: self.insert_knot(self.start(direction), direction) self.controlpoints = np.roll(self.controlpoints, -1, direction) b.roll(1) b.periodic -= 1 b.knots = b.knots[:-1] if periodic > b.periodic: raise ValueError('Cannot raise periodicity')
return self
[docs] def set_dimension(self, new_dim): """ Sets the physical dimension of the object. If increased, the new components are set to zero. :param int new_dim: New dimension. :return: self """ dim = self.dimension shape = self.controlpoints.shape while new_dim > dim: self.controlpoints = np.insert(self.controlpoints, dim, np.zeros(shape[:-1]), self.pardim) dim += 1 while new_dim < dim: self.controlpoints = np.delete(self.controlpoints, -2 if self.rational else -1, -1) dim -= 1 self.dimension = new_dim
return self
[docs] def periodic(self, direction=0): """Returns true if the spline object is periodic in the given parametric direction""" direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim)
return self.bases[direction].periodic > -1
[docs] def force_rational(self): """ Force a rational representation of the object. The weights of a non-rational object will be set to 1. :return: self """ if not self.rational: dim = self.dimension shape = self.controlpoints.shape self.controlpoints = np.insert(self.controlpoints, dim, np.ones(shape[:-1]), self.pardim) self.rational = 1
return self
[docs] def split(self, knots, direction=0): """ Split an object into two or more separate representations with C0 continuity between them. :param knots: The splitting points :type knots: float or [float] :param direction: Parametric direction :type direction: int :return: The new objects :rtype: [SplineObject] """ # for single-value input, wrap it into a list knots = ensure_listlike(knots) # error test input direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim) p = self.order(direction) results = [] splitting_obj = self.clone() bases = self.bases # insert knots to produce C{-1} at all splitting points for k in knots: continuity = bases[direction].continuity(k) if continuity == np.inf: continuity = p - 1 splitting_obj.insert_knot([k] * (continuity + 1), direction) b = splitting_obj.bases[direction] if b.periodic > -1: mu = bisect_left(b.knots, knots[0]) b.roll(mu) splitting_obj.controlpoints = np.roll(splitting_obj.controlpoints, -mu, direction) b.knots = b.knots[:-b.periodic-1] b.periodic = -1 if len(knots) > 1: return splitting_obj.split(knots[1:], direction) else: return splitting_obj # search for the right subclass constructor, i.e. Volume, Surface or Curve spline_object = [c for c in SplineObject.__subclasses__() if c._intended_pardim == len(bases)] spline_object = spline_object[0] # everything is available now, just have to find the right index range # in the knot vector and controlpoints to store in each separate curve # piece last_cp_i = 0 last_knot_i = 0 bases = splitting_obj.bases b = bases[direction] cp_slice = [slice(None, None, None)] * len(self.controlpoints.shape) for k in knots: if self.start(direction) < k < self.end(direction): # skip start/end points mu = bisect_left(b.knots, k) n_cp = mu - last_knot_i knot_slice = slice(last_knot_i, mu+p, None) cp_slice[direction] = slice(last_cp_i, last_cp_i+n_cp, None) cp = splitting_obj.controlpoints[ cp_slice ] bases[direction] = BSplineBasis(p, b.knots[knot_slice]) args = bases + [cp, splitting_obj.rational] results.append(spline_object(*args, raw=True)) last_knot_i = mu last_cp_i += n_cp # with n splitting points, we're getting n+1 pieces. Add the final one: knot_slice = slice(last_knot_i, None, None) cp_slice[direction] = slice(last_cp_i, None, None) bases[direction] = BSplineBasis(p, b.knots[knot_slice]) cp = splitting_obj.controlpoints[ cp_slice ] args = bases + [cp, splitting_obj.rational] results.append(spline_object(*args, raw=True))
return results
[docs] def make_periodic(self, continuity=None, direction=0): """ Make the spline object periodic in a given parametric direction. :param int continuity: The continuity along the boundary (default max). :param int direction: The direction to ensure continuity in. """ direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim) basis = self.bases[direction] if continuity is None: continuity = basis.order - 2 if not -1 <= continuity <= basis.order - 2: raise ValueError('Illegal continuity for basis of order {}: {}'.format( continuity, basis.order )) if continuity == -1: raise ValueError( 'Operation not supported. ' 'For discontinuous spline spaces, consider SplineObject.split().' ) if basis.periodic >= 0: raise ValueError('Basis is already periodic') basis = basis.make_periodic(continuity) # Merge control points index_beg = [slice(None,None,None)] * (self.pardim + 1) index_end = [slice(None,None,None)] * (self.pardim + 1) cps = np.array(self.controlpoints) weights = np.linspace(0, 1, continuity + 1) if continuity > 0 else [0.5] for i, j, t in zip(range(continuity + 1), range(-continuity-1, 0), weights): # Weighted average between cps[..., i, ..., :] and cps[..., -c-1+i, ..., :] # The weights are chosen so that, for periodic c, the round trip # c.split().make_periodic() with suitable arguments produces an # object identical to c. (Mostly black magic.) index_beg[direction] = i index_end[direction] = j cps[index_beg] = t * cps[index_beg] + (1 - t) * cps[index_end] # cps[..., :-(continuity+1), ..., :] index_beg[direction] = slice(None, -(continuity + 1), None) cps = cps[index_beg] bases = list(self.bases) bases[direction] = basis args = bases + [cps] + [self.rational] # search for the right subclass constructor, i.e. Volume, Surface or Curve constructor = [c for c in SplineObject.__subclasses__() if c._intended_pardim == len(self.bases)] constructor = constructor[0]
return constructor(*args, raw=True) @property def pardim(self): """ The number of parametric dimensions: 1 for curves, 2 for surfaces, 3 for volumes, etc. """ return len(self.controlpoints.shape)-1
[docs] def clone(self): """Clone the object."""
return copy.deepcopy(self) __call__ = evaluate def __len__(self): """Return the number of control points (basis functions) for the object.""" n = 1 for b in self.bases: n *= b.num_functions() return n def _unravel_flat_index(self, i): """Unravels a flat index i to multi-indexes. :param i: Flat index :type i: int or slice :rtype: Tuple of np.array :raises IndexError: If the index is out of bounds """ # i is int => make sure we deal with negative i properly # i is slice => use i.indices to compute the actual indices total = len(self) if isinstance(i, int): indexes = [i] if i >= 0 else [total + i] else: indexes = list(range(*i.indices(total))) # Convert to multi-indexes try: unraveled = np.unravel_index(indexes, self.controlpoints.shape[:-1], order='F') except ValueError: raise IndexError return unraveled def __getitem__(self, i): """Get the control point at a given index. Indexing is in column-major order. Examples of supported indexing modes: .. code:: python # Flat indexing with an int obj[4] # Flat indexing from the end obj[-1] # Flat indexing with a slice obj[2:5] # Multi-indexing with ints, negative ints and slices obj[0,-1,:] :rtype: numpy.array """ if isinstance(i, tuple): return self.controlpoints[i] unraveled = self._unravel_flat_index(i) # Singleton dimensions should be squeezed if the input was an int if isinstance(i, int): return self.controlpoints[unraveled][0] return self.controlpoints[unraveled] def __setitem__(self, i, cp): """Set the control points at given indices. This function supports the same indexing modes as :func:`SplineObject.__getitem__` :param int i: Index or indices :param numpy.array cp: New control point(s) """ if isinstance(i, tuple): self.controlpoints[i] = cp return unraveled = self._unravel_flat_index(i) self.controlpoints[unraveled] = cp @property def shape(self): """The dimensions of the control point array.""" return self.controlpoints.shape[:-1] def __iadd__(self, x): self.translate(x) return self def __isub__(self, x): self.translate(-np.array(x)) # can't do -x if x is a list, so we rewrap it here return self def __imul__(self, x): self.scale(x) return self def __itruediv__(self, x): self.scale(1.0 / x) return self __ifloordiv__ = __itruediv__ # integer division (should not distinguish) __idiv__ = __itruediv__ # python2 compatibility def __add__(self, x): new_obj = copy.deepcopy(self) new_obj += x return new_obj def __radd__(self, x): return self + x def __sub__(self, x): new_obj = copy.deepcopy(self) new_obj -= x return new_obj def __mul__(self, x): new_obj = copy.deepcopy(self) new_obj *= x return new_obj def __rmul__(self, x): return self * x def __div__(self, x): new_obj = copy.deepcopy(self) new_obj /= x return new_obj
[docs] @classmethod def make_splines_compatible(cls, spline1, spline2): """Ensure that two splines are compatible. This will manipulate one or both to ensure that they are both rational or nonrational, and that they lie in the same physical space. :param SplineObject spline1: The first spline :param SplineObject spline2: The second spline """ # make both rational (if needed) if spline1.rational: spline2.force_rational() elif spline2.rational: spline1.force_rational() # make both in the same geometric space if spline1.dimension > spline2.dimension: spline2.set_dimension(spline1.dimension) else:
[docs] @classmethod def make_splines_identical(cls, spline1, spline2): """Ensure that two splines have identical discretization. This will first make them compatible (see :func:`splipy.SplineObject.make_curves_compatible`), reparametrize them, and possibly raise the order and insert knots as required. :param SplineObject spline1: The first spline :param SplineObject spline2: The second spline """ # make sure that rational/dimension is the same SplineObject.make_splines_compatible(spline1, spline2) # make both have knot vectors in domain (0,1) spline1.reparam() spline2.reparam() # settle on the lowest periodicity if different appear for i in range(spline1.pardim): if spline1.bases[i].periodic < spline2.bases[i].periodic: spline2.lower_periodic(spline1.bases[i].periodic, i) elif spline2.bases[i].periodic < spline1.bases[i].periodic: spline1.lower_periodic(spline2.bases[i].periodic, i) # make sure both have the same order p1 = spline1.order() p2 = spline2.order() p = tuple(max(q,r) for (q,r) in zip(p1,p2)) raise1 = tuple(max(q-r,0) for (q,r) in zip(p,p1)) raise2 = tuple(max(q-r,0) for (q,r) in zip(p,p2)) spline1.raise_order( *raise1 ) spline2.raise_order( *raise2 ) # make sure both have the same knot vectors for i in range(spline1.pardim): knot1 = spline1.knots(direction=i) knot2 = spline2.knots(direction=i) b1 = spline1.bases[i] b2 = spline2.bases[i] for k in knot1: c1 = b1.continuity(k) c2 = b2.continuity(k) if c2 > c1: m = min(c2-c1, p[i]-1-c1) # c2=np.inf if knot does not exist spline2.insert_knot([k]*m, direction=i) for k in knot2: c1 = b1.continuity(k) c2 = b2.continuity(k) if c1 > c2: m = min(c1-c2, p[i]-1-c2) # c1=np.inf if knot does not exist
spline1.insert_knot([k]*m, direction=i)