Implementing new elements


In Muscade, the broad view is taken that anything that contributes to the Lagrangian is an element. This is a broader definition of "elements", compared to classical finite element formulations, in which an element is an element of a partition of a domain over which differential equations are to be solved. This more general definition of "elements" includes a variety of types:

  • Physical element (or finite element), discretizing differential equations over a part of the domain
  • Known external loads on the boundary (non-essential boundary conditions)
  • Known external loads in the domain
  • Constrained dofs (essential boundary conditions)
  • Holonomic equality and inequality constraints (contact)
  • Optimisation constraints (e.g. stresses shal not exceed some limit at any point within part of the domain)
  • Response measurements (surprisal on $X$-dofs)
  • Unknown external loads (surprisal on $U$-dofs)
  • Observed damage (surprisal on $A$-dofs)
  • Cost of unfavorable response (cost on $X$-dofs)
  • Cost of actuators (cost on $U$-dofs)
  • Cost of building a system (cost on $A$-dofs)

Because "everything" is an element in Muscade, app developers can express a wide range of ideas through Muscade's element API.

No internal variables

In classical finite element formulations, plastic strain is implemented by letting an element have plastic strain and a hardening parameter as an internal variable at each quadrature point of the element. Internal variables are not degrees of freedom. Instead, they are a memory of the converged state of the element at the previous load or time step, used to affect the residual computed at the present time step. Internal variables are also used when modeling friction and damage processes.

Muscade does not allow elements to have internal variables. The reason is that problem involing dofs of class U are not causal: our estimation of the state of a system a step i also depends on on measurements taken at steps j with j>i. Hence "sweep" procedures, that is, procedures that solve a problem one load or time step at a time, are not applicable to such problems. Solvers must hence solve for all dofs and steps at once. When using Newton-Raphson iterations to solve problems of this class, internal variables make the Hessian matrix full: the value of a stress at a given stress depends (through the internal variable) on the strain at all preceeding steps. Or more formaly: Internal variables transforms the problem from differential to integral. A full matrix quickly leads to impossibly heavy computations.

To model phenomena usualy treated using internal variable, it is necessary in Muscade to make the "internal" variable into a degree of freedom, and describe the equation of evolution of this degree of freedom. See examples/DecayAnalysis.jl for an example of implementation.


Because the equations of evolution involves first order time derivative, one can not use a static solver in combination with such elements.

Sign convention in elements

Starting with matrix methods in structural analysis, the traditional convention is that in an equation of the form

\[K \cdot ΔX = R\\ X \leftarrow X + ΔX\]

$K$ is (typicaly) symmetric positive definite, $ΔX$ are incremental nodal displacements, and $R$ are external loads applied to the structure (a positive load tends to induce a positive displacement). As a consequence, when an element is implemented within this convention, the element must return its stiffness $K$ and its "internal reaction forces" $R_i$: a bar that is elongated reacts by pulling its ends inwards. The forces are "el-on-nod" (element on node). Muscade uses the same convention for the description of models.

However, the implementation of elements in Muscade uses another convention. This is because Muscade optimizes a Lagrangian, relative to a set of variables here collectively denoted as $Z$. A Newton step for seeking to make $L(Z)$ stationary is naturaly written as

\[G = \frac{\partial L}{\partial Z}\\ H = \frac{\partial G}{\partial Z}\\ H \cdot ΔZ = G\\ Z \leftarrow Z - ΔX\]

Note the minus sign on the last lign. As a consequence of this minus sign, in Muscade, an element returns $R_e=-R_i$, and $K$ is computed (by automatic differentiation, invisible to the element developer) as

\[K = \frac{\partial R_e}{\partial X}\]

This implies that $R_e$ are the "external forces": to elongate a bar one must pull its ends outwards. The forces are "nod-on-el" (node on element). This has one implication that may be surprising: an element that for example implements an (external) point load $F$ must return $R_e = -F$, note the minus sign, so that the user of the element will interpret $F$ as a classic external load. The same applies to elements that connect unknown external loads $U$ to the equilibrium equations. Such an element must return $R_e = -U$. Further, elements that return a Lagrangian (see below) must return $L = Q + \Lambda \cdot R_e$, note the plus sign.


The implementation of a element requires

  • A DataType defining the element.
  • A constructor which is called when the user adds an element to the model, and constructs the above struct.
  • Muscade.doflist specifies the degrees of freedom (dofs) of the element.
  • Muscade.residual (either this of Muscade.lagrangian) takes element dofs as input and returns the element's additive contribution to the residual of a non-linear system of equations,
  • Muscade.lagrangian (either this of Muscade.residual) takes element dofs as input and returns the element's additive contribution to a target function,
  • Muscade.draw (optional) which draws all the elements of the same element type.

Each element must implement either Muscade.lagrangian or Muscade.residual, depending on what is more natural: a beam element will implement Muscade.residual (element reaction forces as a function of nodal displacements), while an element representing a strain sensor will implement Muscade.lagrangian (log-of the probability density of the strain, given an uncertain measurement).


For a new element type MyELement, the datatype is defined as

struct MyElement <: AbstractElement

MyElement must be declared a subtype of AbstractElement.


The element must provide a constructor of the form

function MyElement(nod::Vector{Node};kwargs...)
    return eleobj

which will then call the default constructor provided by Julia.

nod can be used to access the coordinates of the nodes directly:

x = nod[inod].coord[icoord]

where inod is the element-node number and icoord the index into a vector of coordinates. coord is provided by the user when adding a Node to the Model. Muscade has no opinion about, and provides no check of, the length of coord provided by the user. In this way elements can define what coordinate system (how many coordinates, and their interpretation) is to be used. Coordinate systems can even differ from one node to the next. See also the helper function coord to get all node coordinates.

kwargs... is any number of named arguments, typicaly defining the material properties of the element.

The user does not call the above-defined constructor directly. Instead, an element is added to the model by a call of the form

e1 = addelement!(model,MyElement,nodid,kwargs...)

See addelement!.

Method for Muscade.doflist

The element must provide a method of the form

function Muscade.doflist(::Type{MyElement})
    return (inod =(...),

The syntax ::Type{MyElement} is because Muscade.doflist will be called by Muscade with a DataType (the type MyElement), not with an object of type MyELement . The function name must begin with Muscade. to make it possible to overload a function defined in the module Muscade.

The return value of the function is a NamedTuple with the fields inod, class and field.

  • inod is a NTuple of Int64: for each dof, its element-node number.
  • class is a NTuple of Symbol: for each dof, its class (must be :X, :U or :A).
  • field is a NTuple of Symbol: for each dof, its field.

Importantly, Muscade.doflist does not mention dofs of class : if the element implements Muscade.lagrangian, there is automaticaly a one-to-one correspondance between $Λ$-dofs and $X$-dofs.

For example (using Julia's syntax for one-liner functions):

Muscade.doflist( ::Type{Turbine}) = (inod =(1   ,1   ,2        ,2        ),
                                     class=(:X  ,:X  ,:A       ,:A       ),

See Muscade.doflist.

Muscade.lagrangian or Muscade.residual

An element must implement at least one of Muscade.lagrangian or Muscade.residual.

Method for Muscade.lagrangian

Elements that implement a contribution to a target function must implement Muscade.lagrangian.

@espy function Muscade.lagrangian(o::MyElement,Λ,X,U,A,t,SP,dbg) 
    return L,noFB

See Muscade.lagrangian for the list of arguments and outputs.

Method for Muscade.residual

Elements that implement "physics" will typicaly implement Muscade.residual (they could implement the same using lagrangian, but the resulting code would be less performant).

The interface is mostly the same as for Muscade.lagrangian with the differences that

  • Muscade.residual returns a vector R
  • there is no argument Λ
@espy function Muscade.residual(o::MyElement,X,U,A,t,SP,dbg) 
    return R,noFB

See Muscade.residual for the list of arguments and outputs.

Automatic differentiation

The gradients and Hessians of R or L do not need to be implemented, because Muscade uses automatic differentiation. Because of this, it is important not to over-specify the inputs. For example, implementing a function header with

@espy function Muscade.lagrangian(o::MyElement,Λ::Vector{Float64},X,U,A,t,SP,dbg)
#                                                |___bad_idea___|

would cause a MethodError, because Muscade will attempt to call with a SVector instead of Vector, and a special datatype supporting automatic differentiation instead of Float64.

Extraction of element-results

The function definitions of Muscade.lagrangian and Muscade.residual must be anotated with the macro call @espy. Variables within the body of Muscade.lagrangian and Muscade.residual, which the user may want to obtain must be anotated with (by typing \sun they pressing TAB) at the place where they are calculated. An example would be

    ☼σ = E*ε

The macro will generate two versions of Muscade.lagrangian and/or Muscade.residual. One in which the anotations are taken away, which is used to solve the numerical problem. Another with additional input and output variables, and code inserted into the body of the function to extract results wanted by the user.

See Muscade.@espy for a complete guide on code anotations.

Immutables and Gauss quadrature

Muscade.residual and Muscade.lagrangian must be written in a specific style in order maximize performance and to facilitate automatic differentiation.

For performance, no allocation on the heap must occur. This implies in particular that no Arrays, and only (stack allocated) StaticArrays must be used. For example. the code a=zeros(n), creates an Array (allocated on the heap), and should be replaced with a = SVector{N}(0. for i=1:N) where N must be known at compile time to ensure type stability.

To facilitate automatic differentiation, no mutation must occur. StaticArrays are anyway not mutable.

One difficulty arises with Gauss quadrature. Typical implementations would rely on setting R to zero, then adding the contributions from quadrature points to R within a for loop over the Gauss points, which is a mutation. The pseudo code:

R .= 0
for igp = 1:ngp
    F  = ...
    Σ  = ...
    R += F ∘ Σ ∘ ∇N * dV

shows that R is mutated. For the extraction of results from a loop, the following pattern must be used:

@espy function Muscade.residual(x,χ)
    t = ntuple(ngp) do igp
        ☼F = ...
        ☼Σ = ...
        r  = F ∘ Σ ∘ ∇N * dV
    R = sum(   igp->t[igp].r,ngp)
    return R,...

r are the contributions to R at each quadrature point. The operation t = ntuple ... returns a datastructure t such that `t[igp].r are the contribution to the residual from the igp-th quadrature point. This is because

    t = ntuple(ngp) do igp

is equivalent to

    t = ntuple(expr for igp=1:ngp)

which returns

    t = (expr(1),expr(2),...,expr(ngp))

where the value of expr is that of its last line @named(r,a,b,c) which is a macro provided by Muscade that inserts the code (r=r,a=a,b=b,c=c).

The code

    a = ntuple(igp->t[igp].a,ngp)
    R = sum(   igp->t[igp].r,ngp)

gathers the hypothetic a of all quadrature points into a Tuple and adds together the contributions r into the residual R. Variables behaving like a might come into play if solver feedback is provided from each Gauss point.

The macro @named is peculiar in that neither Julia nor Muscade defines a macro named. Instead, it is a syntactic token identified and transformed by @espy. This has one important implication: if the loop over the Gauss points only accumulates R (or L, in Muscade.lagrangian), it would be tempting to use a simpler pattern:

@espy function Muscade.residual(x,χ)
    R = sum(1:ngp) do igp
        ☼F = ...
        ☼Σ = ...
        F ∘ Σ ∘ ∇N * dV
    return R,...

However, result extraction from inside the loop will not work: @espy only supports " for the purpose.

See Muscade.residual, Muscade.lagrangian.


For a given element formulation, the performance of Muscade.residual and Muscade.lagrangian can vary with a factor up to 100 between a good and a bad implementation.

Type stable code allows the compiler to know the type of every variable in a function given the type of its parameters. Code that is type unstable is significantly slower. See the page on type stability.

Allocation, and the corresponding deallocation of memory on the heap takes time. By contrast, allocation and deallocation on the stack is fast. In Julia, only immutable variables can be allocated on the stack. See the page on memory management

Automatic differentiation generaly does not affect how Muscade.residual and Muscade.lagrangian are written. There are two performance-related exceptions to this:

  1. If a complicated sub-function in Muscade.residual and Muscade.lagrangian (typicaly a material model or other closure) operates on an array (for example, the strain) that is smaller than the number of degrees of freedom of the system, computing time can be saved by computing the derivative of the output (in the example, the stress) with respect to the input to the subfunction, and then compose the derivatives.
  2. Iterative precedures are sometimes used within Muscade.residual and Muscade.lagrangian, a typical example being in plastic material formulations. There is no need to propagate automatic differentiation through all the iterations - doing so with the result of the iteration provides the same result.
  3. Elements with corotated reference system (e.g. beam elements) can use automatic differentiation to transform the residual back to the global reference system.

See the page on automatic differentiation.

Method for Muscade.draw


Elements can implement a Muscade.draw method. If no method is implemented, the element will be invisible if the user requests a drawing of the element.

None of Muscade built-in elements implement methods for draw: because Muscade has no inherent interpretation of the various X dofs, there is no graphical representation associated to them. On the other hand, it might make sense for an app developer (giving an interpretation to various dofs) to create such methods.

Because Muscade provides no implementation of draw (with the exception of some demo elements), Muscade does not prescribe the use of any specific graphic package. See Makie.jl and WriteVTK.jl for candidates.

While the API may remind that of Muscade.lagrangian, there is one significant difference: because it is more efficient to create few graphical object (in Makie: few calls to lines!, scatter!) etc., the element's method for draw will be called once to draw several elements of the same type. In Makie multiple lines can be drawn in one call to lines! by using NaNs to "lift the pen".

Keyword arguments

When requesting a drawing of all or part of the model, the user can provide specifications (line thickness, line colors, what quantity to visualise as colored patches and so forth). The user can for example require


The element's draw method must accept an arbitrary list of keyword arguments. Keywords arguments not used by the method are automaticaly ignored. In order not to fail if a used keyword argument is not provided by the user, the following syntax can be used in the element's draw method.

function Muscade.draw(...)
    linewith = default{:linewidth}(kwargs,2.)

which can be read: if kwargs.linewidth exists, the set linewidth to its value, otherwise, set it to 2..

The user has facilities to draw only selected element types or selected elements, so the element's draw method does not need to implement a switch on whether to draw.

See examples/BeamElements.jl for an example of implementation.

Getting element results

In many cases, drawing provides a graphical representation of element-results (see Extracting results). A pattern is that draw creates a request and calls residual or lagrangian (which ever the element implements), with an additional last input argument req (the request created using @request), and an additional last output argument out (containing the element-results).

Help functions

Muscade provides functions and constants to make it easier to comply with the API:

Element constructors can use function coord to extract the coordinates fron the Vector{Node} they get as first argument.

Muscade.residual and Muscade.lagrangian must use ∂0, ∂1 and ∂2 when extracting the zeroth, first and second time derivatives from arguments X and U.

Constant noFB (which have value nothing) can be used by elements that do not have feedback to the solving procedure.

It is sometimes convenient to handle time derivatives using automatic differentiation: elements with corotated reference systems can thus handle a moving corotated system, and thus centripetal and Coriolis forces. See examples/BeamElements.jl for an example. Helper functions Muscade.motion, Muscade.position, Muscade.velocity and Muscade.acceleration are provided. These helper functions are not exported by Muscade, so their invocation must be qualified with Muscade..

See Muscade.test_static_element (not exported) to compute the gradient of a lagrangian.

For those prefering to think in terms of Cartesian tensor algebra, rather than matrix algebra, operators , ∘₁ and ∘₂ provide the exterior product, the single dot product and the double dot product respectively.

Elements with a corotated reference system, can make use of examples/Rotations.jl that provides functionality to handle rotations in ℝ³. See examples/BeamElements.jl for an example.