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CI/CD tools

Current version to use: v2.8.0


The default for publish_on_pypi in the CD - Release workflow has changed from true to false in version 2.8.0.

To keep using the previous behaviour, set publish_on_pypi: true in the workflow file.

This change has been introduced to push for the use of PyPI's Trusted Publisher feature, which is not yet supported by reusable/callable workflows.

See the Using PyPI's Trusted Publisher section for more information on how to migrate to this feature.

Use tried and tested continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) tools from this repository.

Currently, the repository offers GitHub Actions callable/reusable workflows and pre-commit hooks.

GitHub Actions callable/reusable Workflows

This repository contains reusable workflows for GitHub Actions.

They are mainly for usage with modern Python package repositories.

Available workflows

The callable, reusable workflows available from this repository are described in detail in this documentation under the Workflows section.

General usage

See the GitHub Docs on the topic of calling a reusable workflow to understand how one can incoporate one of these workflows in your workflow.


Workflow-level set env context variables cannot be used when setting input values for the called workflow. See the GitHub documentation for more information on the env context.

Under the Workflows section for each available workflow, a usage example will be given.

pre-commit hooks

This repository contains hooks for keeping the documentation up-to-date, making available a few invoke tasks used in the reusable workflows.

By implementing and using these hooks together with the workflows, one may ensure no extra commits are created during the workflow run to update the documentation.

Available hooks

The pre-commit hooks available from this repository are described in detail in this documentation under the Hooks section.

General usage

Add the hooks to your .pre-commit-config.yaml file. See the pre-commit webpage for more information about how to use pre-commit.

Under the Hooks section for each available hook, a usage example will be given.

This repository licensed under the MIT LICENSE with copyright © 2022 Casper Welzel Andersen (CasperWA) & SINTEF (on GitHub).

Funding support

This repository has been supported by the following projects:

  • OntoTrans (2020-2024) that receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement n. 862136.

  • OpenModel (2021-2025) receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme - DT-NMBP-11-2020 Open Innovation Platform for Materials Modelling, under Grant Agreement no: 953167.