Tips and Tricks#

Setting up a virtual Python environment for building dlite#

See Build against Python environment in the installation instructions.

Test installation before releasing on PyPI#

If you have updated the installation of the dlite-python package, or you get failures on GitHub CI/CD that cannot be reproduced locally, you might want to test installing dlite-python before releasing it on PyPI.

This can be done as follows:

  1. Create a new virtual environment and install requirements and the wheel package

    python -m venv ~/.envs/testenv
    source ~/.envs/testenv/bin/activate
    pip install -U pip
  2. Build the wheel

    cd dlite  # root of source directory
    pip install wheel -r requirements.txt
    pip wheel -w python/dist ./python
  3. Install the wheel with pip in a newly created environment (the version numbers may differ for your case)

    pip install python/dist/DLite_Python-0.5.26-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whl
  4. Finally, test by importing dlite in the standard manner

    >>> import dlite

    or you can run the python tests

    python bindings/python/tests/

Debugging Python storage plugins#

Exceptions occurring inside Python storage plugins are not propagated to the calling interpreter, and will therefor not be shown. However, it is possible to write them to stderr by setting the DLITE_PYDEBUG environment variable.

For example, run:

DLITE_PYDEBUG= python bindings/python/tests/ 1>/dev/null

to see tracebacks of exceptions occurring inside any of the tested storage plugins.

Debugging tests failing inside docker on GitHub#

  1. Set up a local virtual environment with the same version of Python as in the failing test. See Build against Python environment.

  2. Enter your virtual environment with dlite and install cibuildwheel.

     workon dlite
     pip install cibuildwheel
  3. To list all manylinux images for Python 3.12, do

     cd dlite  # Root of DLite source directory \
     CIBW_BUILD=cp312-manylinux_* \
     python -m cibuildwheel \
     --print-build-identifiers \
     --platform linux \

    This should write

  4. Run image. For example, to run the image cp312-manylinux_x86_64 do \
     CIBW_BUILD=cp312-manylinux_x86* \
     python -m cibuildwheel \
     --output-dir wheelhouse \
     --platform linux \

    which should run the tests and hopefully fail at the same place as on GitHub.

    If that is the case, you can run the image again, but pause it before running the tests by prepending CIBW_BEFORE_TEST=cat to the previous command:

     CIBW_BEFORE_TEST=cat \ \
     CIBW_BUILD=cp312-manylinux_x86* \
     python -m cibuildwheel \
     --output-dir wheelhouse \
     --platform linux \
  5. Now you can list all active containers with

     docker ps

    the first container should have a name starting with cibuildwheel-. Copy its id and run

     ID=91312b22090f  # replace this id with the one listed by docker ps -a
     docker exec -it $ID /bin/sh

    This should start a new shell inside the container that the test was run it.

  6. Activate the virtual environment that was used to build DLite

     source /tmp/tmp.*/venv/bin/activate

    and install final requirements manually

     cd /project/python/build
     pip install virtualenv -c /constraints.txt
     pip install --cache-dir /ci/pip_cache --prefer-binary -r /project/requirements.txt
  7. Locate and install the DLite_Python wheel

     ls /tmp/cibuildwheel/repaired_wheel/DLite_Python-*.whl
     pip install /tmp/cibuildwheel/repaired_wheel/DLite_Python-*.whl
  8. Now we can run the Python tests with

     python /project/bindings/python/tests/

Docker network#

If pip wheel fails with network errors, like [Errno 101] Network is unreachable, you may have to create a network

 docker network create -d bridge dlitenet  # Create network called dlitenet

and get its IP with

 ip=$(docker network inspect dlitenet | sed -n 's/ *"Gateway": "\(.*\)"$/\1/p')

You can then rerun cibuildwheel with the

 CIBW_BUILD_FRONTEND="pip; args: --index-url http://$ip:3141/root/pypi/" \ \
 CIBW_BUILD=cp312-manylinux_x86* \
 python -m cibuildwheel \
 --output-dir wheelhouse \
 --platform linux \

Memory debugging#

On Linux systems, one can use valgrind to check for and debug memory issues.

Finding memory issues#

To check for any memory issue, you can run valgrind on all tests with

make memcheck

However, this usually takes a while. If you have localised an issue, and want to rerun valgrind on that issue, you can run

CTEST_ARGS="-R <test_name>" make memcheck

Both of the above commands will write the output to <BUILD_DIR>/Testing/Temporary/MemoryChecker.<#>.log, where <#> is the test number.

The first time you run `make memcheck`, a supression file will be created, suppressing issues that does not comes from DLite.
Generating a suppression file may take long time, but it will only be generated once unless you manually add more suppressions to one of the `cmake/valgrind-*.supp` files.

Alternatively, you can run valgrind manually, with

valgrind <path/to/test-executable>

if the test is written in C, or with

valgrind python <path/to/>

if the test is written in Python. This will write the output from valgrind to stderr.

Debugging segmentation faults#

If a test results in a segmentation fault, you can debug it with gdb. See the GDB Tutorial for how to use gdb.

Tests written in C can be debugged with

$ gdb <path/to/test-executable>
(gdb) run

Test written in Python can be debugged with

$ gdb python
(gdb) run <path/to/>

Some useful gdb commands:

  • where: show the call stack when the test fails.

  • up, down: navigated up and down the call stack.

  • print <expression>: print the value of a variable or expression.

Debugging memory issues#

To debug other memory issues, invoke gdb as shown above, but set a breakpoint at the function before issuing the run command. For example:

$ gdb python
(gdb) break <c_function_name>
(gdb) run <path/to/>

More useful gdb commands:

  • break <function_name>: set a break point at given function.

  • break <file:lineno>: set a break point at given source file position.

  • continue: continue to run the program after a break point.

  • next: execute next source line.

  • step: steps into the outermost subroutine on the next source line. Behaves like next if the next source line has no subroutines.