This documentation is under development!

Coding guideline

Coding guideline#

These are guidelines for contributing code to DLite.

Error handling#

DLite should be a robust code base. All cases that can result in an error should be reported.

From C are errors is the error status normally reported via the return value. Error messages are reported with the err() function or the FAILCODE family of macros. Use error codes from src/dlite-errors.h when reporting an error. Think an extra time before adding a new error code to this file.

From Python standard exceptions are used.

It is recommended to use assert in both C and Python to check for cases that should never happen. If they due to a bug happen anyway, you rather want an early and clean abort, than the code to fail in undefined ways, perhaps even in completely unrelated places. However, please note that assert should never be used in checks with side effects, since they can be turned off for optimasation.


New features should be tested. All tests are run with ctest.

Testing of C code is currently done with the minimal MinUnit C/C++ testing framework.

For Python, we can either use simple test scripts or pytest, whatever is most suited for the test at hand. Test scripts are well suited for simple cases, because they are easy to understand and allows efficient interactive development and debugging. For more complex cases, needing test separation or fixtures, is pytest the right choice.


Follow the existing coding style.

Python code should ahead to PEP8, and use Google-style docstrings.