Source code for splipy.surface_factory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Handy utilities for creating surfaces."""

from splipy import BSplineBasis, Curve, Surface
from math import pi, sqrt, atan2
from splipy.utils import flip_and_move_plane_geometry, rotate_local_x_axis
from splipy.utils.nutils import controlpoints, multiplicities, degree
import splipy.curve_factory as CurveFactory
import splipy.state as state
import inspect
import numpy as np
import os
from os.path import dirname, realpath, join

__all__ = ['square', 'disc', 'sphere', 'extrude', 'revolve', 'cylinder', 'torus', 'edge_curves',
           'thicken', 'sweep', 'loft', 'interpolate', 'least_square_fit', 'teapot']

[docs]def square(size=1, lower_left=(0,0)): """ Create a square with parametric origin at *(0,0)*. :param float size: Size(s), either a single scalar or a tuple of scalars per axis :param array-like lower_left: local origin, the lower left corner of the square :return: A linear parametrized square :rtype: Surface """ result = Surface() # unit square result.scale(size) result += lower_left
return result
[docs]def disc(r=1, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1), type='radial', xaxis=(1,0,0)): """ Create a circular disc. The *type* parameter distinguishes between different parametrizations. :param float r: Radius :param array-like center: local origin :param array-like normal: local normal :param string type: The type of parametrization ('radial' or 'square') :param array-like xaxis: direction of sem, i.e. parametric start point v=0 :return: The disc :rtype: Surface """ if type == 'radial': c1 =, center=center, normal=normal, xaxis=xaxis) c2 = flip_and_move_plane_geometry(c1*0, center, normal) result = edge_curves(c2, c1) result.swap() result.reparam((0,r), (0,2*pi)) return result elif type == 'square': w = 1 / sqrt(2) cp = [[-r * w, -r * w, 1], [0, -r, w], [r * w, -r * w, 1], [-r, 0, w], [0, 0, 1], [r, 0, w], [-r * w, r * w, 1], [0, r, w], [r * w, r * w, 1]] basis1 = BSplineBasis(3) basis2 = BSplineBasis(3) result = Surface(basis1, basis2, cp, True) return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal) else:
raise ValueError('invalid type argument')
[docs]def sphere(r=1, center=(0,0,0), zaxis=(0,0,1), xaxis=(1,0,0)): """ Create a spherical shell. :param float r: Radius :param array-like center: Local origin of the sphere :param array-like zaxis: direction of the north/south pole of the parametrization :param array-like xaxis: direction of the longitudal sem :return: The spherical shell :rtype: Surface """ circle = CurveFactory.circle_segment(pi, r) circle.rotate(-pi / 2) circle.rotate(pi / 2, (1, 0, 0)) # flip up into xz-plane result = revolve(circle) result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, zaxis))
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, zaxis)
[docs]def extrude(curve, amount): """ Extrude a curve by sweeping it to a given height. :param Curve curve: Curve to extrude :param array-like amount: 3-component vector of sweeping amount and direction :return: The extruded curve :rtype: Surface """ curve = curve.clone() # clone input curve, throw away input reference curve.set_dimension(3) # add z-components (if not already present) n = len(curve) # number of control points of the curve cp = np.zeros((2 * n, curve.dimension + curve.rational)) cp[:n, :] = curve.controlpoints # the first control points form the bottom curve += amount cp[n:, :] = curve.controlpoints # the last control points form the top
return Surface(curve.bases[0], BSplineBasis(2), cp, curve.rational)
[docs]def revolve(curve, theta=2 * pi, axis=(0,0,1)): """ Revolve a surface by sweeping a curve in a rotational fashion around the *z* axis. :param Curve curve: Curve to revolve :param float theta: Angle to revolve, in radians :param array-like axis: Axis of rotation :return: The revolved surface :rtype: Surface """ curve = curve.clone() # clone input curve, throw away input reference curve.set_dimension(3) # add z-components (if not already present) curve.force_rational() # add weight (if not already present) # align axis with the z-axis normal_theta = atan2(axis[1], axis[0]) normal_phi = atan2(sqrt(axis[0]**2 + axis[1]**2), axis[2]) curve.rotate(-normal_theta, [0,0,1]) curve.rotate(-normal_phi, [0,1,0]) circle_seg = CurveFactory.circle_segment(theta) n = len(curve) # number of control points of the curve m = len(circle_seg) # number of control points of the sweep cp = np.zeros((m * n, 4)) # loop around the circle and set control points by the traditional 9-point # circle curve with weights 1/sqrt(2), only here C0-periodic, so 8 points dt = 0 t = 0 for i in range(m): x,y,w = circle_seg[i] dt = atan2(y,x) - t t += dt curve.rotate(dt) cp[i * n:(i + 1) * n, :] = curve[:] cp[i * n:(i + 1) * n, 2] *= w cp[i * n:(i + 1) * n, 3] *= w result = Surface(curve.bases[0], circle_seg.bases[0], cp, True) # rotate it back again result.rotate(normal_phi, [0,1,0]) result.rotate(normal_theta, [0,0,1])
return result
[docs]def cylinder(r=1, h=1, center=(0,0,0), axis=(0,0,1), xaxis=(1,0,0)): """ Create a cylinder shell with no top or bottom :param float r: Radius :param float h: Height :param array-like center: The center of the bottom circle :param array-like axis: Cylinder axis :param array-like xaxis: direction of sem, i.e. parametric start point u=0 :return: The cylinder shell :rtype: Surface """
return extrude(, center, axis, xaxis=xaxis), h*np.array(axis))
[docs]def torus(minor_r=1, major_r=3, center=(0,0,0), normal=(0,0,1), xaxis=(1,0,0)): """ Create a torus (doughnut) by revolving a circle of size *minor_r* around the *z* axis with radius *major_r*. :param float minor_r: The thickness of the torus (radius in the *xz* plane) :param float major_r: The size of the torus (radius in the *xy* plane) :param array-like center: Local origin of the torus :param array-like normal: Local origin of the torus :param array-like center: Local origin of the torus :return: A periodic torus :rtype: Surface """ circle = circle.rotate(pi / 2, (1, 0, 0)) # flip up into xz-plane circle.translate((major_r, 0, 0)) # move into position to spin around z-axis result = revolve(circle) result.rotate(rotate_local_x_axis(xaxis, normal))
return flip_and_move_plane_geometry(result, center, normal)
[docs]def edge_curves(*curves, **kwargs): """ Create the surface defined by the region between the input curves. In case of four input curves, these must be given in an ordered directional closed loop around the resulting surface. :param [Curve] curves: Two or four edge curves :param string type: The method used for interior computation ('coons', 'poisson', 'elasticity' or 'finitestrain') :return: The enclosed surface :rtype: Surface :raises ValueError: If the length of *curves* is not two or four """ type = kwargs.get('type', 'coons') if len(curves) == 1: # probably gives input as a list-like single variable curves = curves[0] if len(curves) == 2: crv1 = curves[0].clone() crv2 = curves[1].clone() Curve.make_splines_identical(crv1, crv2) (n, d) = crv1.controlpoints.shape # d = dimension + rational controlpoints = np.zeros((2 * n, d)) controlpoints[:n, :] = crv1.controlpoints controlpoints[n:, :] = crv2.controlpoints linear = BSplineBasis(2) return Surface(crv1.bases[0], linear, controlpoints, crv1.rational) elif len(curves) == 4: # reorganize input curves so they form a directed loop around surface rtol = state.controlpoint_relative_tolerance atol = state.controlpoint_absolute_tolerance mycurves = [c.clone() for c in curves] # wrap into list and clone all since we're changing them dim = np.max([c.dimension for c in mycurves]) rat = np.any([c.rational for c in mycurves]) for i in range(4): for j in range(i+1,4): Curve.make_splines_compatible(mycurves[i], mycurves[j]) if not (np.allclose(mycurves[0][-1], mycurves[1][0], rtol=rtol, atol=atol) and np.allclose(mycurves[1][-1], mycurves[2][0], rtol=rtol, atol=atol) and np.allclose(mycurves[2][-1], mycurves[3][0], rtol=rtol, atol=atol) and np.allclose(mycurves[3][-1], mycurves[0][0], rtol=rtol, atol=atol)): reorder = [mycurves[0]] del mycurves[0] for j in range(3): found_match = False for i in range(len(mycurves)): if(np.allclose(reorder[j][-1], mycurves[i][0], rtol=rtol, atol=atol)): reorder.append(mycurves[i]) del mycurves[i] found_match = True break elif(np.allclose(reorder[j][-1], mycurves[i][-1], rtol=rtol, atol=atol)): reorder.append(mycurves[i].reverse()) del mycurves[i] found_match = True break if not found_match: raise RuntimeError('Curves do not form a closed loop (end-points do not match)') mycurves = reorder if type == 'coons': return coons_patch(*mycurves) elif type == 'poisson': return poisson_patch(*mycurves) elif type == 'elasticity': return elasticity_patch(*mycurves) elif type == 'finitestrain': return finitestrain_patch(*mycurves) else: raise ValueError('Unknown type parameter') else:
raise ValueError('Requires two or four input curves') def coons_patch(bottom, right, top, left): # coons patch ( top.reverse() left.reverse() # create linear interpolation between opposing sides s1 = edge_curves(bottom, top) s2 = edge_curves(left, right) s2.swap() # create (linear,linear) corner parametrization linear = BSplineBasis(2) rat = s1.rational # using control-points from top/bottom, so need to know if these are rational if rat: bottom = bottom.clone().force_rational() # don't mess with the input curve, make clone top.force_rational() # this is already a clone s3 = Surface(linear, linear, [bottom[0], bottom[-1], top[0], top[-1]], rat) # in order to add spline surfaces, they need identical parametrization Surface.make_splines_identical(s1, s2) Surface.make_splines_identical(s1, s3) Surface.make_splines_identical(s2, s3) result = s1 result.controlpoints += s2.controlpoints result.controlpoints -= s3.controlpoints return result def poisson_patch(bottom, right, top, left): from nutils import version if version != '3.0': raise ImportError('Outdated nutils version detected, only v3.0 supported. Upgrade by \"pip install --upgrade nutils\"') from nutils import mesh, function as fn from nutils import _, log # error test input if left.rational or right.rational or top.rational or bottom.rational: raise RuntimeError('poisson_patch not supported for rational splines') # these are given as a oriented loop, so make all run in positive parametric direction top.reverse() left.reverse() # in order to add spline surfaces, they need identical parametrization Curve.make_splines_identical(top, bottom) Curve.make_splines_identical(left, right) # create computational (nutils) mesh p1 = bottom.order(0) p2 = left.order(0) n1 = len(bottom) n2 = len(left) dim= left.dimension k1 = bottom.knots(0) k2 = left.knots(0) m1 = [bottom.order(0) - bottom.continuity(k) - 1 for k in k1] m2 = [left.order(0) - left.continuity(k) - 1 for k in k2] domain, geom = mesh.rectilinear([k1, k2]) basis = domain.basis('spline', [p1-1, p2-1], knotmultiplicities=[m1,m2]) # assemble system matrix grad = basis.grad(geom) outer = fn.outer(grad,grad) integrand = outer.sum(-1) matrix = domain.integrate(integrand, geometry=geom, ischeme='gauss'+str(max(p1,p2)+1)) # initialize variables controlpoints = np.zeros((n1,n2,dim)) rhs = np.zeros((n1*n2)) constraints = np.array([[np.nan]*n2]*n1) # treat all dimensions independently for d in range(dim): # add boundary conditions constraints[ 0, :] = left[ :,d] constraints[-1, :] = right[ :,d] constraints[ :, 0] = bottom[:,d] constraints[ :,-1] = top[ :,d] # solve system lhs = matrix.solve(rhs, constrain=np.ndarray.flatten(constraints), solver='cg', tol=state.controlpoint_absolute_tolerance) # wrap results into splipy datastructures controlpoints[:,:,d] = np.reshape(lhs, (n1,n2), order='C') return Surface(bottom.bases[0], left.bases[0], controlpoints, bottom.rational, raw=True) def elasticity_patch(bottom, right, top, left): from nutils import version if version != '3.0': raise ImportError('Outdated nutils version detected, only v3.0 supported. Upgrade by \"pip install --upgrade nutils\"') from nutils import mesh, function, solver from nutils import _, log # error test input if not (left.dimension == right.dimension == top.dimension == bottom.dimension == 2): raise RuntimeError('elasticity_patch only supported for planar (2D) geometries') if left.rational or right.rational or top.rational or bottom.rational: raise RuntimeError('elasticity_patch not supported for rational splines') # these are given as a oriented loop, so make all run in positive parametric direction top.reverse() left.reverse() # in order to add spline surfaces, they need identical parametrization Curve.make_splines_identical(top, bottom) Curve.make_splines_identical(left, right) # create computational (nutils) mesh p1 = bottom.order(0) p2 = left.order(0) n1 = len(bottom) n2 = len(left) dim= left.dimension k1 = bottom.knots(0) k2 = left.knots(0) m1 = [bottom.order(0) - bottom.continuity(k) - 1 for k in k1] m2 = [left.order(0) - left.continuity(k) - 1 for k in k2] domain, geom = mesh.rectilinear([k1, k2]) # assemble system matrix ns = function.Namespace() ns.x = geom ns.basis = domain.basis('spline', degree=[p1-1,p2-1], knotmultiplicities=[m1,m2]).vector(2) ns.eye = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]]) ns.lmbda = 1 = 1 ns.strain_nij = '(basis_ni,j + basis_nj,i) / 2' ns.stress_nij = 'lmbda strain_nkk eye_ij + 2 mu strain_nij' # construct matrix and right hand-side matrix = domain.integrate(ns.eval_nm('strain_nij stress_mij'), geometry=ns.x, degree=[p1-1,p2-1]) rhs = np.zeros((n1*n2*dim)) # add boundary conditions constraints = np.array([[[np.nan]*n2]*n1]*dim) for d in range(dim): constraints[d, 0, :] = left[ :,d] constraints[d,-1, :] = right[ :,d] constraints[d, :, 0] = bottom[:,d] constraints[d, :,-1] = top[ :,d] # solve system lhs = matrix.solve(rhs, constrain=np.ndarray.flatten(constraints, order='C'), solver='cg', tol=state.controlpoint_absolute_tolerance) # rewrap results into splipy datastructures controlpoints = np.reshape(lhs, (dim,n1,n2), order='C') controlpoints = controlpoints.swapaxes(0,2) controlpoints = controlpoints.swapaxes(0,1) return Surface(bottom.bases[0], left.bases[0], controlpoints, bottom.rational, raw=True) def finitestrain_patch(bottom, right, top, left): from nutils import version if version != '3.0': raise ImportError('Outdated nutils version detected, only v3.0 supported. Upgrade by \"pip install --upgrade nutils\"') from nutils import mesh, function from nutils import _, log, solver # error test input if not (left.dimension == right.dimension == top.dimension == bottom.dimension == 2): raise RuntimeError('finitestrain_patch only supported for planar (2D) geometries') if left.rational or right.rational or top.rational or bottom.rational: raise RuntimeError('finitestrain_patch not supported for rational splines') # these are given as a oriented loop, so make all run in positive parametric direction top.reverse() left.reverse() # in order to add spline surfaces, they need identical parametrization Curve.make_splines_identical(top, bottom) Curve.make_splines_identical(left, right) # create an initial mesh (correct corners) which we will morph into the right one p1 = bottom.order(0) p2 = left.order(0) p = max(p1,p2) linear = BSplineBasis(2) srf = Surface(linear, linear, [bottom[0], bottom[-1], top[0], top[-1]]) srf.raise_order(p1-2, p2-2) for k in bottom.knots(0, True)[p1:-p1]: srf.insert_knot(k, 0) for k in left.knots(0, True)[p2:-p2]: srf.insert_knot(k, 1) # create computational mesh n1 = len(bottom) n2 = len(left) dim= left.dimension domain, geom = mesh.rectilinear(srf.knots()) ns = function.Namespace() ns.basis = domain.basis('spline', degree(srf), knotmultiplicities=multiplicities(srf)).vector( 2 ) ns.phi = domain.basis('spline', degree(srf), knotmultiplicities=multiplicities(srf)) ns.eye = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]]) ns.cp = controlpoints(srf) ns.x_i = 'cp_ni phi_n' ns.lmbda = 1 = 1 # add total boundary conditions # for hard problems these will be taken in steps and multiplied by dt every # time (quasi-static iterations) constraints = np.array([[[np.nan]*n2]*n1]*dim) for d in range(dim): constraints[d, 0, :] = (left[ :,d] - srf[ 0, :,d]) constraints[d,-1, :] = (right[ :,d] - srf[-1, :,d]) constraints[d, :, 0] = (bottom[:,d] - srf[ :, 0,d]) constraints[d, :,-1] = (top[ :,d] - srf[ :,-1,d]) # in order to iterate, we let t0=0 be current configuration and t1=1 our target configuration # if solver divergeces (too large deformation), we will try with dt=0.5. If this still # fails we will resort to dt=0.25 until a suitable small iterations size have been found dt = 1 t0 = 0 t1 = 1 while t0 < 1: dt = t1-t0 print(' ==== Quasi-static '+str(t0*100)+'-'+str(t1*100)+' % ====') # define the non-linear finite strain problem formulation ns.cp = np.reshape(srf[:,:,:].swapaxes(0,1), (n1*n2, dim), order='F') ns.x_i = 'cp_ni phi_n' # geometric mapping (reference geometry) ns.u_i = 'basis_ki ?w_k' # displacement (unknown coefficients w_k) ns.X_i = 'x_i + u_i' # displaced geometry ns.strain_ij = '.5 (u_i,j + u_j,i + u_k,i u_k,j)' ns.stress_ij = 'lmbda strain_kk eye_ij + 2 mu strain_ij' try: residual = domain.integral(ns.eval_n('stress_ij basis_ni,j'), geometry=ns.X, degree=2*p) cons = np.ndarray.flatten(constraints*dt, order='C') lhs = solver.newton('w', residual, constrain=cons).solve( tol=state.controlpoint_absolute_tolerance, maxiter=8) # store the results on a splipy object and continue geom = lhs.reshape((n2,n1,dim), order='F') srf[:,:,:] += geom.swapaxes(0,1) t0 += dt t1 = 1 except solver.ModelError: # newton method fail to converge, try a smaller step length 'dt' t1 = (t1+t0)/2 return srf
[docs]def thicken(curve, amount): """ Generate a surface by adding thickness to a curve. - For 2D curves this will generate a 2D planar surface with the curve through the center. - For 3D curves this will generate a surface "tube" which is open at both ends (that is, for a straight line it will generate a cylinder shell). The resulting surface is an approximation generated by interpolating at the Greville points. It will use the same discretization as the input curve. It does not check for self-intersecting geometries. :param Curve curve: The generating curve :param amount: The amount of thickness, either constant or variable (if variable, the function must accept parameters named *x*, *y*, *z* and/or *t*) :return: Surrounding surface :rtype: Surface """ # NOTES: There are several pitfalls with this function # * self intersection: # could be handled more gracefully, but is here ignored # * choice of discretization: # the offset curve is computed from the velocity (tangent) which is of # one continuity less than the original curve. In particular C1 # quadratic curves will get very noticeable C0-kinks in them. Currently # this is completely ignored and we keep the high continuity of the # original curve. # * width given by function input # could produce wild behaviour. Original discretization might not # produce a satisfactory result curve = curve.clone() # clone input curve, throw away input reference t = curve.bases[0].greville() if curve.dimension == 2: # linear parametrization across domain n = len(curve) left_points = np.matrix(np.zeros((n, 2))) right_points = np.matrix(np.zeros((n, 2))) linear = BSplineBasis(2) x = np.matrix(curve.evaluate(t)) # curve at interpolation points v = curve.derivative(t) # velocity at interpolation points l = np.sqrt(v[:, 0]**2 + v[:, 1]**2) # normalizing factor for velocity for i in range(n): if l[i] < 1e-13: # in case of zero velocity, use neighbour instead if i>0: v[i,:] = v[i-1,:] else: v[i,:] = v[i+1,:] else: v[i,:] /= l[i] v = np.matrix(v) if inspect.isfunction(amount): arg_names = inspect.getargspec(amount).args argc = len(arg_names) argv = [0] * argc for i in range(n): # build up the list of arguments (in case not all of (x,y,t) are specified) for j in range(argc): if arg_names[j] == 'x': argv[j] = x[i, 0] elif arg_names[j] == 'y': argv[j] = x[i, 1] elif arg_names[j] == 'z': argv[j] = 0.0 elif arg_names[j] == 't': argv[j] = t[i] # figure out the distane at this particular point dist = amount(*argv) # store interpolation points right_points[i, 0] = x[i, 0] - v[i, 1] * dist # x at bottom right_points[i, 1] = x[i, 1] + v[i, 0] * dist # y at bottom left_points[ i, 0] = x[i, 0] + v[i, 1] * dist # x at top left_points[ i, 1] = x[i, 1] - v[i, 0] * dist # y at top else: right_points[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - v[:, 1] * amount # x at bottom right_points[:, 1] = x[:, 1] + v[:, 0] * amount # y at bottom left_points[ :, 0] = x[:, 0] + v[:, 1] * amount # x at top left_points[ :, 1] = x[:, 1] - v[:, 0] * amount # y at top # perform interpolation on each side right = CurveFactory.interpolate(right_points, curve.bases[0]) left = CurveFactory.interpolate(left_points, curve.bases[0]) return edge_curves(right, left) else: # dimension=3, we will create a surrounding tube
return sweep(curve,
[docs]def sweep(path, shape): """ Generate a surface by sweeping a shape along a path The resulting surface is an approximation generated by interpolating at the Greville points. It is generated by sweeping a shape curve along a path. The *shape* object has to be contained in the 'xy' plane (preferably centered around the origin) as its x-coordinate is extruded in the normal direction, and its y-coordinate in the binormal direction of the *path* curve. :param Curve path: The path to drag *shape* along :param Curve shape: The shape to be dragged out to a surface :return: Surrounding surface :rtype: Surface """ b1 = path.bases[0] b2 = shape.bases[0] n1 = b1.num_functions() n2 = b2.num_functions() # this requires binormals and normals, which only work in 3D, so assume this here X = np.zeros((n1,n2, 3)) for i in range(n1): u = b1.greville(i) x = path(u) B = path.binormal(u) N = path.normal(u) for j in range(n2): v = b2.greville(j) y = shape(v) X[i,j,:] = x + N*y[0] + B*y[1]
return interpolate(X, [b1,b2]) def loft(*curves): if len(curves) == 1: curves = curves[0] # clone input, so we don't change those references # make sure everything has the same dimension since we need to compute length curves = [c.clone().set_dimension(3) for c in curves] if len(curves)==2: return edge_curves(curves) elif len(curves)==3: # can't do cubic spline interpolation, so we'll do quadratic basis2 = BSplineBasis(3) dist = basis2.greville() else: x = [ for c in curves] # create knot vector from the euclidian length between the curves dist = [0] for (x1,x0) in zip(x[1:],x[:-1]): dist.append(dist[-1] + np.linalg.norm(x1-x0)) # using "free" boundary condition by setting N'''(u) continuous at second to last and second knot knot = [dist[0]]*4 + dist[2:-2] + [dist[-1]]*4 basis2 = BSplineBasis(4, knot) n = len(curves) for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1,n): Curve.make_splines_identical(curves[i], curves[j]) basis1 = curves[0].bases[0] m = basis1.num_functions() u = basis1.greville() # parametric interpolation points v = dist # parametric interpolation points # compute matrices Nu = basis1(u) Nv = basis2(v) Nu_inv = np.linalg.inv(Nu) Nv_inv = np.linalg.inv(Nv) # compute interpolation points in physical space x = np.zeros((m,n, curves[0][0].size)) for i in range(n): x[:,i,:] = Nu * curves[i].controlpoints # solve interpolation problem cp = np.tensordot(Nv_inv, x, axes=(1,1)) cp = np.tensordot(Nu_inv, cp, axes=(1,1)) # re-order controlpoints so they match up with Surface constructor cp = cp.transpose((1, 0, 2)) cp = cp.reshape(n*m, cp.shape[2]) return Surface(basis1, basis2, cp, curves[0].rational)
[docs]def interpolate(x, bases, u=None): """ Interpolate a surface on a set of regular gridded interpolation points `x`. The points can be either a matrix (in which case the first index is interpreted as a flat row-first index of the interpolation grid) or a 3D tensor. In both cases the last index is the physical coordinates. :param numpy.ndarray x: Grid of interpolation points :param [BSplineBasis] bases: The basis to interpolate on :param [array-like] u: Parametric interpolation points, defaults to Greville points of the basis :return: Interpolated surface :rtype: Surface """ surf_shape = [b.num_functions() for b in bases] dim = x.shape[-1] if len(x.shape) == 2: x = x.reshape(surf_shape + [dim]) if u is None: u = [b.greville() for b in bases] N_all = [b(t) for b,t in zip(bases, u)] N_all.reverse() cp = x for N in N_all: cp = np.tensordot(np.linalg.inv(N), cp, axes=(1,1))
return Surface(bases[0], bases[1], cp.transpose(1,0,2).reshape((,dim)))
[docs]def least_square_fit(x, bases, u): """ Perform a least-square fit of a point cloud `x` onto a spline basis. The points can be either a matrix (in which case the first index is interpreted as a flat row-first index of the interpolation grid) or a 3D tensor. In both cases the last index is the physical coordinates. There must be at least as many points as basis functions. :param numpy.ndarray x: Grid of evaluation points :param [BSplineBasis] bases: Basis on which to interpolate :param [array-like] u: Parametric values at evaluation points :return: Approximated surface :rtype: Surface """ surf_shape = [b.num_functions() for b in bases] dim = x.shape[-1] if len(x.shape) == 2: x = x.reshape(surf_shape + [dim]) N_all = [b(t) for b,t in zip(bases, u)] N_all.reverse() cp = x for N in N_all: cp = np.tensordot(N.T, cp, axes=(1,1)) for N in N_all: cp = np.tensordot(np.linalg.inv(N.T*N), cp, axes=(1,1))
return Surface(bases[0], bases[1], cp.transpose(1,0,2).reshape((,dim)))
[docs]def teapot(): """ Generate the Utah teapot as 32 cubic bezier patches. This teapot has a rim, but no bottom. It is also self-intersecting making it unsuitable for perfect-match multipatch modeling. The data is picked from :return: The utah teapot :rtype: List of Surface """ path = join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), 'templates', 'teapot.bpt') with open(path) as f: results = [] numb_patches = int(f.readline()) for i in range(numb_patches): p = np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=np.uint8, count=2, sep=' ') basis1 = BSplineBasis(p[0]+1) basis2 = BSplineBasis(p[1]+1) ncp = basis1.num_functions() * basis2.num_functions() cp = [np.fromstring(f.readline(), dtype=np.float, count=3, sep=' ') for j in range(ncp)] results.append(Surface(basis1, basis2, cp))
return results