This documentation is under development!



Data types for instance properties.

The types of properties is in DLite described by its dtype (a type number from enum DLiteType) and size (size in bytes of a single data point).

Note that the type (dtype and size) concerns a single data point. The dimensionality (ndims and shape) of a property comes in addition and is not treated by the functions in this file.

The properties can have most of the basic types found in C, with some additions, as summarised in the table below:






examples names




uint8_t *

binary blob, sequence of bytes

blob32, blob128




bool *





1, 2, 4, {8}

int8_t *, int16_t *, …

signed integer

(int), int8, int16, int32, {int64}



1, 2, 4, {8}

uint8_t *, uint16_t *, …

unsigned integer

(uint), uint8, uint16, uint32, {uint64}



4, 8, {10, 16}

float32_t *, float64_t *, …

floating point

(float), (double), float32, float64, {float80, float128}




char *

fix-sized NUL-terminated string




sizeof(char *)

char **

pointer to NUL-terminated string





DLiteRef *

pointer to instance pointer




DLiteDimension *

only intended for metadata





DLiteProperty *

only intended for metadata





DLiteRelation *

subject-predicate-object triple


The column “pointer” shows the C type of the ptr argument for functions like dlite_instance_get_property() and dlite_instance_set_property(). Note that this pointer type is the same regardless we are referring to a scalar or an array. For arrays the pointer points to the first element.

The column “examples names” shows examples of how these types whould be written when specifying the type of a property.

  • The type names in parenthesis are included for portability with SOFT5, but not encouraged because their may vary between platforms.

  • The type names in curly brackets may not be defined on all platforms. The headers “integers.h” and “floats.h” provides macros like HAVE_INT64_T, HAVE_FLOAT128_T… that can be used to check for availability.

Some additional notes:

  • blob: is a sequence of bytes of length size. When writing the type name, you should always append the size as shown in the examples in table.

  • bool: corresponds to the bool type as defined in <stdbool.h>. To support systems lacking <stdbool.h> you can use “boolean.h” provided by dlite.

  • fixstring: corresponds to char fixstring[size] in C. The size includes the terminating NUL.

  • string: corresponds to char *string in C, pointing to memory allocated with malloc(). If you free a string, you should always set the pointer to NULL, since functions like dlite_entity_free() otherwise will try to free it again, causing memory corruption.

  • relation: a subject-predicate-object triple defined in triplestore.h. In addition have all triples an id, allowing a relation to refer to another relation.

  • dimension: Name and description of a dimension. Only intended for metadata.

  • property: Name and full description of a property. Only intended for metadata.



Expands to the struct alignment of type

padding_at(type, offset)#

Expands to the amount of padding that should be added before type if type is to be added to a struct at offset offset.


typedef struct _DLiteProperty DLiteProperty#
typedef struct _DLiteDimension DLiteDimension#
typedef struct _Triple DLiteRelation#
typedef struct _DLiteInstance *DLiteRef#
typedef enum _DLiteType DLiteType#

Basic data types

typedef enum _DLiteTypeFlag DLiteTypeFlag#

Some flags for printing or scanning dlite types

typedef int (*DLiteTypeCast)(void *dest, DLiteType dest_type, size_t dest_size, const void *src, DLiteType src_type, size_t src_size)#

Function prototype that copies value from src to dest. If dest_type and dest_size differs from src_type and src_size the value will be casted, if possible.

If dest_type contains allocated data, new memory should be allocated for dest. Information may get lost in this case.

Returns non-zero on error or if the cast is not supported.


enum _DLiteType#

Basic data types


enumerator dliteBlob#

Binary blob, sequence of bytes

enumerator dliteBool#


enumerator dliteInt#

Signed integer

enumerator dliteUInt#

Unigned integer

enumerator dliteFloat#

Floating point

enumerator dliteFixString#

Fix-sized NUL-terminated string

enumerator dliteStringPtr#

Pointer to NUL-terminated string

enumerator dliteRef#

Reference to instance

enumerator dliteDimension#

Dimension, for entities

enumerator dliteProperty#

Property, for entities

enumerator dliteRelation#

Subject-predicate-object relation

enum _DLiteTypeFlag#

Some flags for printing or scanning dlite types


enumerator dliteFlagDefault#

Default (json)

enumerator dliteFlagRaw#

Raw unquoted input/output

enumerator dliteFlagQuoted#

Quoted input/output

enumerator dliteFlagStrip#

Strip initial and final spaces

enumerator dliteFlagCompactRel#

Write relations with no newlines


const char *dlite_type_get_dtypename(DLiteType dtype)#

Returns descriptive name for dtype or NULL on error.

const char *dlite_type_get_enum_name(DLiteType dtype)#

Returns enum name for dtype or NULL on error.

DLiteType dlite_type_get_dtype(const char *dtypename)#

Returns the dtype corresponding to dtypename or -1 on error.

int dlite_type_set_typename(DLiteType dtype, size_t size, char *typename, size_t n)#

Writes the type name corresponding to dtype and size to typename, which must be of size n. Returns non-zero on error.

int dlite_type_set_ftype(DLiteType dtype, size_t size, char *ftype, size_t n)#

Writes the fortran type name corresponding to dtype and size to typename, which must be of size n. Returns non-zero on error.

int dlite_type_set_isoctype(DLiteType dtype, size_t size, char *isoctype, size_t n)#

Writes the Fortran ISO_C_BINDING type name corresponding to dtype and size to isoctype, which must be of size n. Returns non-zero on error.

int dlite_type_set_cdecl(DLiteType dtype, size_t size, const char *name, size_t nref, char *pcdecl, size_t n, int native)#

Writes C declaration to cdecl of a C variable with given dtype and size. The size of the memory pointed to by cdecl must be at least n bytes.

If native is non-zero, the native typename will be written to pcdecl (e.g. “double”) instead of the portable typename (e.g. “float64_t”).

name is the name of the C variable.

nref is the number of extra * to add in front of name.

Returns the number of bytes written or -1 on error.

bool dlite_is_type(const char *name)#

Returns true if name is a DLiteType, otherwise false.

int dlite_type_set_dtype_and_size(const char *typename, DLiteType *dtype, size_t *size)#

Assigns dtype and size from typename.

Characters other than alphanumerics or underscore may follow the type name.

Returns non-zero on error.

int dlite_type_is_allocated(DLiteType dtype)#

Returns non-zero if dtype contains allocated data, like dliteStringPtr.

void *dlite_type_copy(void *dest, const void *src, DLiteType dtype, size_t size)#

Copies value of given dtype from src to dest. If the dtype contains allocated data, new memory will be allocated for dest.

Returns a pointer to the memory area dest or NULL on error.

void *dlite_type_clear(void *p, DLiteType dtype, size_t size)#

Clears the memory pointed to by p. Its type is gived by dtype and size.

Returns a pointer to the memory area p or NULL on error.

int dlite_type_print(char *dest, size_t n, const void *p, DLiteType dtype, size_t size, int width, int prec, DLiteTypeFlag flags)#

Serialises data of type dtype and size size pointed to by p. The string representation is written to dest. No more than n bytes are written (incl. the terminating NUL).

The width and prec arguments corresponds to the printf() minimum field width and precision/length modifier. If you set them to -1, a suitable value will selected according to type. To ignore their effect, set width to zero or prec to -2.

Returns number of bytes written to dest. If the output is truncated because it exceeds n, the number of bytes that would have been written if n was large enough is returned. On error, a negative value is returned.

int dlite_type_aprint(char **dest, size_t *n, size_t pos, const void *p, DLiteType dtype, size_t size, int width, int prec, DLiteTypeFlag flags)#

Like dlite_type_print(), but prints to allocated buffer.

Prints to position pos in *dest, which should point to a buffer of size *n. *dest is reallocated if needed.

Returns number or bytes written or a negative number on error.

int dlite_type_scan(const char *src, int len, void *p, DLiteType dtype, size_t size, DLiteTypeFlag flags)#

Scans a value from src and write it to memory pointed to by p.

If len is non-negative, at most len bytes are read from src.

The type and size of the scanned data is described by dtype and size, respectively.

For allocated types, the memory pointed to by p should either be initialized to zero or contain valid data.

Returns number of characters consumed or -1 on error.

int dlite_type_update_sha3(sha3_context *c, const void *ptr, DLiteType dtype, size_t size)#

Update sha3 hash context c from data pointed to by ptr. The data is described by dtype and size.

Returns non-zero on error.

size_t dlite_type_get_alignment(DLiteType dtype, size_t size)#

Returns the struct alignment of the given type or 0 on error.

size_t dlite_type_padding_at(DLiteType dtype, size_t size, size_t offset)#

Returns the amount of padding that should be added before type, if type (of size size) is to be added to a struct at offset offset.

int dlite_type_get_member_offset(size_t prev_offset, size_t prev_size, DLiteType dtype, size_t size)#

Returns the offset the current struct member with dtype dtype and size size. The offset of the previous struct member is prev_offset and its size is prev_size.

Returns -1 on error.

int dlite_type_ndcast(int ndims, void *dest, DLiteType dest_type, size_t dest_size, const size_t *dest_dims, const int *dest_strides, const void *src, DLiteType src_type, size_t src_size, const size_t *src_dims, const int *src_strides, DLiteTypeCast castfun)#

Copies n-dimensional array src to dest by calling castfun on each element. dest must have sufficient size to hold the result.

If either dest_strides or src_strides are NULL, the memory is assumed to be C-contiguous.

This function is rather general function that allows src and dest to have different type and memory layout. By e.g. inverting the order of dest_dims and dest_strides you can copy an n-dimensional array from C to Fortran order.


  • ndims: Number of dimensions for both source and destination. Zero means scalar.

  • dest: Pointer to destination memory. It must be large enough.

  • dest_type: Destination data type

  • dest_size: Size of each element in destination

  • dest_dims: Destination dimensions. Length: ndims, required if ndims > 0

  • dest_strides: Destination strides. Length: ndims, optional

  • src: Pointer to source memory.

  • src_type: Source data type.

  • src_size: Size of each element in source.

  • src_dims: Source dimensions. Length: ndims, required if ndims > 0

  • src_strides: Source strides. Length: ndims, optional

  • castfun: Function that is doing the actually casting. Called on each element.

Returns non-zero on error.