
Cross-platform file utility functions.



Chunk size for path allocation


typedef enum _FUPlatform FUPlatform#


typedef DIR FUDir#

Directory state.

typedef struct _FUPaths FUPaths#

List of directory search pathes

typedef struct _FUIter FUIter#

File matching iterator.


Error codes


enumerator fu_PathError#
enumerator fu_OpenDirectoryError#
enum _FUPlatform#



enumerator fuUnknownPlatform#

Unknown platform

enumerator fuNative#

Platform we are compiling on

enumerator fuUnix#

Unix-like platforms; POSIX complient

enumerator fuWindows#


enumerator fuApple#


enumerator fuLastPlatform#

Must always be the last


FUPlatform fu_native_platform(void)#

Returns native platform.

int fu_supported_platform(FUPlatform platform)#

Returns non-zero if platform is supported.

const char *fu_platform_name(FUPlatform platform)#

Returns a constant pointer to the name of platform.

FUPlatform fu_platform(const char *name)#

Returns the platform number corresponding to name or -1 on error.

const char *fu_dirsep(FUPlatform platform)#

Returns a pointer to directory separator for platform or NULL on error.

const char *fu_pathsep(FUPlatform platform)#

Returns a pointer to path separator for platform or NULL on error.

const char *fu_linesep(FUPlatform platform)#

Returns a pointer to line separator for platform or NULL on error.

int fu_isabs(const char *path)#

Returns non-zero if path is an absolute path.

int fu_iswinpath(const char *path, int len)#

Returns non-zero if path, of length len, is a Windows path.

A Windows path must start with a drive letter and colon (ex “C:”), but not followed by two forward slashes (ex “c://”, which is interpreted as an URL).

Alternatively a Windows path can start with two backward slashes indicating a network (UNC) path.

char *fu_join(const char *a, ...)#

Joins a set of pathname components, inserting ‘/’ as needed. The first path component is a. The last argument must be NULL.

If any component is an absolute path, all previous path components will be discarded. An empty last part will result in a path that ends with a separator.

Returns a pointer to a malloc’ed string or NULL on error.

char *fu_join_sep(int sep, const char *a, ...)#

Like fu_join(), but takes path separator as first argument.

char *fu_vjoin_sep(int sep, const char *a, va_list ap)#

Like fu_join_sep(), but takes a va_list instead of a variable number of arguments.

char *fu_lastsep(const char *path)#

Returns a pointer to the last directory separator in path.

char *fu_dirname(const char *path)#

Returns the directory component of path as a newly allocated string.

char *fu_basename(const char *path)#

Returns the final component of path as a newly allocated string.

char *fu_stem(const char *path)#

Returns the final component of path without extension as a newly allocated string.

const char *fu_fileext(const char *path)#

Returns a pointer to file extension of path (what follows after the last “.”).

char *fu_friendly_dirsep(char *path)#

Updates path to use more “user-friendly” directory separators.

On Unix-like systems this function does nothing.

On Windows, the following logic is applied:

  • path starts with “//” or “\”: ‘/’ -> ‘’

    - path starts with “C:” (where C is any character): ‘’ -> ‘/’

  • otherwise ‘’ -> ‘/’

Returns a pointer to path.

const char *fu_nextpath(const char *paths, char **endptr, const char *pathsep)#

Finds individual paths in paths, which should be a string of paths joined with pathsep.

At the initial call, *endptr must point to NULL. On return will endptr be updated to point to the first character after the returned path. That is the next path separator or or the terminating NUL if there are no more paths left.

If pathsep is not NULL, any character in pathsep will be used as a path separator. NULL corresponds to “;:”, except that the colon will not be considered as a path separator in the following two cases:

  • it is the second character in the path preceded by an alphabetic character and followed by forward or backward slash. Ex: C:\xxx.

  • it is preceded by only alphabetic characters and followed by two forward slashes and a alphabetic character. Ex: http://xxx...

Repeated path separators will be treated as a single path separator.

Returns a pointer to the next path or NULL if there are no more paths left. On error is NULL returned and *endptr will not point to NUL.


char *endptr=NULL, *paths="C:\\aa\\bb.txt;/etc/fstab:";
const char *p;
while ((p = fu_pathsep(paths, &endptr, NULL)))
  printf("%.*s\n", endptr - p, p);

Should print



The length of a returned path can be obtained with endptr-p.

char *fu_winpath(const char *path, char *dest, size_t size, const char *pathsep)#

Converts path to a valid Windows path and return a pointer to the result.

The string path may be a single path or several paths. In the latter case they are separated with fu_nextpath(). The pathsep argument is passed to it.

If dest is not NULL, the converted path is written to the memory it points to and dest is returned. At most size bytes is written.

If dest is NULL, sufficient memory is allocated for performing the full convertion and a pointer to it is returned.

Returns NULL on error.

char *fu_unixpath(const char *path, char *dest, size_t size, const char *pathsep)#

Converts path to a valid Unix path and return a pointer to the result.

The string path may be a single path or several paths. In the latter case they are separated with fu_nextpath(). The pathsep argument is passed to it.

If dest is not NULL, the converted path is written to the memory it points to and dest is returned. At most size bytes is written.

If dest is NULL, sufficient memory is allocated for performing the full convertion and a pointer to it is returned.

Returns NULL on error.

char *fu_nativepath(const char *path, char *dest, size_t size, const char *pathsep)#

Converts path native platform.

Calls fu_winpath() or fu_unixpath() depending on current platform.

char *fu_realpath(const char *path, char *resolved_path)#

Returns the canonicalized absolute pathname for path. Resolves symbolic links and references to ‘/./’, ‘/../’ and extra ‘/’. Note that path must exists.

If resolved_path is NULL, the returned path is malloc()’ed. Otherwise, it must be a buffer of at least size PATH_MAX (on POSIX) or MAX_PATH (on Windows).

Returns NULL on error.

FUDir *fu_opendir(const char *path)#

Opens a directory and returns a handle to it. Returns NULL on error.

const char *fu_nextfile(FUDir *dir)#

Iterates over all files in a directory.

Returns the name of next file or NULL if there are no more files.

int fu_closedir(FUDir *dir)#

Closes directory handle.

int fu_paths_init(FUPaths *paths, const char *envvar)#

Initiates paths. If envvar is not NULL, it should be the name of an environment variable with initial search paths separated by the PATHSEP charecter.

Returns the initial number of paths or -1 on error.

int fu_paths_init_sep(FUPaths *paths, const char *envvar, const char *pathsep)#

Like fu_paths_init(), but allow custom path separator pathsep.

Note that any character in pathsep works as a path separator.

FUPlatform fu_paths_set_platform(FUPaths *paths, FUPlatform platform)#

Sets platform that paths should confirm to.

Returns the previous platform or -1 on error.

FUPlatform fu_paths_get_platform(FUPaths *paths)#

Returns the current platform for paths.

void fu_paths_deinit(FUPaths *paths)#

Frees all memory allocated in paths.

char *fu_paths_string(const FUPaths *paths)#

Returns an allocated string with all paths in paths separated by the path separator of the platform specified by fu_paths_set_platform().

Returns NULL on error.

const char **fu_paths_get(FUPaths *paths)#

Returns a NULL-terminated array of pointers to paths or NULL if paths is empty.

The memory own by paths and should not be deallocated by the caller.

int fu_paths_insert(FUPaths *paths, const char *path, int n)#

Inserts path into paths before position n. If n is negative, it counts from the end (like Python).

Returns the index of the newly inserted element or -1 on error.

int fu_paths_insertn(FUPaths *paths, const char *path, size_t len, int n)#

Like fu_paths_insert(), but allows that path is not NUL-terminated.

Inserts the len first bytes of path into paths before position n. If len is zero, this is equivalent to fu_paths_insert().

Returns the index of the newly inserted element or -1 on error.

int fu_paths_append(FUPaths *paths, const char *path)#

Appends path to paths. Equivalent to

fu_paths_insert(paths, path, paths->n)
Returns the index of the newly appended element or -1 on error.

int fu_paths_appendn(FUPaths *paths, const char *path, size_t len)#

Appends path to paths. Equivalent to

fu_paths_insertn(paths, path, len, paths->n)
Returns the index of the newly inserted element or -1 on error.

int fu_paths_extend(FUPaths *paths, const char *s, const char *pathsep)#

Extends paths by appending all pathsep-separated paths in s to it. See fu_nextpath() for a description of pathsep.

Returns the index of the last appended element or zero if nothing is appended. On error, -1 is returned.

int fu_paths_extend_prefix(FUPaths *paths, const char *prefix, const char *s, const char *pathsep)#

Like fu_paths_extend(), but prefix all relative paths in s with prefix before appending them to paths.

Returns the index of the last appended element or zero if nothing is appended. On error, -1 is returned.

int fu_paths_remove_index(FUPaths *paths, int index)#

Removes path index n from paths. If n is negative, it counts from the end (like Python).

Returns non-zero on error.

int fu_paths_remove(FUPaths *paths, const char *path)#

Removes path path. Returns non-zero if there is no such path.

int fu_paths_index(FUPaths *paths, const char *path)#

Returns index of path path or -1 if there is no such path in paths.

FUIter *fu_startmatch(const char *pattern, const FUPaths *paths)#

Returns a new iterator for finding files matching pattern in directories included in paths.

Returns NULL on error.

const char *fu_nextmatch(FUIter *iter)#

Returns name of the next file matching the pattern provided to fu_startmatch() or NULL if there are no more matches.


The returned string is owned by the iterator. It will be overwritten by the next call to fu_nextmatch() and should not be changed. Use strdup() or strncpy() if a copy is needed.


The iterator will not be affected by adding or deleting paths during iteration. Hence, it is safe to insert a path or delete the path returned by fu_nextmatch(). But if you delete a yet non-visited path it will still be visited.

int fu_endmatch(FUIter *iter)#

Ends pattern matching iteration.

FUIter *fu_pathsiter_init(const FUPaths *paths, const char *pattern)#

Returns a new iterator over all files and directories in paths.

An optional pattern can be provided to filter out file and directory names that doesn’t matches it. This pattern will only match against the base file/directory name, with the directory part stripped off.

Returns NULL on error.

This is very similar to fu_startmatch(), but allows paths to be a mixture of directories and files with glob patterns. Is intended to be used together with fu_pathsiter_next() and fu_pathsiter_deinit().

const char *fu_pathsiter_next(FUIter *iter)#

Returns the next file or directory in the iterator iter created with fu_paths_iter_init(). NULL is returned on error or if there are no more file names to iterate over.


The iterator will not be affected by adding or deleting paths during iteration. Hence, it is safe to insert a path or delete the path returned by fu_pathiter_next(). But if you delete a yet non-visited path it will still be visited.

int fu_pathsiter_deinit(FUIter *iter)#

Deallocates iterator created with fu_pathsiter_init(). Returns non-zero on error.

FUIter *fu_glob(const char *pattern, const char *pathsep)#

Returns a new iterator over files matching pattern. Only the last component of pattern may contain wildcards.

Use fu_globnext() and fu_globend() to iterate over matching files and end iteration, respectively.

const char *fu_globnext(FUIter *iter)#

Returns path to the next matching file.

int fu_globend(FUIter *iter)#

Ends glob pattern iteration. Returns non-zero on error.

void fu_iter_set_dirsep(FUIter *iter, int dirsep)#

Sets the directory separator in returned by fu_nextmatch() and fu_globnext(). Defaults to DIRSEP.

char *fu_readfile(FILE *fp)#

Read stream into an malloc’ed buffer and return a pointer to the buffer. Returns NULL on error.

struct _FUPaths#
#include <fileutils.h>

List of directory search pathes

Public Members

size_t n#

Number of paths

size_t size#

Allocated number of paths

const char **paths#

NULL-terminated array of pointers to paths

FUPlatform platform#

Platform that returned paths should confirm to, defaults to native

const char *pathsep#

Path separator