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Shared code between plugins that embed Python.




void dlite_pyembed_initialise(void)#

Initialises the embedded Python environment.

int dlite_pyembed_finalise(void)#

Finalises the embedded Python environment.

const char *dlite_pyembed_classname(PyObject *cls)#

Returns a static pointer to the class name of python object cls or NULL on error.

DLiteErrCode dlite_pyembed_errcode(PyObject *type)#

Return DLite error code given Python exception type.

PyObject *dlite_pyembed_exception(DLiteErrCode code)#

Return Python exception class corresponding to given DLite error code. Returns NULL if code is zero.

int dlite_pyembed_errmsg(char *errmsg, size_t errlen)#

Writes Python error message to errmsg (of length len) if an Python error has occured.

On return the The Python error indicator is reset.

Returns 0 if no error has occured, otherwise return the number of bytes written to errmsg. On error -1 is returned.

int dlite_pyembed_err(int eval, const char *msg, ...)#

Reports and restes Python error.

If an Python error has occured, an error message is appended to msg, containing the type, value and traceback.

Returns eval.

int dlite_pyembed_verr(int eval, const char *msg, va_list ap)#

Like dlite_pyembed_err() but takes a va_list as input.

int dlite_pyembed_err_check(const char *msg, ...)#

Checks if an Python error has occured. Returns zero if no error has occured. Otherwise dlite_pyembed_err() is called and non-zero is returned.

int dlite_pyembed_verr_check(const char *msg, va_list ap)#

Like dlite_pyembed_err_check() but takes a va_list as input.

void *dlite_pyembed_get_address(const char *symbol)#

Loads the Python C extension module “_dlite” and returns the address of symbol, within this module. Returns NULL on error or if symbol cannot be found.

PyObject *dlite_pyembed_from_instance(const char *id)#

Returns a Python representation of dlite instance with given id or NULL on error.

DLiteInstance *dlite_pyembed_get_instance(PyObject *pyinst)#

Returns a new reference to DLite instance from Python representation or NULL on error.

PyObject *dlite_pyembed_load_plugins(FUPaths *paths, PyObject *baseclass, char ***failed_paths, size_t *failed_len)#

This function loads all Python modules found in paths and returns a list of plugin objects.

A Python plugin is a subclass of baseclassname that implements the expected functionality.

If failed_paths is given, it should be a pointer to a NULL-terminated array of pointers to paths to plugins that failed to load. In case a plugin fails to load, this array will be updated.

If failed_paths is given, failed_len must also be given. It should be a pointer to the allocated length of *failed_paths.

Returns NULL on error.