# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Handy utilities for creating curves."""
from math import pi, cos, sin, sqrt, ceil, atan2
from splipy.SplineObject import rotation_matrix
from splipy import Curve, BSplineBasis
from splipy.utils import flip_and_move_plane_geometry, rotate_local_x_axis
from numpy.linalg import norm
import splipy.state as state
import scipy.sparse.linalg as splinalg
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import copy
import inspect
__all__ = ['Boundary', 'line', 'polygon', 'n_gon', 'circle', 'ellipse',
'circle_segment_from_three_points', 'circle_segment', 'interpolate',
'least_square_fit', 'cubic_curve', 'bezier', 'manipulate', 'fit']
[docs]class Boundary:
"""Enumeration representing different boundary conditions used in
FREE = 1
"""The curve will be smooth at the second and second-to-last unique knot."""
"""The curve will have zero second derivatives at the endpoints."""
"""Specify the derivatives at the knots."""
"""The curve will be periodic at the endpoints."""
"""Specify the tangents at the endpoints."""
"""Use `TANGENT` for the start and `NATURAL` for the end."""
[docs]def line(a, b, relative=False):
""" Create a line between two points.
:param array-like a: Start point
:param array-like b: End point
:param bool relative: Whether *b* is relative to *a*
:return: Linear curve from *a* to *b*
:rtype: Curve
if relative:
b = tuple(ai + bi for ai, bi in zip(a, b))
return Curve(controlpoints=[a, b])
[docs]def polygon(*points, **keywords):
""" Create a linear interpolation between input points.
:param [array-like] points: The points to interpolate
:param bool relative: If controlpoints are interpreted as relative to the
previous one
:param [float] t: specify parametric interpolation points (the knot vector)
:return: Linear curve through the input points
:rtype: Curve
if len(points) == 1:
points = points[0]
knot = keywords.get('t', [])
if len(knot) == 0: # establish knot vector based on eucledian length between points
knot = [0, 0]
prevPt = points[0]
for pt in points[1:]:
dist = 0
for (x0, x1) in zip(prevPt, pt): # loop over (x,y) and maybe z-coordinate
dist += (x1 - x0)**2
knot.append(knot[-1] + sqrt(dist))
prevPt = pt
else: # use knot vector given as input argument
knot = [knot[0]] + list(knot) + [knot[-1]]
relative = keywords.get('relative', False)
if relative:
points = list(points)
for i in range(1, len(points)):
points[i] = [x0 + x1 for (x0,x1) in zip(points[i-1], points[i])]
return Curve(BSplineBasis(2, knot), points)
[docs]def n_gon(n=5, r=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1)):
""" Create a regular polygon of *n* equal sides centered at the origin.
:param int n: Number of sides and vertices
:param float r: Radius
:param array-like center: local origin
:param array-like normal: local normal
:return: A linear, periodic, 2D curve
:rtype: Curve
:raises ValueError: If radius is not positive
:raises ValueError: If *n* < 3
if r <= 0:
raise ValueError('radius needs to be positive')
if n < 3:
raise ValueError('regular polygons need at least 3 sides')
cp = []
dt = 2 * pi / n
knot = [-1]
for i in range(n):
cp.append([r * cos(i * dt), r * sin(i * dt)])
knot += [n, n+1]
basis = BSplineBasis(2, knot, 0)
result = Curve(basis, cp)
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
[docs]def circle(r=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1), type='p2C0', xaxis=(1,0,0)):
""" Create a circle.
:param float r: Radius
:param array-like center: local origin
:param array-like normal: local normal
:param string type: The type of parametrization ('p2C0' or 'p4C1')
:param array-like xaxis: direction of sem, i.e. parametric start point t=0
:return: A periodic, quadratic rational curve
:rtype: Curve
:raises ValueError: If radius is not positive
if r <= 0:
raise ValueError('radius needs to be positive')
if type == 'p2C0' or type == 'C0p2':
w = 1.0 / sqrt(2)
controlpoints = [[1, 0, 1],
[w, w, w],
[0, 1, 1],
[-w, w, w],
[-1, 0, 1],
[-w, -w, w],
[0, -1, 1],
[w, -w, w]]
knot = np.array([-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5]) / 4.0 * 2 * pi
result = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, knot, 0), controlpoints, True)
elif type.lower() == 'p4c1' or type.lower() == 'c1p4':
w = 2*sqrt(2)/3
a = 1.0/2/sqrt(2)
b = 1.0/6 * (4*sqrt(2)-1)
controlpoints = [[ 1,-a, 1],
[ 1, a, 1],
[ b, b, w],
[ a, 1, 1],
[-a, 1, 1],
[-b, b, w],
[-1, a, 1],
[-1,-a, 1],
[-b,-b, w],
[-a,-1, 1],
[ a,-1, 1],
[ b,-b, w]]
knot = np.array([ -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5]) / 4.0 * 2 * pi
result = Curve(BSplineBasis(5, knot, 1), controlpoints, True)
raise ValueError('Unkown type: %s' %(type))
result *= r
result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
[docs]def ellipse(r1=1, r2=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1), type='p2C0', xaxis=(1,0,0)):
""" Create an ellipse
:param float r1: Radius along xaxis
:param float r2: Radius orthogonal to xaxis
:param array-like center: local origin
:param array-like normal: local normal
:param string type: The type of parametrization ('p2C0' or 'p4C1')
:param array-like xaxis: direction of sem, i.e. parametric start point t=0
:return: A periodic, quadratic rational curve
:rtype: Curve
:raises ValueError: If radius is not positive
result = circle(type=type)
result *= [r1,r2,1]
result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
[docs]def circle_segment_from_three_points(x0, x1, x2):
"""circle_segment_from_three_points(x0, x1, x2)
Create a circle segment going from the point x0 to x2 through x1
:param vector-like x0: The start point (2D or 3D point)
:param vector-like x1: An intermediate point (2D or 3D)
:param vector-like x2: The end point (2D or 3D)
:rtype: Curve
# wrap input into 3d numpy arrays
pt0 = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float')
pt1 = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float')
pt2 = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float')
pt0[:len(x0)] = x0
pt1[:len(x1)] = x1
pt2[:len(x2)] = x2
# figure out normal, center and radius
normal = np.cross(pt1-pt0, pt2-pt0)
A = np.matrix(np.vstack((2*(pt1-pt0), 2*(pt2-pt0), normal)))
b = np.array([ np.dot(pt1,pt1) - np.dot(pt0,pt0),
np.dot(pt2,pt2) - np.dot(pt0,pt0),
center = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
radius = norm(pt2-center)
v2 = pt2-center
v1 = pt1-center
v0 = pt0-center
w0 = pt0-pt2
w1 = pt1-pt2
w2 = np.cross(w0, w1)
normal = np.cross(v0,v2)
len_v2 = norm(v2)
len_v0 = norm(v0)
theta = np.arccos(np.dot(v2,v0) / len_v2 / len_v0)
if not np.all([np.sign(i)==np.sign(j) or abs(i-j) < state.controlpoint_absolute_tolerance for (i,j) in zip(w2,normal)]):
theta = 2*pi - theta
normal = -normal
result = circle_segment(theta, radius, center, np.cross(v0,v1), v0)
# spit out 2D curve if all input points were 2D, otherwise return 3D
result.set_dimension(np.max([len(x0), len(x1), len(x2)]))
return result
[docs]def circle_segment(theta, r=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1), xaxis=(1,0,0)):
""" Create a circle segment starting parallel to the rotated x-axis.
:param float theta: Angle in radians
:param float r: Radius
:param array-like center: circle segment center
:param array-like normal: normal vector to the plane that contains circle
:param array-like xaxis: direction of the parametric start point t=0
:return: A quadratic rational curve
:rtype: Curve
:raises ValueError: If radius is not positive
:raises ValueError: If theta is not in the range *[-2pi, 2pi]*
# error test input
if abs(theta) > 2 * pi:
raise ValueError('theta needs to be in range [-2pi,2pi]')
if r <= 0:
raise ValueError('radius needs to be positive')
if theta == 2*pi:
return circle(r, center, normal)
# build knot vector
knot_spans = int(ceil(abs(theta) / (2 * pi / 3)))
knot = [0]
for i in range(knot_spans + 1):
knot += [i] * 2
knot += [knot_spans] # knot vector [0,0,0,1,1,2,2,..,n,n,n]
knot = np.array(knot) / float(knot[-1]) * theta # set parametic space to [0,theta]
n = (knot_spans - 1) * 2 + 3 # number of control points needed
cp = []
t = 0 # current angle
dt = float(theta) / knot_spans / 2 # angle step
# build control points
for i in range(n):
w = 1 - (i % 2) * (1 - cos(dt)) # weights = 1 and cos(dt) every other i
x = r * cos(t)
y = r * sin(t)
cp += [[x, y, w]]
t += dt
if theta < 0:
result = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, np.flip(knot,0)), cp, True)
result = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, knot), cp, True)
result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
[docs]def interpolate(x, basis, t=None):
""" Perform general spline interpolation on a provided basis.
:param matrix-like x: Matrix *X[i,j]* of interpolation points *xi* with
components *j*
:param BSplineBasis basis: Basis on which to interpolate
:param array-like t: parametric values at interpolation points; defaults to
Greville points if not provided
:return: Interpolated curve
:rtype: Curve
# wrap x into a numpy matrix
x = np.matrix(x)
# evaluate all basis functions in the interpolation points
if t is None:
t = basis.greville()
N = basis.evaluate(t, sparse=True)
# solve interpolation problem
controlpoints = splinalg.spsolve(N, x)
return Curve(basis, controlpoints)
[docs]def least_square_fit(x, basis, t):
""" Perform a least-square fit of a point cloud onto a spline basis
:param matrix-like x: Matrix *X[i,j]* of interpolation points *xi* with
components *j*. The number of points must be equal to or larger than
the number of basis functions in *basis*
:param BSplineBasis basis: Basis on which to interpolate
:param array-like t: parametric values at evaluation points
:return: Approximated curve
:rtype: Curve
# wrap x into a numpy matrix
x = np.matrix(x)
# evaluate all basis functions at evaluation points
N = basis.evaluate(t)
# solve interpolation problem
controlpoints,_,_,_ = np.linalg.lstsq(N, x, rcond=None)
return Curve(basis, controlpoints)
[docs]def cubic_curve(x, boundary=Boundary.FREE, t=None, tangents=None):
""" Perform cubic spline interpolation on a provided basis.
The valid boundary conditions are enumerated in :class:`Boundary`. The
meaning of the `tangents` parameter depends on the specified boundary
- `TANGENT`: two points,
- `TANGENTNATURAL`: one point,
- `HERMITE`: *n* points
:param matrix-like x: Matrix *X[i,j]* of interpolation points *x_i* with
components *j*
:param int boundary: Any value from :class:`Boundary`.
:param array-like t: parametric values at interpolation points, defaults
to Euclidean distance between evaluation points
:param matrix-like tangents: Tangent information according to the boundary
:return: Interpolated curve
:rtype: Curve
# if periodic input is not closed, make sure we do it now
if boundary == Boundary.PERIODIC and not (
np.allclose(x[0,:], x[-1,:],
rtol = state.controlpoint_relative_tolerance,
atol = state.controlpoint_absolute_tolerance)):
x = np.append(x, [x[0,:]], axis=0)
if t is not None:
# augment interpolation knot by euclidian distance to end
t = list(t) + [t[-1] + norm(np.array(x[0,:])- np.array(x[-2,:]))]
n = len(x)
if t is None:
t = [0.0]
for (x0,x1) in zip(x[:-1,:], x[1:,:]):
# eucledian distance between two consecutive points
dist = norm(np.array(x1)-np.array(x0))
# modify knot vector for chosen boundary conditions
knot = [t[0]]*3 + list(t) + [t[-1]]*3
if boundary == Boundary.FREE:
del knot[-5]
del knot[4]
elif boundary == Boundary.HERMITE:
knot = sorted(list(knot) + list(t[1:-1]))
# create the interpolation basis and interpolation matrix on this
if boundary == Boundary.PERIODIC:
# C2-periodic knots
knot[0] = t[0] + t[-4] - t[-1]
knot[1] = t[0] + t[-3] - t[-1]
knot[2] = t[0] + t[-2] - t[-1]
knot[-3] = t[-1] + t[1] - t[0]
knot[-2] = t[-1] + t[2] - t[0]
knot[-1] = t[-1] + t[3] - t[0]
basis = BSplineBasis(4, knot, 2)
# do not duplicate the interpolation at the sem (start=end is the same point)
# identical points equal singular interpolation matrix
t = t[:-1]
x = x[:-1,:]
basis = BSplineBasis(4, knot)
N = basis(t, sparse=True) # left-hand-side matrix
# add derivative boundary conditions if applicable
if boundary in [Boundary.TANGENT, Boundary.HERMITE, Boundary.TANGENTNATURAL]:
if boundary == Boundary.TANGENT:
dn = basis([t[0], t[-1]], d=1)
elif boundary == Boundary.TANGENTNATURAL:
dn = basis(t[0], d=1)
elif boundary == Boundary.HERMITE:
dn = basis(t, d=1)
N = sp.vstack([N, sp.csr_matrix(dn)])
x = np.vstack([x, tangents])
# add double derivative boundary conditions if applicable
if boundary in [Boundary.NATURAL, Boundary.TANGENTNATURAL]:
if boundary == Boundary.NATURAL:
ddn = basis([t[0], t[-1]], d=2)
new = 2
elif boundary == Boundary.TANGENTNATURAL:
ddn = basis(t[-1], d=2)
new = 1
N = sp.vstack([N, sp.csr_matrix(ddn)])
x = np.vstack([x, np.zeros((new, x.shape[1]))])
# solve system to get controlpoints
cp = splinalg.spsolve(N,x)
# wrap it all into a curve and return
return Curve(basis, cp)
[docs]def bezier(pts, quadratic=False, relative=False):
""" Generate a cubic or quadratic bezier curve from a set of control points
:param [array-like] pts: list of control-points. In addition to a starting
point we need three points per bezier interval for cubic splines and
two points for quadratic splines
:param bool quadratic: True if a quadratic spline is to be returned, False
if a cubic spline is to be returned
:param bool relative: If controlpoints are interpreted as relative to the
previous one
:return: Bezier curve
:rtype: Curve
if quadratic:
p = 3
p = 4
# compute number of intervals
n = int((len(pts)-1)/(p-1))
# generate uniform knot vector of repeated integers
knot = list(range(n+1)) * (p-1) + [0, n]
if relative:
pts = copy.deepcopy(pts)
for i in range(1, len(pts)):
pts[i] = [x0 + x1 for (x0,x1) in zip(pts[i-1], pts[i])]
return Curve(BSplineBasis(p, knot), pts)
[docs]def manipulate(crv, f, normalized=False, vectorized=False):
""" Create a new curve based on an expression-evaluation of an existing one
:param Curve crv: original curve on which f is to be applied
:param function f: expression of the physical point *x*, the velocity
(tangent) *v*, parametric point *t* and/or acceleration *a*.
:param normalized: If velocity and acceleration terms should be normalized
to have length 1
:param vectorized: True if *f* is expressed in terms of vectorized
operations. The method is sped up whenever this is used.
.. code:: python
def scale_by_two(x):
return 2*x
new_curve = manipulate(old_curve, scale_by_two)
new_curve = old_curve * 2 # will give the same result
def move_3_to_right(x, v):
result = x
# *v* is velocity. Rotate this 90 to the right and it points (+v[1], -v[0])
result[0] += 3*v[1]
result[1] -= 3*v[0]
return result
# note that the velocity vector will not have length one unless normalized is passed
new_curve = manipulate(old_curve, move_3_to_right, normalized=True)
def move_3_to_right_fast(x, v):
result = x
result[:,0] += 3*v[:,1]
result[:,1] -= 3*v[:,0]
return result
new_curve = manipulate(old_curve, move_3_to_right_fast, normalized=True, vectorized=True)
b = crv.bases[0]
t = np.array(b.greville())
n = len(crv)
if vectorized:
x = crv(t)
arg_names = inspect.getargspec(f).args
argc = len(arg_names)
argv = [0] * argc
for j in range(argc):
if arg_names[j] == 'x':
argv[j] = x
elif arg_names[j] == 't':
argv[j] = t
elif arg_names[j] == 'v':
c0 = np.array([i for i in range(n) if b.continuity(t[i]) == 0])
v = crv.derivative(t, 1)
if len(c0)>0:
v[c0,:] = (v[c0,:] + crv.derivative(t[c0], 1, above=False)) / 2.0
if normalized:
v[:] = [vel / norm(vel) for vel in v]
argv[j] = v
elif arg_names[j] == 'a':
c1 = np.array([i for i in range(n) if b.continuity(t[i]) < 2])
a = crv.derivative(t, 2)
if len(c1)>0:
a[c1,:] = (a[c1,:] + crv.derivative(t[c1], 2, above=False)) / 2.0
if normalized:
a[:] = [acc / norm(acc) for acc in a]
argv[j] = a
destination = f(*argv)
destination = np.zeros((len(crv), crv.dimension))
for (t1, i) in zip(t, range(len(t))):
x = crv(t1)
arg_names = inspect.getargspec(f).args
argc = len(arg_names)
argv = [0] * argc
for j in range(argc):
if arg_names[j] == 'x':
argv[j] = x
elif arg_names[j] == 't':
argv[j] = t1
elif arg_names[j] == 'v':
v = crv.derivative(t1, 1)
if b.continuity(t1) < 1:
v += crv.derivative(t1, 1, above=False)
v /= 2.0
if normalized:
v /= norm(v)
argv[j] = v
elif arg_names[j] == 'a':
a = crv.derivative(t1, 2)
if b.continuity(t1) < 2:
a += crv.derivative(t1, 1, above=False)
a /= 2.0
if normalized:
a /= norm(a)
argv[j] = a
destination[i] = f(*argv)
N = b(t, sparse=True)
controlpoints = splinalg.spsolve(N, destination)
return Curve(b, controlpoints)
[docs]def fit(x, t0, t1, rtol=1e-4, atol=0.0):
""" Computes an interpolation for a parametric curve up to a specified tolerance.
The method will iteratively refine parts where needed resulting in a non-uniform
knot vector with as optimized knot locations as possible.
:param function x: callable function which takes as input a vector of evaluation
points t and gives as output a matrix x where x[i,j] is component j evaluated
at point t[i]
:param float t0: start of parametric domain
:param float t1: end of parametric domain
:param float rtol: relative tolerance for stopping criterium. It is defined
to be ||e||_L2 / D, where D is the length of the curve and ||e||_L2 is the
L2-error (see Curve.error)
:param float atol: absolute tolerance for stopping criterium. It is defined to
be the maximal distance between the curve approximation and the exact curve
:return: Curve Non-uniform cubic B-spline curve
.. code:: python
import numpy as np
import splipy.curve_factory as curve_factory
# gives a B-spline approximation to the circle with arclength parametrization
# unlike curve_factory.circle which is exact, but not arclength
def arclength_circle(t):
return np.array( [np.cos(t), np.sin(t)] ).T
crv = curve_factory.fit(arclength_circle, 0, 2*np.pi)
print crv
# approximates a difficult function with wild behaviour around t=0, but
# this is overcome by a higher knot density around this point
def one_over_t(t):
eps = 1e-8 # to avoid 1/0 we add a small epsilon
return np.array( [t, 1.0/(t+eps)] ).T
crv = curve_factory.fit(one_over_t, 0, 1, rtol=1e-6)
print crv # first knot span is ~1e-9, last knot is ~1e-1
# one can specify the target curve in terms of existing Curve objects
crv = curve_factory.circle(r=1) # Curve-object, quadratic NURBS
def move_along_tangent(t):
return crv(t) + crv.tangent(t) # can evaluate curve or its derivatives
# fit() will create a B-spline approximation using non-uniform refinement
crv2 = curve_factory.fit(move_along_tangent, crv.start(0), crv.end(0))
b = BSplineBasis(4, [t0,t0,t0,t0, t1,t1,t1,t1])
t = np.array(b.greville())
crv = interpolate(x(t), b, t)
(err2, maxerr) = crv.error(x)
# polynomial input (which can be exactly represented) only use one knot span
if maxerr < 1e-13:
return crv
# for all other curves, start with 4 knot spans
knot_vector = [t0,t0,t0,t0] + [i/5.0*(t1-t0)+t0 for i in range(1,5)] + [t1,t1,t1,t1]
b = BSplineBasis(4, knot_vector)
t = np.array(b.greville())
crv = interpolate(x(t), b, t)
(err2, maxerr) = crv.error(x)
# this is technically false since we need the length of the target function *x*
# and not our approximation *crv*, but we don't have the derivative of *x*, so
# we can't compute it. This seems like a healthy compromise
length = crv.length()
while np.sqrt(np.sum(err2))/length > rtol and maxerr > atol:
knot_span = crv.knots(0) # knot vector without multiplicities
target_error = (rtol*length)**2 / len(err2) # equidistribute error among all knot spans
refinements = []
for i in range(len(err2)):
# figure out how many new knots we require in this knot interval:
# if we converge with *scale* and want an error of *target_error*
# |e|^2 * (1/n)^scale = target_error^2
conv_order = 4 # cubic interpolateion is order=4
square_conv_order = 2*conv_order # we are computing with square of error
scale = square_conv_order + 4 # don't want to converge too quickly in case of highly non-uniform mesh refinement is required
n = int(np.ceil(np.exp((np.log(err2[i]) - np.log(target_error))/scale)))
# add *n* new interior knots to this knot span
new_knots = np.linspace(knot_span[i], knot_span[i+1], n+1)
knot_vector = knot_vector + list(new_knots[1:-1])
# build new refined knot vector
b = BSplineBasis(4, knot_vector)
# do interpolation and return result
t = np.array(b.greville())
crv = interpolate(x(t), b, t)
(err2, maxerr) = crv.error(x)
length = crv.length()
return crv
def fit_points(x, t=[], rtol=1e-4, atol=0.0):
""" Computes an approximation for a list of points up to a specified tolerance.
The method will iteratively refine parts where needed resulting in a non-uniform
knot vector with as optimized knot locations as possible. The target curve is the
linear interpolation of the input points
:param [point-like] x: The points to approximate
:param [float] t: parametric values for curve points (same length as x)
:param float rtol: relative tolerance for stopping criterium. It is defined
to be ||e||_L2 / D, where D is the length of the curve and ||e||_L2 is the
L2-error (see Curve.error)
:param float atol: absolute tolerance for stopping criterium. It is defined to
be the maximal distance between the curve approximation and the exact curve
:return: Curve Non-uniform cubic B-spline curve
if len(t)>0:
linear = polygon(x, t=t)
linear = polygon(x)
return fit(linear, linear.start(0), linear.end(0), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)