Source code for splipy.utils.image

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__doc__ = 'Implementation of image based mesh generation.'

from splipy import BSplineBasis, curve_factory, surface_factory
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import sys
import warnings

[docs]def get_corners(X, L=50, R=30, D=15): """Detects corners of traced outlines using the SAM04 algorithm. The outline is assumed to constitute a discrete closed curve where each point is included just once. Increasing `D` and `R` will give the same number of corners or fewer corners. :param numpy.array X: A traced outline forming a discrete closed curve (size *n* × 2) :param float L: Controls the scale at which corners are measured. :param float R: Controls how close corners can appear. :param float D: The lower bound for the corner metric. Corner candidates with lower metric than this are rejected. :return: The indices of X that consitute corner points :rtype: numpy.array """ n = len(X) # Finds corner candidates d = np.zeros(n) for i in range(1,n+1): if i+L <= n: k = i+L index = np.array(range(i+1,k)) else: k = i+L-n index = np.array(list(range(i+1,n+1)) + list(range(1,k))) M = X[k-1,:]-X[i-1,:] if M[0] == 0: dCand = abs(X[index-1,0]-X[i-1,0]) else: m = float(M[1])/M[0] dCand = abs(X[index-1,1]-m*X[index-1,0]+m*X[i-1,0]-X[i-1,1])/sqrt(m**2+1) Y = max(dCand) I = np.argmax(dCand) if Y > d[index[I]-1]: d[index[I]-1] = Y I = np.where(d > 0)[0] # Rejects candidates which do not meet the lower metric bound D. index = d < D index2 = d >= D d[index] = 0 C = np.array(range(n)) C = C[index2] # Rejects corners that are too close to a corner with larger metric. l = len(C) j = 0 while j+1 < l: if abs(C[j]-C[j+1]) <= R: if d[C[j]] > d[C[j+1]]: C = np.delete(C, j+1) else: C = np.delete(C, j) l = l-1 else: j = j+1 if l > 0 and abs(C[0]+n-C[-1]) <=R: if d[C[-1]] > d[C[0]]: C = C[1:-1] else: C = C[0:-2] # always include end-points in corner list, and never closer than 4 indices if 0 not in C: C = np.insert(C,0,0) if (n-1) not in C: C = np.append(C,n-1) remove = [] for i in range(1,len(C)-1): if C[i]-C[i-1] < 5: remove.append(i) if C[-1]-C[-2] < 5 and len(C)-2 not in remove: remove.append(len(C)-2) remove.reverse() for j in remove: C = np.delete(C,j)
return C
[docs]def image_curves(filename): """Generate B-spline curves corresponding to the edges in a black/white mask image. :param str filename: Name of image file to read :return: All curves generated by tracing the black/white edges :rtype: [:class:`splipy.Curve`] """ import cv2 im = cv2.imread(filename) # initialize image holders imGrey = np.zeros((len(im), len(im[0])), np.uint8) imBlack = np.zeros((len(im), len(im[0])), np.uint8) # convert to greyscale image if cv2.__version__[0] == '2': warnings.warn(FutureWarning('openCV v.2 will eventually be discontinued. Please update your version: \"pip install opencv-python --upgrade\"')) cv2.cvtColor(im,, imGrey) else: cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY, imGrey) # convert to binary black/white cv2.threshold(imGrey, 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, imBlack) # find contour curves in image if cv2.__version__[0] == '2': warnings.warn(FutureWarning('openCV v.2 will eventually be discontinued. Please update your version: \"pip install opencv-python --upgrade\"')) [contours, _] = cv2.findContours(imBlack, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) else: [_, contours, _] = cv2.findContours(imBlack, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) result = [] for i in range(len(contours)-1): # for all contours (except the last one which is the edge) pts = contours[i][:,0,:] # I have no idea why there needs to be a 0 here for j in range(len(pts)): # invert y-axis since images are stored the other way around pts[j][1] = len(im[0])-pts[j][1] corners = get_corners(pts) if len(corners)>2: # start/stop tagged as corners. If any inner corners, then pts = np.roll(pts, -corners[1],0) # rearrange points so start/stop falls at a natural corner. corners = get_corners(pts) # recompute corners, since previous sem might be smooth n = len(pts) parpt = list(range(n)) for i in range(n): parpt[i] = float(parpt[i]) / (n-1) # the choice of knot vector is a tricky one. We'll go with the following strategy: # - cubic, p=3 curve # - C^0 at corner points (computed above) # - at least one C^2 knot between corner knots # - otherwise as uniform as possible # - starts at 0, ends at 1 # - around 1/10 the number of control points wrt points # - up to a max of 100(ish) control points for large models # start off with a uniform(ish) knot vector knot = [] nStart = min(n//10, 90) for i in range(nStart+1): knot.append(int(1.0*i*(n-1)/nStart)) c = corners.tolist() knot = sorted(list(set(knot+c))) # unique sorted list # make sure there is at least one knot between corners newKnot = [] for i in range(len(c)-1): if knot.index(c[i+1])-knot.index(c[i]) == 1: newKnot.append((c[i+1]+c[i])/2) knot = sorted(knot + newKnot) # make sure no two knots are too close (typical corners which do this) for i in range(1,len(knot)-1): if knot[i] not in c: knot[i] = (knot[i-1]+knot[i+1])/2.0 # make C^0 at corners and C^-1 at endpoints by duplicating knots knot = sorted(knot + c + c + [0,n-1]) # both c and knot contains a copy of the endpoints # make it span [0,1] instead of [0,n-1] for i in range(len(knot)): knot[i] /= float(n-1) # make it periodic since these are all closed curves knot[0] -= knot[-1] - knot[-5] knot[-1] += knot[4] - knot[1] basis = BSplineBasis(4, knot, 0) c = curve_factory.least_square_fit(pts, basis, parpt) result.append(c)
return result
[docs]def image_height(filename, N=[30,30], p=[4,4]): """Generate a B-spline surface approximation given by the heightmap in a grayscale image. :param str filename: Name of image file to read :param (int,int) N: Number of controlpoints in u-direction :param (int,int) p: Polynomial order (degree+1) :return: Normalized (all values between 0 and 1) heightmap approximation :rtype: :class:`splipy.Surface` """ import cv2 im = cv2.imread(filename) width = len(im) height = len(im[0]) # initialize image holder imGrey = np.zeros((len(im), len(im[0])), np.uint8) # convert to greyscale image if cv2.__version__[0] == '2': warnings.warn(FutureWarning('openCV v.2 will eventually be discontinued. Please update your version: \"pip install opencv-python --upgrade\"')) cv2.cvtColor(im,, imGrey) else: cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY, imGrey) pts = [] # guess uniform evaluation points and knot vectors u = range(width) v = range(height) knot1 = [0]*3 + range(N[0]-p[0]+2) + [N[0]-p[0]+1]*3 knot2 = [0]*3 + range(N[0]-p[0]+2) + [N[0]-p[0]+1]*3 # normalize all values to be in range [0, 1] u = [float(i)/u[-1] for i in u] v = [float(i)/v[-1] for i in v] knot1 = [float(i)/knot1[-1] for i in knot1] knot2 = [float(i)/knot2[-1] for i in knot2] for j in range(height): for i in range(width): pts.append([v[j], u[i], float(imGrey[width-i-1][j])/255.0*1.0]) basis1 = BSplineBasis(4, knot1) basis2 = BSplineBasis(4, knot2)
return surface_factory.least_square_fit(pts,[basis1, basis2], [u,v])
[docs]def image_convex_surface(filename): """Generate a single B-spline surface corresponding to convex black domain of a black/white mask image. The algorithm traces the boundary and searches for 4 natural corner points. It will then generate 4 boundary curves which will be used to create the surface by Coons Patch. :param str filename: Name of image file to read :return: B-spline surface :rtype: :class:`splipy.Surface` """ # generate boundary curve crv = image_curves(filename) # error test input if len(crv) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Error: image_convex_surface expects a single closed curve. Multiple curves detected') crv = crv[0] # parametric value of corner candidates. These are all in the range [0,1] and both 0 and 1 is present kinks = crv.get_kinks() # generate 4 corners if len(kinks) == 2: corners = [0, .25, .5, .75] elif len(kinks) == 3: corners = [0, (0+kinks[1])/2, kinks[1], (1+kinks[1])/2] elif len(kinks) == 4: if kinks[1]-kinks[0] > kinks[2]-kinks[1] and kinks[1]-kinks[0] > kinks[3]-kinks[2]: corners = [0, (kinks[0]+kinks[1])/2] + kinks[1:3] elif kinks[2]-kinks[1] > kinks[3]-kinks[2]: corners = [0, kinks[1], (kinks[1]+kinks[2])/2], kinks[2] else: corners = [0] + kinks[1:3] + [(kinks[2]+kinks[3])/2] else: while len(kinks) > 5: max_span = 0 max_span_i = 0 for i in range(1,len(kinks)-1): max_span = max(max_span, kinks[i+1]-kinks[i-1]) max_span_i = i del kinks[max_span_i] corners = kinks[0:4]
return surface_factory.edge_curves(crv.split(corners))