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Tips and Tricks#

Setting up a virtual Python environment for building dlite#

See the [Build and install to a virtual Python environment] in the installation instructions.

Debugging tests failing inside docker on GitHub#

  1. Set up a local virtual environment with the same version of Python as in the failing test. See Build against Python environment.

  2. Enter your virtual environment with dlite and install cibuildwheel.

     workon dlite
     pip install cibuildwheel
  3. To list all manylinux images for Python 3.7, do

     cd dlite  # Root of DLite source directory \
     CIBW_BUILD=cp37-manylinux_* \
     python -m cibuildwheel \
     --print-build-identifiers \
     --platform linux \

    This should write

  4. Run image. For example, to run the image cp37-manylinux_x86_64 do \
     CIBW_BUILD=cp37-manylinux_x86* \
     python -m cibuildwheel \
     --output-dir wheelhouse \
     --platform linux \

    which should run the tests and hopefully fail at the same place as on GitHub. If that is the case, you can run the image again, but pause it before running the tests by prepending CIBW_BEFORE_TEST=cat to the previous command:

     CIBW_BEFORE_TEST=cat \ \
     CIBW_BUILD=cp37-manylinux_x86* \
     python -m cibuildwheel \
     --output-dir wheelhouse \
     --platform linux \
  5. Now you can list all active containers with

     docker ps

    the first container should have a name starting with cibuildwheel-. Copy its id and run

     ID=91312b22090f  # replace this id with the one listed by docker ps -a
     docker exec -it $ID /bin/sh

    This should start a new shell inside the container that the test was run it.

  6. Activate the virtual environment that was used to build DLite

     source /tmp/tmp.*/venv/bin/activate

    and install final requirements manually

     cd /project/python/build
     pip install virtualenv -c /constraints.txt
     pip install --cache-dir /ci/pip_cache --prefer-binary -r /project/requirements.txt
  7. Locate and install the DLite_Python wheel

     ls /tmp/cibuildwheel/repaired_wheel/DLite_Python-*.whl
     pip install /tmp/cibuildwheel/repaired_wheel/DLite_Python-0.3.18-cp37-cp37m-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl
  8. Now we can run the Python tests with

     python /project/bindings/python/tests/