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Update dependencies in pyproject.toml

pre-commit hook id: update-pyproject

Run this hook to update the dependencies in your pyproject.toml file.

The hook utilizes pip index versions to determine the latest version available for all required and optional dependencies listed in your pyproject.toml file. It checks this based on the Python version listed as the minimum supported Python version by the package (defined through the requires-python key in your pyproject.toml file).

Ignoring dependencies

To ignore or configure how specific dependencies should be updated, the --ignore argument option can be utilized. This is done by specifying a line per dependency that contains --ignore-separator-separated (defaults to ellipsis (...)) key/value-pairs of:

Key Description
dependency-name Ignore updates for dependencies with matching names, optionally using * to match zero or more characters.
versions Ignore specific versions or ranges of versions. Examples: ~=1.0.5, >= 1.0.5,<2, >=0.1.1.
update-types Ignore types of updates, such as SemVer major, minor, patch updates on version updates (for example: version-update:semver-patch will ignore patch updates). This can be combined with dependency-name=* to ignore particular update-types for all dependencies.

Supported update-types values

Currently, only version-update:semver-major, version-update:semver-minor, and version-update:semver-patch are supported options for update-types.

The --ignore option is essentially similar to the ignore option of Dependabot. If versions and update-types are used together, they will both be respected jointly.

Here are some examples of different values that may be given for the --ignore option that accomplishes different things:

  • Value: dependency-name=Sphinx...versions=>=4.5.0
    Accomplishes: For Sphinx, ignore all updates for/from version 4.5.0 and up / keep the minimum version for Sphinx at 4.5.0.

  • Value: dependency-name=pydantic...update-types=version-update:semver-patch
    Accomplishes: For pydantic, ignore all patch updates.

  • Value: dependency-name=numpy
    Accomplishes: For NumPy, ignore any and all updates.

Below is a usage example, where some of the example values above are implemented.


It is required that the root pyproject.toml exists.

A minimum Python version for the Python package should be specified in the pyproject.toml file through the requires-python key.

An active internet connection and for PyPI not to be down.


Any of these options can be given through the args key when defining the hook.

Name Description Required Type Default
--root-repo-path A resolvable path to the root directory of the repository folder, where the pyproject.toml file can be found. No string .
--fail-fast Fail immediately if an error occurs. Otherwise, print and ignore all non-critical errors. No flag
--ignore Ignore-rules based on the ignore config option of Dependabot.

It should be of the format: key=value...key=value, i.e., an ellipsis (...) separator and then equal-sign-separated key/value-pairs.
Alternatively, the --ignore-separator can be set to something else to overwrite the ellipsis.

The only supported keys are: dependency-name, versions, and update-types.

Can be supplied multiple times per dependency-name.
No string
--ignore-separator Value to use instead of ellipsis (...) as a separator in --ignore key/value-pairs. No string
--verbose Whether or not to print debug statements. No flag
--skip-unnormalized-python-package-names Whether to skip dependencies with unnormalized Python package names. Normalization is outlined here. No flag

Usage example

The following is an example of how an addition of the Update dependencies in pyproject.toml hook into a .pre-commit-config.yaml file may look. It is meant to be complete as is.

  - repo:
    rev: v2.9.0
    - id: update-pyproject
      - --fail-fast
      - --ignore-separator=//
      - --ignore
      - dependency-name=Sphinx//versions=>=4.5.0
      - --ignore
      - dependency-name=numpy