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CI - Tests

File to use: ci_tests.yml

A basic set of CI tests.

Several different basic test jobs are available in this workflow. By default, they will all run and should be actively "turned off".

CI jobs

The following sections summarizes each job and the individual inputs necessary for it to function or to adjust how it runs. Note, a full list of possible inputs and secrets will be given in a separate table at the end of this page.

Global/General inputs

These inputs are general and apply to all jobs in this workflow.

Name Description Required Default Type
runner The runner to use for the workflow. Note, the callable workflow expects a Linux/Unix system.. No ubuntu-latest string
install_extras Any extras to install from the local repository through 'pip'. Must be encapsulated in square parentheses ([]) and be separated by commas (,) without any spaces.

Example: '[dev,pre-commit]'.
No Empty string string

Run pre-commit

Run the pre-commit tool for all files in the repository according to the repository's configuration file.


pre-commit should be setup for the repository. For more information about pre-commit, please see the tool's website:

This job should not be run if the repository does not implement pre-commit.


Name Description Required Default Type
run_pre-commit Run the pre-commit test job. No true boolean
python_version_pre-commit The Python version to use for the pre-commit test job. No 3.9 string
pip_index_url_pre-commit A URL to a PyPI repository index. No string
pip_extra_index_urls_pre-commit A space-delimited string of URLs to additional PyPI repository indices. No Empty string string
skip_pre-commit_hooks A comma-separated list of pre-commit hook IDs to skip when running pre-commit after updating hooks. No Empty string string

Run pylint & safety

Run the pylint and/or safety tools.

The pylint tool can be run in different ways. Either it is run once and the pylint_targets is a required input, while pylint_options is a single- or multi-line optional input. Or pylint_runs is used, a single- or multi-line input, to explicitly write out all pylint options and target(s) one line at a time. For each line in pylint_runs, pylint will be executed.

Using pylint_runs is useful if you have a section of your code, which should be run with a custom set of options, otherwise it is recommended to instead simply use the pylint_targets and optionally also pylint_options inputs.

The safety tool checks all installed Python packages, hence the install_extras input should be given as to install all possible dependencies.


There are no expectations or pre-requisites. pylint and safety can be run without a pre-configuration.


Name Description Required Default Type
run_pylint Run the pylint test job. No true boolean
run_safety Run the safety test job. No true boolean
python_version_pylint_safety The Python version to use for the pylint and safety test jobs. No 3.9 string
pip_index_url_pylint_safety A URL to a PyPI repository index. No string
pip_extra_index_urls_pylint_safety A space-delimited string of URLs to additional PyPI repository indices. No Empty string string
pylint_targets Space-separated string of pylint file and folder targets.

Note: This is only valid if pylint_runs is not defined.
Yes, if pylint_runs is not defined Empty string string
pylint_options Single (space-separated) or multi-line string of pylint command line options.

Note: This is only valid if pylint_runs is not defined.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No Empty string string
pylint_runs Multi-line string with each line representing a separate pylint run/execution. This should include all desired options and targets.

Important: The inputs pylint_options and pylint_targets will be ignored if this is defined.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No Empty string string
safety_options Single (space-separated) or multi-line string of safety command line options.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No Empty string string

Build distribution package

Test building the Python package.

This job is equivalent to building the package in the CD - Release workflow, but will not publish anything.


The repository should be a "buildable" Python package.


Name Description Required Default Type
run_build_package Run the build package test job. No true boolean
python_version_package The Python version to use for the build package test job. No 3.9 string
pip_index_url_package A URL to a PyPI repository index. No string
pip_extra_index_urls_package A space-delimited string of URLs to additional PyPI repository indices. No Empty string string
build_libs A space-separated list of packages to install via PyPI (pip install). No Empty string string
build_cmd The package build command, e.g., 'flit build' or 'python -m build' (default). No python -m build string

Build Documentation

Test building the documentation.

Two frameworks are supported: MkDocs and Sphinx.

By default the MkDocs framework is used. To use the Sphinx framework set the input use_sphinx to true. The input use_mkdocs can also explicitly be set to true for more transparent documentation in your workflow.

Note, if both use_sphinx and use_mkdocs are false (as is the default value for both), the workflow will fallback to using MkDocs, i.e., it is equivalent to setting use_mkdocs to true.

For MkDocs users

If using mike, note that this will not be tested, as this would be equivalent to testing mike itself and whether it can build a MkDocs documentation, which should never be part of a repository that uses these tools.

If used together with the Update API Reference in Documentation, please align the relative input with the --relative option, when running the hook. See the proper section to understand why and how these options and inputs should be aligned.


Is is expected that documentation exists, which is using either the MkDocs framework or the Sphinx framework. For MkDocs, this requires at minimum a mkdocs.yml configuration file. For Sphinx, it requires at minimum the files created from running sphinx-quickstart.


General inputs for building the documentation:

Name Description Required Default Type
run_build_docs Run the build package test job. No true boolean
python_version_docs The Python version to use for the build documentation test job. No 3.9 string
pip_index_url_docs A URL to a PyPI repository index. No string
pip_extra_index_urls_docs A space-delimited string of URLs to additional PyPI repository indices. No Empty string string
relative Whether or not to use the locally installed Python package(s), and install it as an editable. No false boolean
system_dependencies A single (space-separated) or multi-line string of Ubuntu APT packages to install prior to building the documentation.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No Empty string string
warnings_as_errors Build the documentation in 'strict' mode, treating warnings as errors.

Important: If this is set to false, beware that the documentation may not be rendered or built as one may have intended.

Default: true.
No true boolean
use_mkdocs Whether or not to build the documentation using the MkDocs framework. Mutually exclusive with use_sphinx. No false boolean
use_sphinx Whether or not to build the documentation using the Sphinx framework. Mutually exclusive with use_mkdocs. No false boolean

MkDocs-specific inputs:

Name Description Required Default Type
update_python_api_ref Whether or not to update the Python API documentation reference.

Note: If this is true, package_dirs is required.
No true boolean
update_docs_landing_page Whether or not to update the documentation landing page. The landing page will be based on the root file. No true boolean
package_dirs A multi-line string of path to Python package directories relative to the repository directory to be considered for creating the Python API reference documentation.

Example: 'src/my_package'.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
Yes, if update_python_api_ref is true (default) Empty string string
exclude_dirs A multi-line string of directories to exclude in the Python API reference documentation. Note, only directory names, not paths, may be included. Note, all folders and their contents with these names will be excluded. Defaults to '__pycache__'.

Important: When a user value is set, the preset value is overwritten - hence '__pycache__' should be included in the user value if one wants to exclude these directories.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No __pycache__ string
exclude_files A multi-line string of files to exclude in the Python API reference documentation. Note, only full file names, not paths, may be included, i.e., filename + file extension. Note, all files with these names will be excluded. Defaults to ''.

Important: When a user value is set, the preset value is overwritten - hence '' should be included in the user value if one wants to exclude these files.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No string
full_docs_dirs A multi-line string of directories in which to include everything - even those without documentation strings. This may be useful for a module full of data models or to ensure all class attributes are listed.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No Empty string string
full_docs_files A multi-line string of relative paths to files in which to include everything - even those without documentation strings. This may be useful for a file full of data models or to ensure all class attributes are listed.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No Empty string string
special_file_api_ref_options A multi-line string of combinations of a relative path to a Python file and a fully formed mkdocstrings option that should be added to the generated MarkDown file for the Python API reference documentation.
Example: my_module/,show_bases:false.

Encapsulate the value in double quotation marks (") if including spaces ( ).

Important: If multiple package_dirs are supplied, the relative path MUST include/start with the appropriate 'package_dir' value, e.g., "my_package/my_module/,show_bases: false".

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No Empty string string
landing_page_replacements A multi-line string of replacements (mappings) to be performed on when creating the documentation's landing page ( This list always includes replacing 'docs/' with an empty string to correct relative links, i.e., this cannot be overwritten. By default '(LICENSE)' is replaced by '('.

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No (LICENSE),( string
landing_page_replacement_separator String to separate a mapping's 'old' to 'new' parts. Defaults to a comma (,). No , string
debug Whether to do print extra debug statements. No false boolean

Sphinx-specific inputs:

Name Description Required Default Type
sphinx-build_options Single (space-separated) or multi-line string of command-line options to use when calling sphinx-build.

Note: The -W option will be added if warnings_as_errors is true (default).

See also Single vs multi-line input.
No Empty string string
docs_folder The path to the root documentation folder relative to the repository root. No docs string
build_target_folder The path to the target folder for the documentation build relative to the repository root. No site string

Usage example

The following is an example of how a workflow may look that calls CI - Tests. It is meant to be complete as is.

name: CI - Tests

    - 'main'

    name: Run basic tests
    uses: SINTEF/ci-cd/.github/workflows/ci_tests.yml@v2.9.0
      python_version_pylint_safety: "3.8"
      python_version_docs: "3.9"
      install_extras: "[dev,docs]"
      skip_pre-commit_hooks: pylint
      pylint_options: --rcfile=pyproject.toml
      pylint_targets: my_python_package
      build_libs: flit
      build_cmd: flit build
      update_python_api_ref: false
      update_docs_landing_page: false

Here is another example using pylint_runs instead of pylint_targets and pylint_options.

name: CI - Tests

    - 'main'

    name: Run basic tests
    uses: SINTEF/ci-cd/.github/workflows/ci_tests.yml@v2.9.0
      python_version_pylint_safety: "3.8"
      python_version_docs: "3.9"
      install_extras: "[dev,docs]"
      skip_pre-commit_hooks: pylint
      pylint_runs: |
        --rcfile=pyproject.toml --ignore-paths=tests/ my_python_package
        --rcfile=pyproject.toml --disable=import-outside-toplevel,redefined-outer-name tests
      build_libs: flit
      build_cmd: flit build
      update_python_api_ref: false
      update_docs_landing_page: false

Full list of inputs

Here follows the full list of inputs available for this workflow. However, it is recommended to instead refer to the job-specific tables of inputs when considering which inputs to provide.

See also General information.

Name Description Required Default Type
runner The runner to use for the workflow. Note, the callable workflow expects a Linux/Unix system.. No ubuntu-latest string
install_extras Any extras to install from the local repository through 'pip'. Must be encapsulated in square parentheses ([]) and be separated by commas (,) without any spaces.

Example: '[dev,pre-commit]'.
No Empty string string
run_pre-commit Run the pre-commit test job. No true boolean
python_version_pre-commit The Python version to use for the pre-commit test job. No 3.9 string
pip_index_url_pre-commit A URL to a PyPI repository index. No string
pip_extra_index_urls_pre-commit A space-delimited string of URLs to additional PyPI repository indices. No Empty string string
skip_pre-commit_hooks A comma-separated list of pre-commit hook IDs to skip when running pre-commit after updating hooks. No Empty string string
run_pylint Run the pylint test job. No true boolean
run_safety Run the safety test job. No true boolean
python_version_pylint_safety The Python version to use for the pylint and safety test jobs. No 3.9 string
pip_index_url_pylint_safety A URL to a PyPI repository index. No string
pip_extra_index_urls_pylint_safety A space-delimited string of URLs to additional PyPI repository indices. No Empty string string
pylint_targets Space-separated string of pylint file and folder targets.

Note: This is only valid if pylint_runs is not defined.
Yes, if pylint_runs is not defined Empty string string
pylint_options Single (space-separated) or multi-line string of pylint command line options.

Note: This is only valid if pylint_runs is not defined.
No Empty string string
pylint_runs Single or multi-line string with each line representing a separate pylint run/execution. This should include all desired options and targets.

Important: The inputs pylint_options and pylint_targets will be ignored if this is defined.
No Empty string string
safety_options Single (space-separated) or multi-line string of safety command line options. No Empty string string
run_build_package Run the build package test job. No true boolean
python_version_package The Python version to use for the build package test job. No 3.9 string
pip_index_url_package A URL to a PyPI repository index. No string
pip_extra_index_urls_package A space-delimited string of URLs to additional PyPI repository indices. No Empty string string
build_libs A space-separated list of packages to install via PyPI (pip install). No Empty string string
build_cmd The package build command, e.g., 'flit build' or 'python -m build' (default). No python -m build string
run_build_docs Run the build package test job. No true boolean
python_version_docs The Python version to use for the build documentation test job. No 3.9 string
pip_index_url_docs A URL to a PyPI repository index. No string
pip_extra_index_urls_docs A space-delimited string of URLs to additional PyPI repository indices. No Empty string string
relative Whether or not to use the locally installed Python package(s), and install it as an editable. No false boolean
system_dependencies A single (space-separated) or multi-line string of Ubuntu APT packages to install prior to building the documentation. No Empty string string
warnings_as_errors Build the documentation in 'strict' mode, treating warnings as errors.

Important: If this is set to false, beware that the documentation may not be rendered or built as one may have intended.

Default: true.
No true boolean
use_mkdocs Whether or not to build the documentation using the MkDocs framework. Mutually exclusive with use_sphinx. No false boolean
use_sphinx Whether or not to build the documentation using the Sphinx framework. Mutually exclusive with use_mkdocs. No false boolean
update_python_api_ref Whether or not to update the Python API documentation reference.

Note: If this is true, package_dirs is required.
No true boolean
update_docs_landing_page Whether or not to update the documentation landing page. The landing page will be based on the root file. No true boolean
package_dirs A multi-line string of path to Python package directories relative to the repository directory to be considered for creating the Python API reference documentation.

Example: 'src/my_package'.
Yes, if update_python_api_ref is true (default) Empty string string
exclude_dirs A multi-line string of directories to exclude in the Python API reference documentation. Note, only directory names, not paths, may be included. Note, all folders and their contents with these names will be excluded. Defaults to '__pycache__'.

Important: When a user value is set, the preset value is overwritten - hence '__pycache__' should be included in the user value if one wants to exclude these directories.
No __pycache__ string
exclude_files A multi-line string of files to exclude in the Python API reference documentation. Note, only full file names, not paths, may be included, i.e., filename + file extension. Note, all files with these names will be excluded. Defaults to ''.

Important: When a user value is set, the preset value is overwritten - hence '' should be included in the user value if one wants to exclude these files.
No string
full_docs_dirs A multi-line string of directories in which to include everything - even those without documentation strings. This may be useful for a module full of data models or to ensure all class attributes are listed. No Empty string string
full_docs_files A multi-line string of relative paths to files in which to include everything - even those without documentation strings. This may be useful for a file full of data models or to ensure all class attributes are listed. No Empty string string
special_file_api_ref_options A multi-line string of combinations of a relative path to a Python file and a fully formed mkdocstrings option that should be added to the generated MarkDown file for the Python API reference documentation.
Example: my_module/,show_bases:false.

Encapsulate the value in double quotation marks (") if including spaces ( ).

Important: If multiple package_dirs are supplied, the relative path MUST include/start with the appropriate 'package_dir' value, e.g., "my_package/my_module/,show_bases: false".
No Empty string string
landing_page_replacements A multi-line string of replacements (mappings) to be performed on when creating the documentation's landing page ( This list always includes replacing 'docs/' with an empty string to correct relative links, i.e., this cannot be overwritten. By default '(LICENSE)' is replaced by '('. No (LICENSE),( string
landing_page_replacement_separator String to separate a mapping's 'old' to 'new' parts. Defaults to a comma (,). No , string
debug Whether to do print extra debug statements. No false boolean
sphinx-build_options Single or multi-line string of command-line options to use when calling sphinx-build.

Note: The -W option will be added if warnings_as_errors is true (default).
No Empty string string
docs_folder The path to the root documentation folder relative to the repository root. No docs string
build_target_folder The path to the target folder for the documentation build relative to the repository root. No site string