using Muscade,StaticArrays


Besides providing a general example of how to implement an element in Muscade, this element illustrates how to implement hysteretic behaviour (here: dry friction, but this would also apply to plasticity) without internal variables, since these make problems with Udofs intractable. This is handled by making what would otherwise have been an internal variable into an additional Xdof. In this case, the element's second degree of freedom is the friction force.


The struct contains the values provided (indirectly) by the user. Note Fx and Ff which are type parameters: these will be Symbols that represent the field of the Xdof on which to apply the friction, and a Xdof to represent the friction force

struct DryFriction{Fx,Ff} <: AbstractElement
    fric    :: 𝕣
    x′scale :: 𝕣
    k⁻¹     :: 𝕣   # ∈ [0,∞[, so k ∈ ]0,∞]


We provide a constructor, which will be called by AddElement!. The keyword arguments can, or must be given by the user when calling AddElement!, and are passed on to the constructor. Note that the constructor is type unstable: it gets fields and fieldf as values and uses them as type parameters. This is not deemed to be a problem for the constructor (type instability in residual would be another matter)

           friction::𝕣,Δx::𝕣=0.,x′scale::𝕣=1.) =


The residual function is prepended by @espy to facilitate the extraction of element-results (see [getresults(@ref)). The full name Muscade.residual must be used, because we are adding a method to a function defined in the module Muscade.

@espy function Muscade.residual(o::DryFriction, X,U,A, t,SP,dbg)
    x,x′,f,f′ = ∂0(X)[1],∂1(X)[1], ∂0(X)[2], ∂1(X)[2]
    conds     = (stick = (x′-o.k⁻¹*f′)/o.x′scale,
                 slip  =  abs(f)/o.fric -1      )
    ☼old      = argmin(map(abs,conds))
    if        old==:stick && abs(f)>o.fric   ☼new = :slip
    elseif    old==:slip  && f*x′<0          ☼new = :stick
    else                                     ☼new =  old
    return SVector(f,conds[new]), noFB

In the above f (a force) uses the "nod-on-el" convention (force exterted by the element's node on the element), so the sign is unusual.

conds = ...: Was the system in stick of slip at the previous iteration? Each condition is matched if the expression ((x′-o.k⁻¹*f′)/o.x′scale or abs(f)/o.fric -1) evaluates to a near zero value. conds is a NamedTuple.

The expression argmin(map(abs,conds)) applies abs to each term of the tuple, and returns the index (:stick or :slip) of the smallest argument: it identifies the old state of the element.

Variables old and new are prepended by (\sun), to tell @espy this is an element-result.

The if construct can be read as follows:

  • If we were in stick but now |f| exceeds o.fric, we now slip.
  • If we were in slip but now the force is in the wrong direction, we now stick.
  • Otherwise, no change.

The function returns a 2-vector of residuals (corresponding to the two Xdofs), and we have no "feedback" to the solver (as opposed to constraint elements).


Another function that must be overloaded, in order to tell Muscade what dofs the element provides. Note that this is a function of the element type, not of the element variable: elements of the same concrete type must have the same dofs.

Muscade.doflist( ::Type{DryFriction{Fx,Ff}}) where{Fx,Ff} =
    (inod =(1 ,1 ), class=(:X,:X), field=(Fx,Ff))

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