# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Handy utilities for creating volumes."""
from math import pi, sqrt
import numpy as np
from math import pi, sqrt, atan2
from splipy import Surface, Volume, BSplineBasis
import splipy.curve_factory as CurveFactory
import splipy.surface_factory as SurfaceFactory
__all__ = ['cube', 'sphere', 'revolve', 'cylinder', 'extrude', 'edge_surfaces',
'loft', 'interpolate', 'least_square_fit']
[docs]def cube(size=1, lower_left=(0,0,0)):
""" Create a cube with parmetric origin at *(0,0,0)*.
:param float size: Size(s), either a single scalar or a tuple of scalars per axis
:param array-like lower_left: local origin, the lower bottom left corner of the cube
:return: A linear parametrized box
:rtype: Volume
result = Volume()
result += lower_left
return result
[docs]def sphere(r=1, center=(0,0,0), type='radial'):
""" Create a solid sphere
:param float r: Radius
:param array-like center: Local origin of the sphere
:param string type: The type of parametrization ('radial' or 'square')
:return: A solid ball
:rtype: Volume
if type == 'radial':
shell = SurfaceFactory.sphere(r, center)
midpoint = shell*0 + center
return edge_surfaces(shell, midpoint)
elif type == 'square':
# based on the work of James E.Cobb: "Tiling the Sphere with Rational Bezier Patches"
# University of Utah, July 11, 1988. UUCS-88-009
b = BSplineBasis(order=5)
sr2 = sqrt(2)
sr3 = sqrt(3)
sr6 = sqrt(6)
cp = [[ -4*(sr3-1), 4*(1-sr3), 4*(1-sr3), 4*(3-sr3) ], # row 0
[ -sr2 , sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)],
[ 0 , 4./3*(1-2*sr3), 4./3*(1-2*sr3),4./3*(5-sr3) ],
[ sr2 , sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)],
[ 4*(sr3-1), 4*(1-sr3), 4*(1-sr3), 4*(3-sr3) ],
[ -sr2*(4-sr3), -sr2, sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)], # row 1
[ -(3*sr3-2)/2, (2-3*sr3)/2, -(sr3+6)/2, (sr3+6)/2],
[ 0 , sr2*(2*sr3-7)/3, -5*sr6/3, sr2*(sr3+6)/3],
[ (3*sr3-2)/2, (2-3*sr3)/2, -(sr3+6)/2, (sr3+6)/2],
[ sr2*(4-sr3), -sr2, sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)],
[ -4./3*(2*sr3-1), 0, 4./3*(1-2*sr3), 4*(5-sr3)/3], # row 2
[-sr2/3*(7-2*sr3), 0, -5*sr6/3, sr2*(sr3+6)/3],
[ 0 , 0, 4*(sr3-5)/3, 4*(5*sr3-1)/9],
[ sr2/3*(7-2*sr3), 0, -5*sr6/3, sr2*(sr3+6)/3],
[ 4./3*(2*sr3-1), 0, 4./3*(1-2*sr3), 4*(5-sr3)/3],
[ -sr2*(4-sr3), sr2, sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)], # row 3
[ -(3*sr3-2)/2, -(2-3*sr3)/2, -(sr3+6)/2, (sr3+6)/2],
[ 0 ,-sr2*(2*sr3-7)/3, -5*sr6/3, sr2*(sr3+6)/3],
[ (3*sr3-2)/2, -(2-3*sr3)/2, -(sr3+6)/2, (sr3+6)/2],
[ sr2*(4-sr3), sr2, sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)],
[ -4*(sr3-1), -4*(1-sr3), 4*(1-sr3), 4*(3-sr3) ], # row 4
[ -sr2 , -sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)],
[ 0 , -4./3*(1-2*sr3), 4./3*(1-2*sr3),4./3*(5-sr3) ],
[ sr2 , -sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(sr3-4), sr2*(3*sr3-2)],
[ 4*(sr3-1), -4*(1-sr3), 4*(1-sr3), 4*(3-sr3) ]]
wmin = Surface(b,b,cp, rational=True)
wmax = wmin.clone().mirror([0,0,1])
vmax = wmin.clone().rotate(pi/2, [1,0,0])
vmin = vmax.clone().mirror([0,1,0])
umax = vmin.clone().rotate(pi/2, [0,0,1])
umin = umax.clone().mirror([1,0,0])
# ideally I would like to call edge_surfaces() now, but that function
# does not work with rational surfaces, so we'll just manually try
# and add some inner controlpoints
cp = np.zeros((5,5,5,4))
cp[ :, :, 0,:] = wmin[:,:,:]
cp[ :, :,-1,:] = wmax[:,:,:]
cp[ :, 0, :,:] = vmin[:,:,:]
cp[ :,-1, :,:] = vmax[:,:,:]
cp[ 0, :, :,:] = umin[:,:,:]
cp[-1, :, :,:] = umax[:,:,:]
inner = np.linspace(-.5,.5, 3)
Y, X, Z = np.meshgrid(inner,inner,inner)
cp[1:4,1:4,1:4,0] = X
cp[1:4,1:4,1:4,1] = Y
cp[1:4,1:4,1:4,2] = Z
cp[1:4,1:4,1:4,3] = 1
ball = Volume(b,b,b,cp,rational=True, raw=True)
return r*ball + center
raise ValueError('invalid type argument')
[docs]def revolve(surf, theta=2 * pi, axis=(0,0,1)):
""" Revolve a volume by sweeping a surface in a rotational fashion around
an axis.
:param Surface surf: Surface to revolve
:param float theta: Angle to revolve, in radians
:param array-like axis: Axis of rotation
:return: The revolved surface
:rtype: Volume
surf = surf.clone() # clone input surface, throw away old reference
surf.set_dimension(3) # add z-components (if not already present)
surf.force_rational() # add weight (if not already present)
# align axis with the z-axis
normal_theta = atan2(axis[1], axis[0])
normal_phi = atan2(sqrt(axis[0]**2 + axis[1]**2), axis[2])
surf.rotate(-normal_theta, [0,0,1])
surf.rotate(-normal_phi, [0,1,0])
path = CurveFactory.circle_segment(theta=theta)
n = len(surf) # number of control points of the surface
m = len(path) # number of control points of the sweep
cp = np.zeros((m * n, 4))
dt = np.sign(theta)*(path.knots(0)[1] - path.knots(0)[0]) / 2.0
for i in range(m):
weight = path[i,-1]
cp[i * n:(i + 1) * n, :] = np.reshape(surf.controlpoints.transpose(1, 0, 2), (n, 4))
cp[i * n:(i + 1) * n, 2] *= weight
cp[i * n:(i + 1) * n, 3] *= weight
result = Volume(surf.bases[0], surf.bases[1], path.bases[0], cp, True)
# rotate it back again
result.rotate(normal_phi, [0,1,0])
result.rotate(normal_theta, [0,0,1])
return result
[docs]def cylinder(r=1, h=1, center=(0,0,0), axis=(0,0,1), xaxis=(1,0,0)):
""" Create a solid cylinder
:param float r: Radius
:param float h: Height
:param array-like center: The center of the bottom circle
:param array-like axis: Cylinder axis
:param array-like xaxis: direction of sem, i.e. parametric start point u=0
:return: The cylinder
:rtype: Volume
return extrude(SurfaceFactory.disc(r, center, axis, xaxis=xaxis), h*np.array(axis))
[docs]def extrude(surf, amount):
""" Extrude a surface by sweeping it to a given height.
:param Surface surf: Surface to extrude
:param array-like amount: 3-component vector of sweeping amount and direction
:return: The extruded surface
:rtype: Volume
surf.set_dimension(3) # add z-components (if not already present)
cp = []
for controlpoint in surf:
surf += amount
for controlpoint in surf:
surf -= amount
return Volume(surf.bases[0], surf.bases[1], BSplineBasis(2), cp, surf.rational)
[docs]def edge_surfaces(*surfaces):
""" Create the volume defined by the region between the input surfaces.
In case of six input surfaces, these must be given in the order: bottom,
top, left, right, back, front. Opposing sides must be parametrized in the
same directions.
:param [Surface] surfaces: Two or six edge surfaces
:return: The enclosed volume
:rtype: Volume
:raises ValueError: If the length of *surfaces* is not two or six
if len(surfaces) == 1: # probably gives input as a list-like single variable
surfaces = surfaces[0]
if len(surfaces) == 2:
surf1 = surfaces[0].clone()
surf2 = surfaces[1].clone()
Surface.make_splines_identical(surf1, surf2)
(n1, n2, d) = surf1.controlpoints.shape # d = dimension + rational
controlpoints = np.zeros((n1, n2, 2, d))
controlpoints[:, :, 0, :] = surf1.controlpoints
controlpoints[:, :, 1, :] = surf2.controlpoints
# Volume constructor orders control points in a different way, so we
# create it from scratch here
result = Volume(surf1.bases[0], surf1.bases[1], BSplineBasis(2), controlpoints,
rational=surf1.rational, raw=True)
return result
elif len(surfaces) == 6:
if any([surf.rational for surf in surfaces]):
raise RuntimeError('edge_surfaces not supported for rational splines')
# coons patch (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coons_patch)
umin = surfaces[0]
umax = surfaces[1]
vmin = surfaces[2]
vmax = surfaces[3]
wmin = surfaces[4]
wmax = surfaces[5]
vol1 = edge_surfaces(umin,umax)
vol2 = edge_surfaces(vmin,vmax)
vol3 = edge_surfaces(wmin,wmax)
vol4 = Volume(controlpoints=vol1.corners(order='F'), rational=vol1.rational)
vol1.swap(0, 2)
vol1.swap(1, 2)
vol2.swap(1, 2)
vol4.swap(1, 2)
Volume.make_splines_identical(vol1, vol2)
Volume.make_splines_identical(vol1, vol3)
Volume.make_splines_identical(vol1, vol4)
Volume.make_splines_identical(vol2, vol3)
Volume.make_splines_identical(vol2, vol4)
Volume.make_splines_identical(vol3, vol4)
result = vol1.clone()
result.controlpoints += vol2.controlpoints
result.controlpoints += vol3.controlpoints
result.controlpoints -= 2*vol4.controlpoints
return result
raise ValueError('Requires two or six input surfaces')
def sweep(path, shape):
""" Generate a surface by sweeping a shape along a path
The resulting surface is an approximation generated by interpolating at the
Greville points. It is generated by sweeping a shape curve along a path.
The *shape* object has to be contained in the 'xy' plane (preferably centered
around the origin) as its x-coordinate is extruded in the normal direction,
and its y-coordinate in the binormal direction of the *path* curve.
:param Curve path: The path to drag *shape* along
:param Surface shape: The shape to be dragged out to a surface
:return: Surrounding volume
:rtype: Volume
b1 = shape.bases[0]
b2 = shape.bases[1]
b3 = path.bases[0]
n1 = b1.num_functions()
n2 = b2.num_functions()
n3 = b3.num_functions()
# this requires binormals and normals, which only work in 3D, so assume this here
X = np.zeros((n1,n2,n3, 3))
# pre-evaluate the surface
u = b1.greville()
v = b2.greville()
y = shape(u,v)
for k in range(n3):
w = b3.greville(k)
x = path(w)
B = path.binormal(w)
N = path.normal(w)
for i in range(n1):
for j in range(n2):
X[i,j,k,:] = x + N*y[i,j,0] + B*y[i,j,1]
return interpolate(X, [b1,b2,b3])
def loft(*surfaces):
if len(surfaces) == 1:
surfaces = surfaces[0]
# clone input, so we don't change those references
# make sure everything has the same dimension since we need to compute length
surfaces = [s.clone().set_dimension(3) for s in surfaces]
if len(surfaces)==2:
return SurfaceFactory.edge_curves(surfaces)
elif len(surfaces)==3:
# can't do cubic spline interpolation, so we'll do quadratic
basis3 = BSplineBasis(3)
dist = basis3.greville()
x = [s.center() for s in surfaces]
# create knot vector from the euclidian length between the surfaces
dist = [0]
for (x1,x0) in zip(x[1:],x[:-1]):
dist.append(dist[-1] + np.linalg.norm(x1-x0))
# using "free" boundary condition by setting N'''(u) continuous at second to last and second knot
knot = [dist[0]]*4 + dist[2:-2] + [dist[-1]]*4
basis3 = BSplineBasis(4, knot)
n = len(surfaces)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1,n):
Surface.make_splines_identical(surfaces[i], surfaces[j])
basis1 = surfaces[0].bases[0]
basis2 = surfaces[0].bases[1]
m1 = basis1.num_functions()
m2 = basis2.num_functions()
dim = len(surfaces[0][0])
u = basis1.greville() # parametric interpolation points
v = basis2.greville()
w = dist
# compute matrices
Nu = basis1(u)
Nv = basis2(v)
Nw = basis3(w)
Nu_inv = np.linalg.inv(Nu)
Nv_inv = np.linalg.inv(Nv)
Nw_inv = np.linalg.inv(Nw)
# compute interpolation points in physical space
x = np.zeros((m1,m2,n, dim))
for i in range(n):
tmp = np.tensordot(Nv, surfaces[i].controlpoints, axes=(1,1))
x[:,:,i,:] = np.tensordot(Nu, tmp , axes=(1,1))
# solve interpolation problem
cp = np.tensordot(Nw_inv, x, axes=(1,2))
cp = np.tensordot(Nv_inv, cp, axes=(1,2))
cp = np.tensordot(Nu_inv, cp, axes=(1,2))
# re-order controlpoints so they match up with Surface constructor
cp = np.reshape(cp.transpose((2, 1, 0, 3)), (m1*m2*n, dim))
return Volume(basis1, basis2, basis3, cp, surfaces[0].rational)
[docs]def interpolate(x, bases, u=None):
""" Interpolate a volume on a set of regular gridded interpolation points `x`.
The points can be either a matrix (in which case the first index is
interpreted as a flat row-first index of the interpolation grid) or a 4D
tensor. In both cases the last index is the physical coordinates.
:param numpy.ndarray x: Grid of interpolation points
:param [BSplineBasis] bases: The basis to interpolate on
:param [array-like] u: Parametric interpolation points, defaults to
Greville points of the basis
:return: Interpolated volume
:rtype: Volume
vol_shape = [b.num_functions() for b in bases]
dim = x.shape[-1]
if len(x.shape) == 2:
x = x.reshape(vol_shape + [dim])
if u is None:
u = [b.greville() for b in bases]
N_all = [b(t) for b,t in zip(bases, u)]
cp = x
for N in N_all:
cp = np.tensordot(np.linalg.inv(N), cp, axes=(1,2))
return Volume(bases[0], bases[1], bases[2], cp.transpose(2,1,0,3).reshape((np.prod(vol_shape),dim)))
[docs]def least_square_fit(x, bases, u):
""" Perform a least-square fit of a point cloud `x` onto a spline basis.
The points can be either a matrix (in which case the first index is
interpreted as a flat row-first index of the interpolation grid) or a 4D
tensor. In both cases the last index is the physical coordinates.
There must be at least as many points as basis functions.
:param numpy.ndarray x: Grid of evaluation points
:param [BSplineBasis] bases: Basis on which to interpolate
:param [array-like] u: Parametric values at evaluation points
:return: Approximated volume
:rtype: Volume
vol_shape = [b.num_functions() for b in bases]
dim = x.shape[-1]
if len(x.shape) == 2:
x = x.reshape(vol_shape + [dim])
N_all = [b(t) for b,t in zip(bases, u)]
cp = x
for N in N_all:
cp = np.tensordot(N.T, cp, axes=(1,2))
for N in N_all:
cp = np.tensordot(np.linalg.inv(N.T*N), cp, axes=(1,2))
return Volume(bases[0], bases[1], bases[2], cp.transpose(2,1,0,3).reshape((np.prod(vol_shape),dim)))