Source code for splipy.curve_factory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Handy utilities for creating curves."""

from math import pi, cos, sin, sqrt, ceil, atan2
from splipy.SplineObject import rotation_matrix
from splipy import Curve, BSplineBasis
from splipy.utils import flip_and_move_plane_geometry, rotate_local_x_axis
from numpy.linalg import norm
import splipy.state as state
import scipy.sparse.linalg as splinalg
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import copy
import inspect

__all__ = ['Boundary', 'line', 'polygon', 'n_gon', 'circle', 'ellipse',
           'circle_segment_from_three_points', 'circle_segment', 'interpolate',
           'least_square_fit', 'cubic_curve', 'bezier', 'manipulate', 'fit']

[docs]class Boundary: """Enumeration representing different boundary conditions used in :func:`interpolate`.""" FREE = 1 """The curve will be smooth at the second and second-to-last unique knot.""" NATURAL = 2 """The curve will have zero second derivatives at the endpoints.""" HERMITE = 3 """Specify the derivatives at the knots.""" PERIODIC = 4 """The curve will be periodic at the endpoints.""" TANGENT = 5 """Specify the tangents at the endpoints.""" TANGENTNATURAL = 6
"""Use `TANGENT` for the start and `NATURAL` for the end."""
[docs]def line(a, b, relative=False): """ Create a line between two points. :param array-like a: Start point :param array-like b: End point :param bool relative: Whether *b* is relative to *a* :return: Linear curve from *a* to *b* :rtype: Curve """ if relative: b = tuple(ai + bi for ai, bi in zip(a, b))
return Curve(controlpoints=[a, b])
[docs]def polygon(*points, **keywords): """ Create a linear interpolation between input points. :param [array-like] points: The points to interpolate :param bool relative: If controlpoints are interpreted as relative to the previous one :param [float] t: specify parametric interpolation points (the knot vector) :return: Linear curve through the input points :rtype: Curve """ if len(points) == 1: points = points[0] knot = keywords.get('t', []) if len(knot) == 0: # establish knot vector based on eucledian length between points knot = [0, 0] prevPt = points[0] for pt in points[1:]: dist = 0 for (x0, x1) in zip(prevPt, pt): # loop over (x,y) and maybe z-coordinate dist += (x1 - x0)**2 knot.append(knot[-1] + sqrt(dist)) prevPt = pt knot.append(knot[-1]) else: # use knot vector given as input argument knot = [knot[0]] + list(knot) + [knot[-1]] relative = keywords.get('relative', False) if relative: points = list(points) for i in range(1, len(points)): points[i] = [x0 + x1 for (x0,x1) in zip(points[i-1], points[i])]
return Curve(BSplineBasis(2, knot), points)
[docs]def n_gon(n=5, r=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1)): """ Create a regular polygon of *n* equal sides centered at the origin. :param int n: Number of sides and vertices :param float r: Radius :param array-like center: local origin :param array-like normal: local normal :return: A linear, periodic, 2D curve :rtype: Curve :raises ValueError: If radius is not positive :raises ValueError: If *n* < 3 """ if r <= 0: raise ValueError('radius needs to be positive') if n < 3: raise ValueError('regular polygons need at least 3 sides') cp = [] dt = 2 * pi / n knot = [-1] for i in range(n): cp.append([r * cos(i * dt), r * sin(i * dt)]) knot.append(i) knot += [n, n+1] basis = BSplineBasis(2, knot, 0) result = Curve(basis, cp)
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
[docs]def circle(r=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1), type='p2C0', xaxis=(1,0,0)): """ Create a circle. :param float r: Radius :param array-like center: local origin :param array-like normal: local normal :param string type: The type of parametrization ('p2C0' or 'p4C1') :param array-like xaxis: direction of sem, i.e. parametric start point t=0 :return: A periodic, quadratic rational curve :rtype: Curve :raises ValueError: If radius is not positive """ if r <= 0: raise ValueError('radius needs to be positive') if type == 'p2C0' or type == 'C0p2': w = 1.0 / sqrt(2) controlpoints = [[1, 0, 1], [w, w, w], [0, 1, 1], [-w, w, w], [-1, 0, 1], [-w, -w, w], [0, -1, 1], [w, -w, w]] knot = np.array([-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5]) / 4.0 * 2 * pi result = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, knot, 0), controlpoints, True) elif type.lower() == 'p4c1' or type.lower() == 'c1p4': w = 2*sqrt(2)/3 a = 1.0/2/sqrt(2) b = 1.0/6 * (4*sqrt(2)-1) controlpoints = [[ 1,-a, 1], [ 1, a, 1], [ b, b, w], [ a, 1, 1], [-a, 1, 1], [-b, b, w], [-1, a, 1], [-1,-a, 1], [-b,-b, w], [-a,-1, 1], [ a,-1, 1], [ b,-b, w]] knot = np.array([ -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5]) / 4.0 * 2 * pi result = Curve(BSplineBasis(5, knot, 1), controlpoints, True) else: raise ValueError('Unkown type: %s' %(type)) result *= r result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
[docs]def ellipse(r1=1, r2=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1), type='p2C0', xaxis=(1,0,0)): """ Create an ellipse :param float r1: Radius along xaxis :param float r2: Radius orthogonal to xaxis :param array-like center: local origin :param array-like normal: local normal :param string type: The type of parametrization ('p2C0' or 'p4C1') :param array-like xaxis: direction of sem, i.e. parametric start point t=0 :return: A periodic, quadratic rational curve :rtype: Curve :raises ValueError: If radius is not positive """ result = circle(type=type) result *= [r1,r2,1] result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
[docs]def circle_segment_from_three_points(x0, x1, x2): """circle_segment_from_three_points(x0, x1, x2) Create a circle segment going from the point x0 to x2 through x1 :param vector-like x0: The start point (2D or 3D point) :param vector-like x1: An intermediate point (2D or 3D) :param vector-like x2: The end point (2D or 3D) :rtype: Curve """ # wrap input into 3d numpy arrays pt0 = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float') pt1 = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float') pt2 = np.array([0,0,0], dtype='float') pt0[:len(x0)] = x0 pt1[:len(x1)] = x1 pt2[:len(x2)] = x2 # figure out normal, center and radius normal = np.cross(pt1-pt0, pt2-pt0) A = np.matrix(np.vstack((2*(pt1-pt0), 2*(pt2-pt0), normal))) b = np.array([,pt1) -,pt0),,pt2) -,pt0),,pt0)]) center = np.linalg.solve(A,b) radius = norm(pt2-center) v2 = pt2-center v1 = pt1-center v0 = pt0-center w0 = pt0-pt2 w1 = pt1-pt2 w2 = np.cross(w0, w1) normal = np.cross(v0,v2) len_v2 = norm(v2) len_v0 = norm(v0) theta = np.arccos(,v0) / len_v2 / len_v0) if not np.all([np.sign(i)==np.sign(j) or abs(i-j) < state.controlpoint_absolute_tolerance for (i,j) in zip(w2,normal)]): theta = 2*pi - theta normal = -normal result = circle_segment(theta, radius, center, np.cross(v0,v1), v0) # spit out 2D curve if all input points were 2D, otherwise return 3D result.set_dimension(np.max([len(x0), len(x1), len(x2)]))
return result
[docs]def circle_segment(theta, r=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1), xaxis=(1,0,0)): """ Create a circle segment starting parallel to the rotated x-axis. :param float theta: Angle in radians :param float r: Radius :param array-like center: circle segment center :param array-like normal: normal vector to the plane that contains circle :param array-like xaxis: direction of the parametric start point t=0 :return: A quadratic rational curve :rtype: Curve :raises ValueError: If radius is not positive :raises ValueError: If theta is not in the range *[-2pi, 2pi]* """ # error test input if abs(theta) > 2 * pi: raise ValueError('theta needs to be in range [-2pi,2pi]') if r <= 0: raise ValueError('radius needs to be positive') if theta == 2*pi: return circle(r, center, normal) # build knot vector knot_spans = int(ceil(abs(theta) / (2 * pi / 3))) knot = [0] for i in range(knot_spans + 1): knot += [i] * 2 knot += [knot_spans] # knot vector [0,0,0,1,1,2,2,..,n,n,n] knot = np.array(knot) / float(knot[-1]) * theta # set parametic space to [0,theta] n = (knot_spans - 1) * 2 + 3 # number of control points needed cp = [] t = 0 # current angle dt = float(theta) / knot_spans / 2 # angle step # build control points for i in range(n): w = 1 - (i % 2) * (1 - cos(dt)) # weights = 1 and cos(dt) every other i x = r * cos(t) y = r * sin(t) cp += [[x, y, w]] t += dt if theta < 0: cp.reverse() result = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, np.flip(knot,0)), cp, True) else: result = Curve(BSplineBasis(3, knot), cp, True) result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
[docs]def interpolate(x, basis, t=None): """ Perform general spline interpolation on a provided basis. :param matrix-like x: Matrix *X[i,j]* of interpolation points *xi* with components *j* :param BSplineBasis basis: Basis on which to interpolate :param array-like t: parametric values at interpolation points; defaults to Greville points if not provided :return: Interpolated curve :rtype: Curve """ # wrap x into a numpy matrix x = np.matrix(x) # evaluate all basis functions in the interpolation points if t is None: t = basis.greville() N = basis.evaluate(t, sparse=True) # solve interpolation problem controlpoints = splinalg.spsolve(N, x)
return Curve(basis, controlpoints)
[docs]def least_square_fit(x, basis, t): """ Perform a least-square fit of a point cloud onto a spline basis :param matrix-like x: Matrix *X[i,j]* of interpolation points *xi* with components *j*. The number of points must be equal to or larger than the number of basis functions in *basis* :param BSplineBasis basis: Basis on which to interpolate :param array-like t: parametric values at evaluation points :return: Approximated curve :rtype: Curve """ # wrap x into a numpy matrix x = np.matrix(x) # evaluate all basis functions at evaluation points N = basis.evaluate(t) # solve interpolation problem controlpoints,_,_,_ = np.linalg.lstsq(N, x, rcond=None)
return Curve(basis, controlpoints)
[docs]def cubic_curve(x, boundary=Boundary.FREE, t=None, tangents=None): """ Perform cubic spline interpolation on a provided basis. The valid boundary conditions are enumerated in :class:`Boundary`. The meaning of the `tangents` parameter depends on the specified boundary condition: - `TANGENT`: two points, - `TANGENTNATURAL`: one point, - `HERMITE`: *n* points :param matrix-like x: Matrix *X[i,j]* of interpolation points *x_i* with components *j* :param int boundary: Any value from :class:`Boundary`. :param array-like t: parametric values at interpolation points, defaults to Euclidean distance between evaluation points :param matrix-like tangents: Tangent information according to the boundary conditions. :return: Interpolated curve :rtype: Curve """ # if periodic input is not closed, make sure we do it now if boundary == Boundary.PERIODIC and not ( np.allclose(x[0,:], x[-1,:], rtol = state.controlpoint_relative_tolerance, atol = state.controlpoint_absolute_tolerance)): x = np.append(x, [x[0,:]], axis=0) if t is not None: # augment interpolation knot by euclidian distance to end t = list(t) + [t[-1] + norm(np.array(x[0,:])- np.array(x[-2,:]))] n = len(x) if t is None: t = [0.0] for (x0,x1) in zip(x[:-1,:], x[1:,:]): # eucledian distance between two consecutive points dist = norm(np.array(x1)-np.array(x0)) t.append(t[-1]+dist) # modify knot vector for chosen boundary conditions knot = [t[0]]*3 + list(t) + [t[-1]]*3 if boundary == Boundary.FREE: del knot[-5] del knot[4] elif boundary == Boundary.HERMITE: knot = sorted(list(knot) + list(t[1:-1])) # create the interpolation basis and interpolation matrix on this if boundary == Boundary.PERIODIC: # C2-periodic knots knot[0] = t[0] + t[-4] - t[-1] knot[1] = t[0] + t[-3] - t[-1] knot[2] = t[0] + t[-2] - t[-1] knot[-3] = t[-1] + t[1] - t[0] knot[-2] = t[-1] + t[2] - t[0] knot[-1] = t[-1] + t[3] - t[0] basis = BSplineBasis(4, knot, 2) # do not duplicate the interpolation at the sem (start=end is the same point) # identical points equal singular interpolation matrix t = t[:-1] x = x[:-1,:] else: basis = BSplineBasis(4, knot) N = basis(t, sparse=True) # left-hand-side matrix # add derivative boundary conditions if applicable if boundary in [Boundary.TANGENT, Boundary.HERMITE, Boundary.TANGENTNATURAL]: if boundary == Boundary.TANGENT: dn = basis([t[0], t[-1]], d=1) elif boundary == Boundary.TANGENTNATURAL: dn = basis(t[0], d=1) elif boundary == Boundary.HERMITE: dn = basis(t, d=1) N = sp.vstack([N, sp.csr_matrix(dn)]) x = np.vstack([x, tangents]) # add double derivative boundary conditions if applicable if boundary in [Boundary.NATURAL, Boundary.TANGENTNATURAL]: if boundary == Boundary.NATURAL: ddn = basis([t[0], t[-1]], d=2) new = 2 elif boundary == Boundary.TANGENTNATURAL: ddn = basis(t[-1], d=2) new = 1 N = sp.vstack([N, sp.csr_matrix(ddn)]) x = np.vstack([x, np.zeros((new, x.shape[1]))]) # solve system to get controlpoints cp = splinalg.spsolve(N,x) # wrap it all into a curve and return
return Curve(basis, cp)
[docs]def bezier(pts, quadratic=False, relative=False): """ Generate a cubic or quadratic bezier curve from a set of control points :param [array-like] pts: list of control-points. In addition to a starting point we need three points per bezier interval for cubic splines and two points for quadratic splines :param bool quadratic: True if a quadratic spline is to be returned, False if a cubic spline is to be returned :param bool relative: If controlpoints are interpreted as relative to the previous one :return: Bezier curve :rtype: Curve """ if quadratic: p = 3 else: p = 4 # compute number of intervals n = int((len(pts)-1)/(p-1)) # generate uniform knot vector of repeated integers knot = list(range(n+1)) * (p-1) + [0, n] knot.sort() if relative: pts = copy.deepcopy(pts) for i in range(1, len(pts)): pts[i] = [x0 + x1 for (x0,x1) in zip(pts[i-1], pts[i])]
return Curve(BSplineBasis(p, knot), pts)
[docs]def manipulate(crv, f, normalized=False, vectorized=False): """ Create a new curve based on an expression-evaluation of an existing one :param Curve crv: original curve on which f is to be applied :param function f: expression of the physical point *x*, the velocity (tangent) *v*, parametric point *t* and/or acceleration *a*. :param normalized: If velocity and acceleration terms should be normalized to have length 1 :param vectorized: True if *f* is expressed in terms of vectorized operations. The method is sped up whenever this is used. Examples: .. code:: python def scale_by_two(x): return 2*x new_curve = manipulate(old_curve, scale_by_two) new_curve = old_curve * 2 # will give the same result def move_3_to_right(x, v): result = x # *v* is velocity. Rotate this 90 to the right and it points (+v[1], -v[0]) result[0] += 3*v[1] result[1] -= 3*v[0] return result # note that the velocity vector will not have length one unless normalized is passed new_curve = manipulate(old_curve, move_3_to_right, normalized=True) def move_3_to_right_fast(x, v): result = x result[:,0] += 3*v[:,1] result[:,1] -= 3*v[:,0] return result new_curve = manipulate(old_curve, move_3_to_right_fast, normalized=True, vectorized=True) """ b = crv.bases[0] t = np.array(b.greville()) n = len(crv) if vectorized: x = crv(t) arg_names = inspect.getargspec(f).args argc = len(arg_names) argv = [0] * argc for j in range(argc): if arg_names[j] == 'x': argv[j] = x elif arg_names[j] == 't': argv[j] = t elif arg_names[j] == 'v': c0 = np.array([i for i in range(n) if b.continuity(t[i]) == 0]) v = crv.derivative(t, 1) if len(c0)>0: v[c0,:] = (v[c0,:] + crv.derivative(t[c0], 1, above=False)) / 2.0 if normalized: v[:] = [vel / norm(vel) for vel in v] argv[j] = v elif arg_names[j] == 'a': c1 = np.array([i for i in range(n) if b.continuity(t[i]) < 2]) a = crv.derivative(t, 2) if len(c1)>0: a[c1,:] = (a[c1,:] + crv.derivative(t[c1], 2, above=False)) / 2.0 if normalized: a[:] = [acc / norm(acc) for acc in a] argv[j] = a destination = f(*argv) else: destination = np.zeros((len(crv), crv.dimension)) for (t1, i) in zip(t, range(len(t))): x = crv(t1) arg_names = inspect.getargspec(f).args argc = len(arg_names) argv = [0] * argc for j in range(argc): if arg_names[j] == 'x': argv[j] = x elif arg_names[j] == 't': argv[j] = t1 elif arg_names[j] == 'v': v = crv.derivative(t1, 1) if b.continuity(t1) < 1: v += crv.derivative(t1, 1, above=False) v /= 2.0 if normalized: v /= norm(v) argv[j] = v elif arg_names[j] == 'a': a = crv.derivative(t1, 2) if b.continuity(t1) < 2: a += crv.derivative(t1, 1, above=False) a /= 2.0 if normalized: a /= norm(a) argv[j] = a destination[i] = f(*argv) N = b(t, sparse=True) controlpoints = splinalg.spsolve(N, destination)
return Curve(b, controlpoints)
[docs]def fit(x, t0, t1, rtol=1e-4, atol=0.0): """ Computes an interpolation for a parametric curve up to a specified tolerance. The method will iteratively refine parts where needed resulting in a non-uniform knot vector with as optimized knot locations as possible. :param function x: callable function which takes as input a vector of evaluation points t and gives as output a matrix x where x[i,j] is component j evaluated at point t[i] :param float t0: start of parametric domain :param float t1: end of parametric domain :param float rtol: relative tolerance for stopping criterium. It is defined to be ||e||_L2 / D, where D is the length of the curve and ||e||_L2 is the L2-error (see Curve.error) :param float atol: absolute tolerance for stopping criterium. It is defined to be the maximal distance between the curve approximation and the exact curve :return: Curve Non-uniform cubic B-spline curve Examples: .. code:: python import numpy as np import splipy.curve_factory as curve_factory # gives a B-spline approximation to the circle with arclength parametrization # unlike which is exact, but not arclength def arclength_circle(t): return np.array( [np.cos(t), np.sin(t)] ).T crv =, 0, 2*np.pi) print crv # approximates a difficult function with wild behaviour around t=0, but # this is overcome by a higher knot density around this point def one_over_t(t): eps = 1e-8 # to avoid 1/0 we add a small epsilon return np.array( [t, 1.0/(t+eps)] ).T crv =, 0, 1, rtol=1e-6) print crv # first knot span is ~1e-9, last knot is ~1e-1 # one can specify the target curve in terms of existing Curve objects crv = # Curve-object, quadratic NURBS def move_along_tangent(t): return crv(t) + crv.tangent(t) # can evaluate curve or its derivatives # fit() will create a B-spline approximation using non-uniform refinement crv2 =, crv.start(0), crv.end(0)) """ b = BSplineBasis(4, [t0,t0,t0,t0, t1,t1,t1,t1]) t = np.array(b.greville()) crv = interpolate(x(t), b, t) (err2, maxerr) = crv.error(x) # polynomial input (which can be exactly represented) only use one knot span if maxerr < 1e-13: return crv # for all other curves, start with 4 knot spans knot_vector = [t0,t0,t0,t0] + [i/5.0*(t1-t0)+t0 for i in range(1,5)] + [t1,t1,t1,t1] b = BSplineBasis(4, knot_vector) t = np.array(b.greville()) crv = interpolate(x(t), b, t) (err2, maxerr) = crv.error(x) # this is technically false since we need the length of the target function *x* # and not our approximation *crv*, but we don't have the derivative of *x*, so # we can't compute it. This seems like a healthy compromise length = crv.length() while np.sqrt(np.sum(err2))/length > rtol and maxerr > atol: knot_span = crv.knots(0) # knot vector without multiplicities target_error = (rtol*length)**2 / len(err2) # equidistribute error among all knot spans refinements = [] for i in range(len(err2)): # figure out how many new knots we require in this knot interval: # if we converge with *scale* and want an error of *target_error* # |e|^2 * (1/n)^scale = target_error^2 conv_order = 4 # cubic interpolateion is order=4 square_conv_order = 2*conv_order # we are computing with square of error scale = square_conv_order + 4 # don't want to converge too quickly in case of highly non-uniform mesh refinement is required n = int(np.ceil(np.exp((np.log(err2[i]) - np.log(target_error))/scale))) # add *n* new interior knots to this knot span new_knots = np.linspace(knot_span[i], knot_span[i+1], n+1) knot_vector = knot_vector + list(new_knots[1:-1]) # build new refined knot vector knot_vector.sort() b = BSplineBasis(4, knot_vector) # do interpolation and return result t = np.array(b.greville()) crv = interpolate(x(t), b, t) (err2, maxerr) = crv.error(x) length = crv.length()
return crv def fit_points(x, t=[], rtol=1e-4, atol=0.0): """ Computes an approximation for a list of points up to a specified tolerance. The method will iteratively refine parts where needed resulting in a non-uniform knot vector with as optimized knot locations as possible. The target curve is the linear interpolation of the input points :param [point-like] x: The points to approximate :param [float] t: parametric values for curve points (same length as x) :param float rtol: relative tolerance for stopping criterium. It is defined to be ||e||_L2 / D, where D is the length of the curve and ||e||_L2 is the L2-error (see Curve.error) :param float atol: absolute tolerance for stopping criterium. It is defined to be the maximal distance between the curve approximation and the exact curve :return: Curve Non-uniform cubic B-spline curve """ if len(t)>0: linear = polygon(x, t=t) else: linear = polygon(x) return fit(linear, linear.start(0), linear.end(0), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)