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This section provides examples of how to use this OTEAPI plugin to perform OPTIMADE queries and handle the results.

In Use OTEAPI-OPTIMADE with OTElib you can find an example of how to use this plugin with the OTElib client.

It is worth noting that there are several different ways to use the strategies in this plugin. For example, an OPTIMADE query can be provided using the OPTIMADE filter strategy, but it can also be provided directly in the URL value of the OPTIMADE data resource strategy's accessUlr parameter. Further, it could be set through a configuration parameter entry to either of these strategies.

In the examples only one of these options are given, and this is the same for other aspects: What we believe is the most common and transparent use case is given.

Finally, it is important to note that using OTElib directly is not intended for end users. Using OTElib should be done as a backend task in a web application, and the results should be presented to the end user in a more user friendly way.

Setup for examples


To run the examples locally, you need to have the following tools available (in addition to a working Python 3.9+ installation):

Jupyter installation

To install Jupyter, please refer to the Jupyter documentation. If you want to use pip to install Jupyter, you can do so by installing the examples extra for this plugin package:

pip install oteapi-optimade[examples]

This will also install OTElib and any other Python packages you may need for the examples.

Docker installation

To install Docker, please refer to the Docker documentation.

Start a local OTEAPI server

When running a local OTEAPI server, you need to ensure the OTEAPI-OPTIMADE plugin is installed. This can be done by using the OTEAPI_PLUGIN_PACKAGES environment variables as described in the OTEAPI Services README.

There are two methods of starting the server:

  1. Using Docker
  2. Using Docker Compose

No matter the method, the server will be available at http://localhost:80/. To check it, go to the /docs endpoint: localhost:80/docs.

Using Docker

There are no extra files needed to start the server using Docker. However, several commands need to be run to start the server, which is a collection of different microservices running in different containers on the same Docker network.

The general setup is outlined in the OTEAPI Services README.

For convenience, the following commands can be used to start the services:

docker network create otenet
docker volume create redis-persist
docker run \
    --detach \
    --name redis \
    --volume redis-persist:/data \
    --network otenet \
docker run \
    --rm \
    --network otenet \
    --detach \
    --publish 80:8080 \
    --env OTEAPI_REDIS_TYPE=redis \
    --env OTEAPI_REDIS_HOST=redis \
    --env OTEAPI_REDIS_PORT=6379 \
    --env OTEAPI_PLUGIN_PACKAGES=oteapi-optimade \


To use the /triples endpoint, an AllegroGraph triplestore needs to be running. For more information see the OTEAPI Services README to see how to set this up and run it.


Pinning to version '1.20231108.329' of the OTEAPI image is important, as the latest version is currently not compatible with this plugin. To follow this issue, please see GitHub issue #187 and GitHub issue #163.

Using Docker Compose

Download the Docker Compose file from the OTEAPI Services repository:

curl -O

And either update the OTEAPI_PLUGIN_PACKAGES environment variable in the file to include oteapi-optimade:

# ...
      OTEAPI_PLUGIN_PACKAGES: oteapi-optimade
# ...

Or set the environment variable when starting the services by prefixing it to the Docker Compose command.

Then start the services:

docker compose pull
docker compose up --detach


When setting the environment variables as a prefix to the docker compose command, it is only needed for the command that runs the services:

OTEAPI_PLUGIN_PACKAGES=oteapi-optimade docker compose up --detach