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Converts string to boolean.


int strtob(const char *ptr, char **endptr)#

Converts the initial part of the string ptr to a boolean.

The following values (case insensitive):

"1", "true", ".true.", "yes" and "on"
are considered true and will return 1, while the following values:
"0", "false", ".false.", "no", "off", NULL, and ""
are considered false and will return zero. Initial blanks (except in front of the empty string “”) will be stripped off. Any other string is also considered true, but will return -1 to allow the user to distinguish between the proper true values above and other strings.

If endptr is not NULL, strtob() stores the address of the first invalid character in *endptr. In the case of a string not matching any of the proper true or false values above, initial blanks plus one non-blank character will be consumed.

Returns non-zero for true, zero otherwise.

int atob(const char *ptr)#

Converts a string to true (non-zero) or false (zero).